The old man was so angry that he was beaten.

"Damn Hammer! What did you do to Ye!"

"Restore him to me!"

"Sword of Justice!"

"I tore my dream apart all night..."

Mihawk:... Come back!

Mihawk was furious! He didn't care if there was any singing, and slashed fiercely at the bow of the Warhammer.

"Kuzan! Stop him, Lance, turn the rudder, and run away!"

"Hey, Hammer-san, why me?"

"Nonsense, right? Exclusive?"

"I'll do it! Ice Age!!"

When Hammer mentioned the word exclusive, Kuzan immediately took action, and the whole person turned into ice and jumped up. The terrifying cold air instantly burst out and collided with Mihawk's slash.

"Hey, Mihawk, Hammer, you can't move. If you want to fight, I'll accompany you!"

Kuzan looked at Mihawk with a smile on his face.

The latter was furious at this time. He didn't care about being wanted for attacking the navy!

He now had only one idea, to chop off Hammer and let Ye recover!

But it was obvious that Kuzan couldn't let him do this.

The battle between the two started instantly.

The slash and ice intertwined, and the green light scattered.

At the same time, the battle was accompanied by a series of songs.

I tore a page from my dream

A rain wet the night

A page from the old phone was torn

Two people tried it all night

Cold you, cold tears, wet the night

Cold you, cold tears, wet the night

Kuzan:... I can't concentrate at all!

Mihawk:... I'm going crazy! Why so many nights!

Iron Hammer:... Because this song is called Tearing the Night...

"Kuzan, I'll give you the Jewel Ice. Call me if it works! I'm leaving!"

"Mihawk, I think Tearing the Night is quite suitable for you. Come on! Hahahaha!"

The Warhammer drove away for a distance, and Iron Hammer stretched his neck and shouted at the two people who were still fighting.

The two people who heard his voice stopped firing instantly.

Mihawk became even angrier, but he knew that without his domineering spirit, he could not take down the frozen man in front of him.

Instead, he was eroded by the cold air.

Kuzan was very excited. Such a young swordsman, this slash, taking advantage of his lack of domineering, bullying, awesome!

"Hmph! I'll remember you, Navy!"

Mihawk left a sentence angrily, then put away his sword and turned away.

Kuzan was left confused, not knowing what he meant by this.

After Mihawk had left, Kuzan also set sail again.



A few days later, the Grand Line, the first half.

"Oh my god! Can this be blamed on me?"

"I didn't know that bastard would do this?"

"No, old man Sengoku, you're going too far. Okay! You can do it! I guarantee that your exclusive weapon will be a once-in-a-lifetime series!"


Hang up the Den Den Mushi and threw the Den Den Mushi out with a hammer.

Seeing that the Den Den Mushi was about to fall into the sea, Lance flashed and caught it and took it back.

"No, Hammer, what happened? Why are you so angry?"

"You'll know soon. I guess the news bird is on the way!"

Hammer said this viciously, and then turned back to the forging room.

What to do when you're angry? Forge iron!

Shortly after the sound of Hammer's forging iron sounded, a news bird flew tremblingly above the Warhammer.

After being told by his predecessors, he knew that there was a demon on the silver-white warship below.

A pervert who specializes in hunting news birds for fun!

He must be careful!

As the newspaper fell, Lance took out a coin and threw it at the news bird.

The news bird caught the coin steadily, looked at Lance deeply, and then turned and left.

This look made Lance very uncomfortable, and he touched his face with a blank look.

Is he so scary? Why is a bird so afraid of him.

As Lance opened the newspaper, his eyes froze instantly.

"My God, this guy is really good."

The front page of the newspaper is Mihawk.

[High-profile announcement of himself as a navy hunter, Joracol Mihawk made a particularly shocking scene. ]

[What secrets do the young swordsman have with the navy? Why did he attack the navy? ]

[The slashing sounded hoarse? All signs point to the world-famous hammer! ]

"This Mihawk dared to hunt the navy? Young man, you don't know your place!"


Lance is definitely a qualified

As a soldier, he was very angry about Mihawk's behavior.

He even had the idea of ​​arresting Mihawk directly.

"It seems that the top brass is a little unhappy."

Shirley suddenly came to Lance and saw the news about Mihawk.

"Of course, after all, the hunting of the navy began after the encounter with Hammer."

"And, this matter was indeed caused by Hammer..."

At this point, Lance was speechless. Hammer's ability is good, but sometimes, it's better not to have it.

Hammer himself was helpless.

He knocked on the knife, who knew that it triggered such an outrageous attribute.

The key is that the owner of this knife is still a cold-tempered person, the kind that can't be joked with at all!




Sengoku looked at the Den Den Mushi that was hung up, and his beard was so angry that it stood up!

"This iron hammer! How dare he hang up on me!"

"When he comes back, I will feed him the shock wave!"

Since the last fight with Whitebeard, Zhan Guo's confidence has completely swelled. He and Zefa teamed up to beat Whitebeard.

He actually blasted the shock wave on Whitebeard's face.

At that time, he looked at Whitebeard with thick smoke, and he felt so happy.

Since then, he always wanted to send his shock wave to the enemy's face.

That taste is so spicy!

"He, what do you think about this?"

The old man Kong, who was sitting in the first seat, frowned. The sudden appearance of the navy hunter made him, the marshal, lose face.

Ms. He also looked serious at this time.

"This situation is very bad. In all these years, this is the first time that someone has so blatantly hunted the navy and called himself a navy hunter."

"I have asked Kuzan. It is true that Mihawk got angry because Iron Hammer tampered with his supreme sword Twelve Work Night after contacting him."

Old man Kong rubbed his head helplessly.

This Iron Hammer, isn't this just looking for trouble? Obviously, a newcomer with great potential was blasted to the opposite side by him.

Damn little bastard!


"Tsuru, you say there is no possibility, let this kid be a Shichibukai???"

Ms. Tsuru fell into deep thought after hearing this.

"No way, Marshal Kong, the World Government's requirement for the Shichibukai is that they must have strength and fame."

"Although this kid is quite powerful, he has no fame at all."

Zhan Guo made a rational analysis, but old man Kong didn't think so.

"Fame is not easy to deal with. Aren't there enough sword players in our navy?"

"Send a notice to all officers who play swords, and everyone should go to Mihawk to spar with him. If they win, they won't make a fuss, and if they lose, it doesn't matter."

"As long as they fight, I will go to Tiechui and let each of them have a chance to get the sword made by Tiechui?"

"Oh, right, Tang horizontal sword, Miao sword!"

"As long as we put enough pressure on this kid Mihawk and let him know that he will not get good results if he provokes the navy, he will definitely stop."

"Fame, at worst, our navy can feed him ourselves!"

"At that time, he will have to accept the invitation of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. In this way, he can complete the task and choose a good person. Kill two birds with one stone!"

It has to be said that the old ginger is still spicy.

The old man Kong's operation directly stunned Sengoku and Ms. Crane.

Sengoku: When did Marshal Kong have such a good brain? ? ?

Ms. Crane: .... If I say that he was led astray by Tiechui, do you believe it? Such a bad idea can be thought of...

Iron Hammer: ? ? ? ? No, why do you think everything is my fault? It's obviously the old man Kong who is evil!



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