The old man was very happy.

"From your appearance, you should have an idea in mind."

Sakyamuni noticed that Tiechui's mouth corners were slightly raised, and couldn't help but tease.

"Well, I have some ideas, but if I want to carry out the specifics, I have to wait for a few months."

The cooling period is not bad, and forging is in vain.

It's better to take a good rest for a while.

"Iron Hammer, I wonder if the next exclusive weapon will be mine?"

"After all, I've been waiting for a long time."

The wretched voice of Monkey Brother sounded from behind Tiechui, and Tiechui felt his whole body tremble instantly.

It has to be said that Borsalino's wretched tone is extremely lethal, and it makes people feel goose bumps all over.

"Brother Monkey, you have to know that Sengoku is our boss~"

"So? Should I be ranked behind Sengoku-san?"

Faced with Iron Hammer's words, Monkey Brother acted very unconcerned.

"I know that you have already made Kuzan's exclusive weapon. It's a pity that we are still good brothers who have been struggling in the same dormitory, and you actually made me wait until the end."

Iron Hammer: .... So this is the reason why you stole the snacks and fruits I put in the dormitory?

"Wait, anyway, the next exclusive will take more than two months. Last time I made a weapon for Kuzan, my ability was over-consumed, resulting in a period of time when I couldn't use it."

Borusalino: ? ? ?

Shakya: ? ? ?

Is there a saying that this devil fruit is overused?

More strange knowledge.

"Dr. Vegapunk, I want to stay in Punk Hazard for a while to improve the weapons. I wonder if you allow it?"

In Iron Hammer's opinion, even if he can't use his ability to forge, he can use this time to improve the weapons on the Warhammer.

Punk Hazard is undoubtedly the best place.

The combination of technology and forging makes Tiechu very interested.

"Although I really want you to stay in Punk Hazard, I'm sorry, this may not be possible."


Faced with Shakya's refusal, Tiechu was a little confused. It stands to reason that he is a vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters, and it should be fine even if he stays here.

"Yes, Tiechui-san, you can't stay here this time."

"As for why, why don't you guess?"

Monkey brother also rejected Tiechu's idea, which made Tiechu feel a little bad instantly.

"Could it be that something happened at the headquarters after I went out to sea?"

"Old man Kong or old man Zhan Guo?"

It has to be said that Tiechu's intuition is still very accurate.

The first thing he thought of when something happened was that the headquarters was on fire.

"It was the Celestial Dragons. Nine Celestial Dragons, led by Izambaron V. Olyssa, went to Marinford and had a face-to-face conversation with Marshal Kong."

"As for the content of the conversation, of course it was you, Vice Admiral Iron Hammer."

Iron Hammer:! ? ?

What the hell, the Celestial Dragons went to Marinford?

Oh my god, it's a good thing that I ran fast, otherwise I would have been blocked at home by the Celestial Dragons.

"Dr. Vegapunk is right. Although the headquarters is very happy to have captured the Golden Lion, the matter of the Celestial Dragons is still very serious."

"So, Iron Hammer-san, I can only ask you to return to the headquarters."

Monkey's eyes were full of teasing, which made Iron Hammer so angry.

What? I was favored by the Celestial Dragons, are you happy? Damn! Dead monkey!

"Then I ask for more weapons and ammunition, is that okay?"

I finally came here, I'd feel sorry for myself if I didn't take something away.

"Take whatever you want. Anyway, the recent mission has been completed. I have no objection to taking all the rest."

Look, what is rich and powerful? This is rich and powerful. If these guns and artillery produced by Punk Hazard were placed outside, they would definitely be something that people would go crazy to grab.

But in Vegapunk's mouth, it was just a pile of broken copper and iron. Tsk, tsk, there is no comparison.

Crazy purchase mode begins.

Whether it is a gun, a cannon or a bomb, Iron Hammer will take them all away.

Monkey Brother's mouth twitched as he watched from the side.

But who is Iron Hammer? Iron Flayer is known for plucking feathers from passing geese, and he has no intention of letting go of the weapons and equipment he got.

In a short while, the ammunition and weapons on the Warhammer were expanded.

From small flintlock rifles to large howitzers, everything is available.

After the looting, Iron Hammer sailed away with great satisfaction and set off on the road back to Marinford.



A few days later, Marinford.


, the Celestial Dragons are here to rob me?"

Tietsuji looked at the three old officers of the Navy with horror.

Old Kong rubbed his head, Zhan Guo ate senbei, and Ms. He drank tea.

"Well... Although it has been rejected by Marshal Kong, I feel that the Celestial Dragons have not stopped thinking about you. Tiechui, you are now a treasure in the eyes of the Celestial Dragons."

"Even the Five Elders have intervened."

Listening to Zhan Guo's words, Tiechui suddenly felt a headache.

"No, I'm just a blacksmith. Why do these Celestial Dragons like me?"

"Hey, hey, hey, life is full of surprises."

"I tell you, old Zhan Guo, I am a diligent and good navy. You can't let the Celestial Dragons take me away, otherwise it will be the headquarters that suffers! "

Iron Hammer had a headache when he thought of Marijoa, so it was Old Man Kong who went there himself several times later.

And the things promised to the Five Elders were also taken away by CP0 Stussy.

Iron Hammer had not been in contact with the Celestial Dragons for a long time.

I thought I could get out of the sight of the Celestial Dragons, but who would have thought that because of Whitebeard's incident, Iron Hammer's reputation in Marijoa would rise to the top.

He became a person known to every Celestial Dragon.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't want to go, I guarantee that no one can send you to Marijoa."

Old Man Kong expressed his position in a firm voice.

"Okay! Marshal Kong, as expected..."

"Look at my efforts, do you have any idea about my exclusive weapon?"

Well, Bai was excited, and he knew that this old guy would not be so simple.

"You'd better let me go to Marijoa!"

"I won't worry about food and drink there, and my safety is guaranteed!"

"Humph! "

Old Kong was instantly grabbed by the neck, and he didn't make a sound for a long time.

"Okay, you two, stop fighting."

"Iron Hammer, the Celestial Dragons are not a problem, but you have dealings with Mary Joa after all, so you still have to be careful."

"You know what kind of people they are."

Ms. Crane ended the conversation between Iron Hammer and Old Kong.

Faced with Ms. Crane's words, Iron Hammer nodded.

He just wanted to cheat the Celestial Dragons of their money, but he didn't want to get involved with that group of people at all.

"By the way, Ouli Sheng also brought you a lot of good forging materials."

"I rarely see Celestial Dragons being so generous."

"I have to say, you did succeed in attracting their attention. "

Oh? You brought a gift, didn't you?

This is great news!

Tiechui's eyes lit up when he heard this.



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