The flames dyed the sky red.

But it was soon swallowed by the slash.

The slash swallowed the flames and lost its original power, and was casually smashed by the hammer with the air hammer.

At this moment, a shout rang out.

"Hammer! Come on! Beat him!"

It was Scarlett. In an instant, that different feeling surged into her heart, and the sight color was unconsciously activated. The excited look of the pink-haired loli made the hammer instantly MAX power.

"The last blow, John! Go to hell and repent!"

"Hammer Hammer Fruit! Full power!"

The terrifying hammer sound rang all over the sky.

John, who had just swung the slash and was recovering his strength, felt a sense of badness.

The whole person immediately entered a state of alert.

I saw Tiechui raise his hands to the sky, and countless hammering sounds spread from his hands.

The air was hammering, the wind was hammering, and the invisible hammering turned everything around him into hammering.

[Ding! Devil Fruit Development Level: 99%, about to break through! Please cheer for the host! ]

Assimilation, an awakened ability, especially the superhuman devil fruit, can use this ability to affect all the surrounding environment.

At this moment, Tiechui has initially mastered the assimilation ability, but has not yet reached the fruit awakening. It is not difficult to make people curious about what kind of novel ability will be triggered after the Hammer Hammer Fruit awakens.

But at present, the assimilation ability is in one place, with Tiechui as the center, and the hammering impact is everywhere.

At this time, Tiechui closed his eyes, and his mind was different.

He could clearly feel that his fruit ability affected everything around him.

Hammering, plasticity, assimilation, brought him a very profound feeling.

"Is this the cascade effect of abilities... My mind is clearer than ever before."

"Blacksmith, hammer..."

"Although hand forging is the essence, nothing is more direct and more terrifying than violent forging machines and hydraulic presses."

Suddenly, Iron Hammer opened his eyes sharply.

He stretched out his hands, one above and one below, in front of his chest.

He had already figured out how his next attack would unfold.

"Hammer! Plasticity! Assimilation!"

With a loud shout, the terrifying hammering began to surround Captain John.

In an instant, Captain John felt that the space and air around his body were completely solidified, and he was about to run.

But Iron Hammer didn't give him a chance at all.

"Hammer in all directions!"

The interference skills emerged again, and at the same time, Iron Hammer, who was using his ability at a high load, began to tremble, and a trace of pain appeared on his face.

But his eyes were still firm.

"Captain John, your time has long passed. Go down and reunite with your captain, Gibek!"

"Plasticity! Hydraulic press!!!"

In the crazy roar of the hammer.

A hydraulic press is a machine that uses liquid as a working medium to transfer energy to achieve various processes. In addition to forging and forming, hydraulic presses can also be used for correction, pressing, packaging, block pressing and plate pressing.

The hydraulic press created by the hammer does not use liquid as a power source, but uses hammering as a continuous source of power.

Under John's horrified eyes, a cylindrical device appeared above his head, and he was covered by hammering all around and could not move at all.

"Impossible! How can your ability be so exaggerated?"

Yes, it is indeed a bit exaggerated.

But the Hammer Hammer Fruit does not have the destructive power of the Tremor Tremor Fruit, nor the mobility and control of the Floating Fruit.

There is only an ordinary hammering, but under the will of the hammer amplified by Scarlett, the Hammer Hammer Fruit is breaking through in the control of the hammer.

Use hammering to form space compression to prevent the enemy from escaping.

Use hammering plasticity to create weapons with greater lethality and annihilate the enemy in one fell swoop.

At this time, the hammer created the most lethal hydraulic press.

Crush the enemy directly with terrifying power.

As the cylinder formed, the hammer began to feel severe pain all over his body.

But he still gritted his teeth and slowly gathered his hands to the middle.

The cylinder also began to press down on Captain John below.

"How can I repair it! I am Captain John, a great pirate! How can I be killed by a newcomer to the navy like you!"


Desperate situations always lead to breakthroughs.

Captain John raised his two swords suddenly. At this moment, he no longer held back, and all his domineering aura was poured into the swords.

The cylinder touched the two swords.

The next second, Captain John's face changed drastically. What did he feel?

Not pressure, not gravity.

What the cylinder transmitted to him through the two swords was

The impact force was stronger than the last one.

Yes, although it was called a hydraulic press, it was still a hammer and impact after all.

At the moment when John was surprised, the hydraulic press dropped rapidly.

The terrifying impact force made John's hands holding the sword begin to tremble unconsciously. The hammer that directly hit his body made him almost unable to hold the sword.


The fear of death instantly surged into Captain John's heart.

The miserable shout made everyone who was still fighting stop and look at the source of the sound unconsciously.

Tyrant, Scorpion.

Ghost Spider, Doberman.

Lance, Shirley.

King Riku and others.


Shock appeared on everyone's face, even Sakaski was a little surprised for a while.

He had never seen the hammer launch such an attack before, the fruit power was fully activated, completely regardless of the consequences, even if his face was red with pain, he was still using the power.

"It's been so many years, this is the first time I've seen Iron Hammer like this."

"Is it just for her..."

Sakaski looked at Scarlett, who was excited, with confusion and doubt on his face.

"Sine! Pay a heavy price for your actions!"

The last roar came from Iron Hammer's mouth.

The hydraulic press fell again.


Captain John's double swords began to shatter even if they were covered with Armament Haki.

The horrible hammer blows continued to shatter even if the Armament Haki was continuously dispersed.

When the double swords were completely shattered, the unwilling Captain John raised his hands to stop the hydraulic press from falling.

But the moment his hands touched the cylinder.


Pain! The hammer blows were transmitted to his body the moment they came into contact, causing him to scream in pain.

"Damn navy!"

"Wang Zhi, you bastard, it's all your fault! I curse that one day you will be pulled down from the altar by a junior and end up like me!"

John knew that he could not escape, and he put all his hatred on Wang Zhi who expelled him from Beehive Island.

Wang Zhi:... Damn, I was a shipmate after all, and you cursed me like this? ? ?

"You can't see it!"


The hydraulic press fell heavily.




The sound of bones breaking sounded instantly, and the terrifying hammering completely submerged John.

Corpse? In front of the full-power Hammer Hammer Fruit, you still want corpses?

Rocks Pirates, the great pirate Captain John, dead!



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