The battle was very simple, and the little people's fighting style was extremely simple, that is, relying on high-speed movement and its unique brute force.

Blitzkrieg, fight and run.

It looks very rogue, but it is very useful. After all, the little people are too small to be discovered, so it is perfect for surprise attacks.

Looking at Zefa who was having fun, Tiechui smiled slightly.

This is the feeling he wants, so that Zefa can stay in the G88 branch steadily.

The elderly should look like they are elderly. The young ones have become talents, and the old ones naturally have to rest.

Of course, the old cadres in the headquarters should still work steadily, because they are in better shape than each other.

"Shirley, Tiger Head and the others will be trained by Teacher Zefa recently."

"You and I are going to go to sea."

Shirley was slightly surprised. Iron Hammer was going to sea again?


"No, what's that look in your eyes? Why can't I go to sea?"

"Besides, who told you that I was going to sail? We have Cloud Armor now, isn't it good to fly?"

Looking at Shirley's playful eyes, even the thick-skinned Iron Hammer couldn't stand it and hurriedly made up for himself.

"Finally there is a new Cloud Armor?"

"Great, mine! Mine!"

Thinking of the diverse abilities of the Cloud Armor, Shirley secretly rejoiced.

During this period, Iron Hammer has a lot of equipment, but the Cloud Armor has the least output, so he only made one.

The main reason is that it takes too much time to forge the Iron Cloud.

"Yours, yours. Anyway, we only made one. You and Tina can divide it among yourselves."

"By the way, where is Tina?"

Suddenly, Tiechui found that among all the people present, only his little apprentice Tina was missing.


"She worked hard. She realized the Observation Haki yesterday, but she couldn't adapt to it for a while. Her head was about to explode. Finally, she fainted. Now she is still in the infirmary."

Speaking of Tina, Shirley couldn't help but smile.

A teenager who awakened the Observation Haki can be said to have a bright future.

"Is that so? Has the Haki been awakened?"

"Then wait until she wakes up and throw her to Zefa teacher for training."

Tiechui was still very satisfied with Tina. The forging technology has taken shape, her personal strength has also grown steadily, and the development of the superhuman-type Kankan fruit is also very outstanding. The future achievements will definitely far exceed the original.

"But, Tiechui, where are you going?"


Shirley was startled and looked at Tiechui in disbelief.

Zou? The hometown of the fur tribe.

"Okay, when do we leave?"

Shirley was still very interested in Zou, after all, it was the hometown of every fur tribe.

"Let's leave in two days. Teacher Zefa has just arrived, so we have to have two days of peace."

While they were talking, the battle between Gangan and Zefa was over.

Even though Gangan is the strongest warrior of the dwarf tribe, Zefa is a navy with the strength of an admiral.

In the end, Gangan was subdued by Zefa with one hand.

"Awesome! Is this the admiral of the navy?"

"Teach me! I also want to be as powerful as you to protect the Kingdom of Tontata!"

Looking at Gangan with an excited face, Zefa laughed.

Having motivation, goals, and a desire to protect, isn't this the best navy!

This trip to the G88 branch was not in vain, the little hammer is a good kid.

"Okay! I will train you strictly! Let you become a powerful navy!"

"Hahaha! Kung Fu sea cow over there, your name is Tiger Head, right? I see you have been rubbing your hands for a long time, do you want to try it too?"

The two Tiger Heads on the side were all rubbing against each other, and their eyes were full of fighting spirit.

"Ah! Woo!"

A roar full of fighting spirit made Zefa laugh again.

"Come on! Let me see your strength!"

Then he took a stance and prepared to test the strength of the Kung Fu sea cow in front of him.

Tiger Head's fists suddenly showed armed color domineering, and hardened instantly.

This move made Zefa secretly amazed, thinking: Tiechui is right, this is a group of Kung Fu sea cows who have mastered domineering.

Tiger Head suddenly jumped up, and his fists covered with armed color domineering suddenly slammed towards Zefa.

Zefa dodged sideways.

Tiger Head's punch landed heavily on the ground.


A big hole appeared instantly, which made Tiechui very angry.

"Tiger Head! Don't hit the ground! You have to fill as many holes as I make! Don't let me bury you!"

This is Tie's branch! How can he

Such destruction! Too much!

Tiger Head's face, which was full of fighting spirit, collapsed instantly, and he looked at Tiechui with a wronged look.

"There's no point in being wronged! Hit upwards! Don't hit the ground!"

But Tiechui would not tolerate him, so Tiger Head could only humbly accept the reality.

But he quickly adjusted himself and entered the fighting state again.

No matter whether he fills the hole or not, just finish the fight first!

Because the resentment brought by the punishment turned into strength.

The two small fists burst out with unimaginable power.

"Not bad! He has mastered the domineering very well, but he lacks a little combat experience."


Facing Tiger Head who launched a bombardment-like boxing, Zefa grinned, disappeared in front of him with a shave, and then appeared behind Tiger Head.

Just when Zefa wanted to end the battle, an incredible scene appeared.

Originally thought that he could confuse Tiger Head with speed, but who would have thought that Tiger Head would not be fooled at all.

Both fists hit the ground at the same time, and with a loud bang, the whole body of the bull bounced up directly with the help of the reaction force.

"Hmm? Can you still deal with it like this? Not bad!"

Zeff was more and more satisfied with Tiger Head's reaction, but he still decided to end the battle.

The same armed color domineering covered Zefa's right hand.

"Ah! Woo!"

After a scream, Tiger Head's eyes were full of white circles and he fainted.

"Hehe, the attack power is good, but the defense power is poor."

Looking at Tiger Head who was knocked out by Zefa's punch, Tiechui and others showed sympathy.

Especially Tiechui, who was beaten by Zefa many times, that was the fist of Black Wrist Zefa.

Although he didn't use his full strength, it was still very painful, poor Tiger Head.

"Hahaha! Not bad! Tiechui, I'm very satisfied with what you have here!"

"By the way, you have a bar here. I tell you, if there's no alcohol or cigarettes, I'll get mad!"

Seeing that Zefa was very satisfied, Tiechui felt relieved and laughed.

"Old man, I tell you, I'm next to Dressrosa."

"A great country of gourmet food!"

"Just tell us what you want to eat. I guarantee you'll be satisfied, and the alcohol is ready for you."

"As for cigarettes, you'd better stop smoking. You have asthma, and you still smoke?"

At the end, Tiechui ruthlessly cut off Zefa's desire to smoke.

Zefa didn't care. Anyway, there was alcohol to drink.



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