After a few days, the Warhammer finally returned to the Marine Headquarters in Marinford.

The first thing he did after returning was to inform old man Zhan Guo that he would meet him in the Marshal's office.

"Lance, come with me to meet old man Kong and Zhan Guo. Shirley, please arrange the supply work for the Warhammer. There is no need to unload the Sky Island Shell and Iron Cloud. I estimate that we will have to set sail in a few days."

"Gion, Kaji, I will ask old man Kong about your next task, whether to continue to follow me or do something else."

After saying this, Iron Hammer pulled Lance towards the headquarters building.

Everyone had no doubts about his taking Lance to meet the top management.

After all, Lance is now a Thunder Fruit user, and reporting it will be very helpful for Lance's future naval career.

But Tiechui doesn't think so.

When he came to the marshal's office, Tiechui pushed the door open and walked in.

"Old man Kong, old man Zhan Guo, I'm back."

"Oh, Chief of Staff Crane is here too."

"It's really the three old men."

Looking at the three senior executives in the office, Tiechui walked to the sofa very skillfully and sat down, while Lance behind him saluted the three old cadres one by one very seriously.

"Colonel Lance, no need to be polite."

"Tiechui, what's the big deal that you're rushing us to have a meeting?"

Old man Kong waved his hand to let Lance relax a little, and then asked Tiechui very unhappily.

Tiechui didn't care about Old man Kong's attitude.

Who knows if this old man has a second menopause attack, so he won't get into trouble.

"I came back for two things this time. The first thing is, Lance."

When they heard that the matter was about Tiechui's subordinates, the three elders showed a trace of doubt.

Then they began to look at Lance, not understanding what was wrong with Tiechui's first mate.

"Lance, don't stand there, show it."

Seeing Lance standing there like a piece of wood, Tiechui couldn't help but urge him.

There are other things later, why is this little brother so unwise.

Lance nodded, and then stretched out his right hand.

The next second, the lightning lit up, and his whole arm turned into blue lightning.


Old man Kong: !!!

Warring States: !!!

Crane: !!!

"Thunder Fruit!"

The three elders stood up at the same time and shouted in unison.

Lance slowly retracted his ability, and the eyes of the three elders were full of shock.

Lance and the others knew each other. Although he was a student of the first elite training camp, his strength was not that strong, otherwise he would not have been arranged to be Tiechui's adjutant. After all, under the brilliance of the three monsters, Sakaski, Polsaruno and Tiechui, the others were not good enough.

But after not seeing him for a few years, he has become a natural ability user, and a powerful fruit like the Thunder Fruit.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Thunder Fruit is definitely the pinnacle of the natural devil fruit, a perfect devil fruit that combines speed, attack, and control.

"Tiechui, where have you been during this period? How could you find the Thunder Fruit?"

Zhan Guo and Ms. Crane immediately set their sights on Tiechui, and Zhan Guo even asked.

After all, Lance had not taken the devil fruit before, but this time he became a capable person with Tiechui's return from the sea. If Tiechui did not contribute, Zhan Guo would have cut his afro!

"Old Sengoku, how can you be so sure that Lance's eating of the fruit has something to do with me?"

"Can't you just pick it up from the street like Monkey King?"

Iron Hammer looked so nagging that Sengoku wanted to send a shockwave to his face.

"Hurry up, Iron Hammer!"

Even Old Kong couldn't help but speak at that.

"Sky Island, I led the team to Sky Island during this period."

Hearing the word Sky Island, the three old men became serious instantly.

"No wonder I couldn't contact you, it turns out you went to the sky."

"The Thunder Fruit was also discovered on Sky Island?"

Faced with Sengoku's questioning, Iron Hammer nodded.

"Not only that, I also had Roger cut me twice, of course I have to thank Roger, otherwise I wouldn't be able to find the Thunder Fruit."

After that, Iron Hammer told about his encounter with Roger's pirate group, and also explained the process of obtaining the Thunder Fruit later.

"Hmph, the damn Roger Pirates actually ran to Sky Island."

"By the way, Iron Hammer, how do you feel about facing Roger's domineering color?"

Zhan Guo was angry at first, then his face changed, and he looked at Iron Hammer in a very playful way.

Iron Hammer recalled that

The devastating slash of the domineering slash hit the God Avoidance, and his whole body trembled.

If possible, he never wanted to face such an attack again.

"Old Zhan Guo, don't play tricks on me. I tell you, you are not Roger's opponent in the domineering aspect."

"Look at his God Avoidance, and then look at your shock wave that can only glow. How dare you say that you have the domineering color domineering aura??"

Who is Tiechui? The toughest mouth in his body, facing Zhan Guo's saliva, he fought back mercilessly!

"Ahem! Little ghost, let's go! Don't say anything! Let's fight! I'll show you if my domineering color can beat you to shit!"

Zhan Guo was so angry. This bastard Tiechui actually dared to look down on him Zhan Guo. It's unforgivable!

"Hmph! I won't fight you. Hurry up. Lance should be promoted in this situation?"

"The Thunder Fruit, isn't the position of Colonel too low?"

Yes, Tiechui came to ask for a promotion for Lance. After all, he has followed him for many years, so he must be taken care of.

"Well, promote him, temporarily set him as brigadier general. After all, Lance has been following you for many years and has made many military achievements."

"Whatever, just get promoted. Anyway, Lance is still my first mate. Don't transfer him away."

Promotion is promotion, but the first mate cannot be less. Tiechui will not let him go honestly.

"Asshole Tiechui, does the user of the Thunder Fruit have to follow you around?"

"Are you shameless?"

Zhan Guo exploded instantly. In his opinion, as long as Lance does not slack off, he is at least a top-level lieutenant general.

How can such a talent always follow Tiechui!

We must go to the sea to fight crime and improve our strength!

"Hmph, why can't you follow me? I'm telling you, I'm planning to turn Lance, Shirley, and Tina into a steel army."

"Lightning, shields, spears, and me, Tie-Mr."

"Oh my god! Just thinking about it makes me feel awesome!"

Isn't this exactly like Sinbad's warrior Thor! From now on, I'll kill anyone who stands in my way!

I'll just turn into a hammer, and leave the fighting to Lance! No problem!

Zhan Guo was so angry that he was out of breath, and he felt like his lungs were about to explode.

"Calm down, old Zhan Guo, don't be angry, I'm telling you, I've got an idea about your exclusive."

"And I got a lot of treasures on Sky Island, be careful not to get angry to death, and the exclusive weapon will fall into the hands of the monkey."

Zhan Guo was about to get angry to death, but when he heard Tie Hammer mention the word exclusive, his anger instantly disappeared.

A touch of excited smile instantly appeared on his face.



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