As the silver light rose into the sky, a surge of energy instantly swept across the entire Marinford.

Everyone's heart was shocked, and they looked towards the source of the energy unconsciously.

"It's ok for Tiechui, that bastard, not to attend the meeting, but he made such a big noise!"

"I have to make him pay!"

Old man Kong smashed the table in front of him fiercely.

How many times has this happened? How many times has this happened?

Tiechui caused an abnormal phenomenon in Marinford, and this time it happened to break out at the meeting he presided over.

"It's time to clean up the Hammer, but what is this silver light?"

"Why does it give me a feeling of concentration and calmness?"

Zhan Guo is one of the few people present who has a strong will, and since the silver light rose into the air and the aura swept through, he felt particularly calm.

"Huh? How is it possible!"

"My lungs...are all...okay..."

Old man Kong was still furious a second ago, but he slowly calmed down and the redness on his face faded.

"It's true..."

"Let's go, the meeting is over, let's go see what tricks the Hammer has done again."

Old man Kong was the first to announce the end of the meeting, and rushed towards the arsenal with a curious look on his face.

Zhan Guo and others were also curious, but this was a meeting after all.

Marshal Kong, is it appropriate for you to run away like this?

And this is the meeting you presided over...

Forget it, the new product created by the Hammer is more important.

Especially the emerging forces, led by Sakaski, all followed Marshal Kong's steps and walked out without hesitation.

These people more or less used weapons made by Iron Hammer, which were so powerful and powerful that they couldn't let go.

In the end, the whole room of people in the conference room ran away in an instant.

And at the door of the arsenal, someone had already been one step faster than them.

"My goodness, what is this?"

"Iron Hammer, are you okay?"

The person who came was Zefa, and he was still equipped with the Iron Fist.

Why did Zefa appear here? It has to start from when he was maintaining the Iron Fist.

This old man was wiping and wiping all day long.

Wipe with cloth, leather, and brush.

As a result, he accidentally used too much force and left marks on the surface of the Iron Fist, which made Zefa feel distressed.

The last time he fought with Whitebeard, he was covered with wounds from the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, and now he had new wounds. The old man was anxious.

He quickly equipped the Iron Wave Plus Fist and ran to the Arsenal.

But before he could find Iron Hammer, something strange happened.

He was the first to be enveloped by the silver light as he was the closest.

His original anxious mood was instantly calmed.

Instead, he was full of curiosity.

Now the entire Arsenal was enveloped by a silver light.

Outside the factory stood a lot of logistics personnel who were supposed to be forging iron.

These people were thrown out by Iron Hammer, and they stretched their necks to know what Iron Hammer had made.

"Huh? Zefa, you are the first to arrive?"

"Huh? Why are you wearing arm armor? Are you going to kill Iron Hammer?"

"No, you are still angry?"

The sturdy figure of the old man Kong did not affect his speed at all. He is definitely the first one who is still strong despite being old.

"Eh? Old man Kong, why are you here?"

"Damn? Why are you all here?"

"Didn't you say you were going to have a meeting? It's about Roger's pirate group."

Zeff turned around, and it was not just Old man Kong who was here, there were a bunch of people.

A closer look showed that almost everyone from brigadier generals to admirals had arrived.

The Iron Hammer made quite a commotion, and almost all the forces of the headquarters were gathered here.

"Hahaha, weren't you the first to arrive?"

"You still have the nerve to talk about us?"

Looking at Garp with a sly look on his face, Zephyr seemed to hit him in the face with his Iron Wave Fist.

You deserve a beating!

"I came to repair my arm armor. It was already damaged in the last battle with Whitebeard, but when I wiped it two days ago, I found that the scar was even bigger."

Zeff would never say that he didn't fix it properly and made the scar bigger. It's too embarrassing.

"Tsk, you guys with exclusive weapons are so annoying!"

"Isn't that right, Sengoku!"

Garp's eyes turned red as he looked at the majestic Iron Wave Fist.

In order to avoid being alone, he immediately pulled up his good friend Sengoku.

"Okay, Garp, my exclusive is on the way, haha."

"In the future

You are the only one who is jealous! "

Zhan Guo stroked his beard, very happy. Although he offended Tie Chui many times, he felt that he had successfully saved himself in Tie Chui's mind with his extraordinary wisdom.

In one word: exclusive is guaranteed!

"So, what is the situation now?"

Old man Kong felt that the topic was getting further and further away, so he quickly ended it and let the topic return to reality.

"I don't know. The whole arsenal was covered by silver light, and I didn't dare to enter rashly."

Zefa's expression was a little serious. Although he felt that the silver light was harmless, he didn't dare to enter rashly without knowing the specific situation.

After all, he was the first victim of the absolute space, and he didn't want to do it again.

"I can't feel the breath of Tie Chui at all when I dig inside."

"Humph, you made such a big noise, is he missing?"

"Su Ge! Tie Chui is really powerful. This kind of momentum is worthy of being my best friend! "

The red, yellow and blue trio spoke in turn.

But Borsalino's words startled everyone present.

Those with observation Haki quickly released their Haki to explore the arsenal.

As a result, everyone was shocked.


There was no Hammer's breath in the arsenal...

Now Zefa was anxious.

"Hammer! Are you in there!"

Suddenly Zefa felt that this scene was familiar, except that it was Hammer that blew up the arsenal last time.

And this time, it was an unknown situation.

Alas, this bastard, he blows himself up and buries himself for no reason.

If it doesn't work, let him leave the headquarters, otherwise sooner or later he will blow up the headquarters.

This idea is not only shared by Zefa.

Zhan Guo and Old Man Kong both have this feeling.

After all, Hammer's ability is really special. If it develops in a good way, it's okay, but if it develops in a bad way, it will not be soft to pit itself.

Suddenly, the silver light began to converge , gradually integrated into the arsenal.

Until the silver light completely disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

It was just that the arsenal was silent, so silent that it made people panic.

[Ding, the development of the devil fruit is 100%! Awakened! ]

A system prompt sound suddenly sounded.

The Hammer Hammer Fruit of the Hammer Hammer finally awakened!

However, even if the system prompt sound appeared, there was still no movement of the Hammer.

This is a bit unbelievable!



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