The desert has disappeared, replaced by a piece of ice and shining glass.

When Tiechui arrived and saw the desert turned into glass, his mouth couldn't stop twitching.

"I said you two, fight if you want, why destroy other people's desert like this??"

The two people who caused all this were eating a lot at this time.

When they saw Tiechui coming, they stretched out their hands to invite him to eat together.

This made Tiechui angry. If the Alabasta royal family knew about this, they would have to report them.

At that time, they would have to be criticized by the old man of the Warring States.

"Stop eating! You two bastards!"

"Look at what you two have done!"

It exploded, the Hammer completely exploded.

The invisible domineering color rose instantly, directly giving the two a wave of physical cooling.

Seeing that the Hammer was angry, Lance quickly swallowed the food in his mouth and winked at Kuzan.

Kuzan instructed and quickly stood up and came to the Hammer.

"Ah, Hammer-san, don't be angry."

"After all, we are both natural ability users, and we will cause some damage."

It would have been better if he didn't say this. After Kuzan finished speaking, Lance covered his eyes.

The Hammer narrowed his eyes.

"Oh? Really?"

"Asshole! Tell my hammer!"

"Vibration hammer!"


The atmosphere shattered instantly, and the terrifying vibration force exploded directly in front of Kuzan.


Feeling the sudden vibration force, Kuzan was shocked and quickly transformed into an element.

The terrifying vibration force erupted at such a close distance, and Kuzan turned into ice chips in an instant.

Without waiting for Kuzan to recover, Tiechui looked at Lance coldly.

"Uh, don't look at me, Tiechui, I didn't mean it."

"I just took the power and couldn't control it well. This can't be blamed on me. It's all Kuzan's fault."

In order to save his life, Lance threw Kuzan out to take the thunder.

Lance is still very clear about the principle of "a friend dies rather than a poor Taoist".

"Damn, Senior Lance, you are so unkind. You turned into a thunder beast first, so I learned to change."

"Obviously you destroyed more!"

Kuzan, who turned into a human again, didn't expect Lance to sell him out like this, and he quickly retorted for a while.

"Stop it, Kuzan. Be brave enough to admit your mistakes and try to get lenient treatment."

"What are you talking about! Lance, I think you need to cool down!"

The two began to shirk responsibility in front of Tiechui.

Tiechui was so annoyed by the quarrel.

"Two bastards! Shut up!"

"Armament! Air Hammer!"

"Duang!" "Duang!"

Each of them fired an Armament Haki, and the world was instantly quiet.

The price was a big bag on each of their heads, which looked very funny.

"Okay, Kuzan, I'm too lazy to talk to you. Anyway, I'll leave soon."

"This is yours, take it away, I don't want to see you anymore."

"As for the Alabasta royal family, hold on. If the old man Zhan Guo dares to make trouble for me, I will chase you and beat you up!"

Tiechui took out Kuzan's exclusive weapon: Ice Ruyi in a sinister way.

The moment he saw Ruyi, Kuzan's eyes lit up.

Ignoring Tiechui's threat, he quickly ran to Tiechui and took Ruyi and looked at it carefully.

"What is this? It looks so powerful, Tiechui-san! I love you so much!"

"Hanbing transforms into Yu Ruyi!

The materials are made with your help: Gemstone Iceberg, Ice Crystal, Mithril and Black Hammer.

The properties are: Frozen Air Amplification and Creation. You can create objects made of Hanbing according to your thoughts. And it is practical.

There are three commands, representing three objects and three different abilities.

Ruyi Ruyi: Summon a bicycle, which has super fast speed, self-repair ability, and Hanbing The spray state can be activated again after the combination, but there is some loss.

According to my heart: Summoning dungarees, black dungarees, well, they are exclusive to Brother Ji, absolutely exclusive. After wearing them, the current mood doubles, and they have super strong defense and autonomous defense. They can generate sonic attacks to resist incoming attacks.

Quickly show up: Summoning frozen balls, the main means of attack, greatly enhances the strength of ice attributes, and exceeds the absolute zero of absolute zero! It is estimated that no one except Kuzan can use it. "

After listening to the introduction of the hammer, Kuzan was instantly stunned.

Bicycle? Back

Wear pants? Why does this feel so unreliable?

"No, Tiechui-san, do you really want me to ride a bicycle? I thought you were just joking."

Tiechui looked at Kuzan, who was in grief, and his face did not change.

"I keep my word. When I am promoted to the Minister of Logistics, you can say goodbye to your warship."

"The bicycle will be your means of transportation in the future, and you, Kuzan-san, have such strong strength that it is no problem to go to sea alone."

Kuzan instantly felt bad.

How did this offend Tiechui? Alas, what should I do?

Forget it, at least I am a person with exclusive weapons.

Thinking of exclusive weapons, Kuzan felt a little more comfortable.

He quickly raised Hanbing Ruyi.

"Ruyi Ruyi!"

As the first command was shouted.

Hanbing Ruyi instantly emitted a blue light.

Soon a 28-bar bicycle with an ice blue body appeared in front of everyone.

Except for Tiechui, everyone looked at the bicycle in front of them with shock.

"Damn! It really can summon a bicycle! Kuzan, you're lucky!"

Lance looked at the ice-blue bicycle, and there was only one word in his mind: So cool!

Even Kuzan thought the bicycle in front of him was a bit cool.

"Wow! So cool, I've decided, I'll ride it from now on!"

Kuzan couldn't wait to get on the horse, oh no, get on the bike.

"What's the second command, eh?"

"Oh, yes! According to my heart!"

"Awoo! I'm the most handsome guy on this street!!!!"

"Sing and dance! RAP!"

As the blue light lit up again, Kuzan became excited, chanting slogans that only Tiechui could understand.

Even Tiechui, who was still angry, couldn't hold it back after hearing this familiar Ji Ge slogan!

"Hahahaha! Ji Ge! It's Ji Ge!!"

The blue light disappeared, and Kuzan had completely changed his appearance.

Three meters tall, wearing black overalls, he looks very frivolous.

"Oh oh oh! Cheknao!"

"Iron Hammer-san! I feel like I'm going to burn!"

"I think I can beat ten Sengoku-sans!"

Sengoku: ??? Damn, come here and try, I'll feed you a shock wave!

Looking at the emotional Kuzan, Iron Hammer knew that this was the emotional ability of the overalls.

"The last sentence! Show your power quickly!"

The last blue light lit up again.

A round ball with ice blue patterns appeared in Kuzan's hands instantly.

Kuzan, who took the ball, immediately dribbled under his crotch, which made Iron Hammer laugh out loud!

The chicken brother of One Piece! He Iron Hammer is so talented!



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