The sky was full of fog, and the sky was full of fog.

As the absolute space was lifted, Shirley felt her body lighten and regained her ability to move.

Having gotten rid of the frenzy, she felt the strong power in her body and felt very comfortable.

She exerted force on her feet and jumped high.

Shirley, who was thought to be just jumping, took off into the air.

She was so scared that she quickly tried to balance herself, but she was surprised to find that she really flew up.

Tangka walked forward slowly, looked up at Shirley in the air, and said lightly: "The Moon Lion can greatly improve the physical ability and the ability of electric current. If you fully master it, you can fly into the air, but it will consume a lot of physical strength."

Shirley was surprised after hearing this. After all, this is direct flight, which is different from stepping on the moon. Then she spread her body and shuttled freely in the air. The black and white hair danced in the air with her, which was dazzling.

"Shirley's strength is really strong. Even for me, it took a lot of time to deal with the frenzy of the Moon Lion. For this, I was beaten by Yuan Lao."

Tangka looked at Shirley in the air and couldn't help but sigh.

This caused Yuan Lao to laugh.

However, this remark attracted Tiechui's attention.

He had learned about Tangka's strength through Shirley, two-color domineering, and advanced domineering.

He was beaten by Yuan Lao, the white ape old man, when he was transformed into a Moon Lion?

Is this old man so strong?

Perhaps sensing Tiechui's doubts, Yuan Lao smiled at him.

"Old King, it seems that you are the strongest warrior of Zou?"

Yuan Lao's strength did arouse Tiechui's curiosity.

"Humph, of course, every king of the Furry Principality is the strongest in the entire kingdom."

Tangka was very dissatisfied with Tiechui's remarks.

Yuan Lao didn't care at all, just continued to smile.

"Hey, I'm old, there are many powerful warriors in the new generation, and the Furry Principality will still need them to support it."

"Does the old king know Inuarashi and Cat Viper?"

Tiechui suddenly changed his tone and asked a question.

Inuarashi and Cat Viper are the two future kings of the Furry Principality. Although they have not returned yet, considering the good stuff like Star Iron, Tiechui is going to take action again.

"Hmm... the two little guys who went to sea together a long time ago?"

"I heard that they followed the Kozuki family of Wano Country, didn't they?"

Old Yuan stroked his white beard and fell into memories.

They were just two little kids, no wonder the old man could still remember them.

"Yes, they should be in Wano Country now."

"By the way, is the Furry Principality really allied with Wano Country, old man?"

Iron Hammer now really wants to know the relationship between Zou and Wano Country, after all, it affects his plan to occupy Zou.

Yuan Lao and Tangka were silent, and then Tangka said in a very heavy tone:

"Although I don't know where you know this, it is true that the Fur Tribe has a close connection with Wano Country."

"No matter how we oppose war and humans, once Wano Country is in trouble, we will still get involved."

It turns out to be true. The relationship between the Fur Tribe and Wano Country seems to have been determined a long time ago...

But from Tangka's tone, it seems that he doesn't like Wano Country very much...

Maybe it's an opportunity. Thinking of this, Tiechui's eyes lit up instantly.

"Hehehe... Lieutenant General Tiechui, what are you looking at?"

Yuan Lao, who noticed Tiechui's emotions, covered his mouth and laughed.

Tiechui was embarrassed at this moment, thinking: This old man is really observant, did he see all this?

"To be honest, old man, Wano Country is suffering a great disaster now."

"Kaido of the Beasts has occupied there and ruled Wano Country together with the Kurozumi family."

"As far as I know, Kozuki Oden has returned to Wano Country, and he is probably fighting Kaido now. As for Inuarashi and Nekomamushi under Kozuki Oden, I don't need to say much."

Tsk, if those two guys come back, they will definitely become the two kings of Zou as in the future.

Although I don't know why a strong man like Yuan Lao would let Xian, since Tie is here, he has to change this matter.

The fur tribe is such a good race, how can they be led by two pitfalls to jump into the fire pit?

Wano Country? Go away.

Seeing the two people silent, Tiechui spoke again.

"Captain Tangka seems to dislike Wano Country very much?"

"Can you tell me why?"

Tangka raised his head slightly, and his eyes were filled with

Full of entanglement.

It seemed that Wano Country brought him a lot of negative energy.

And his next words were indeed as Tiechui thought.

"I have been to Wano Country..."

Hearing Tangka speak, Yuan Lao's face froze and he no longer smiled.

"As a result, they were chased as monsters. They had long forgotten the oath with the fur tribe..."


In just one sentence, Tangka expressed the bitterness and anger in his heart.

Tiechui nodded silently, thinking: Not only you, look at Inuarashi and Cat Viper, if they hadn't met Kozuki Oden, they would have been burned to death by the villagers of Wano Country...

"Such a country is not worth the blood of my Zou warriors..."

"At least I think so..."

"If there really is a day when Wano Country uses a covenant to bind me, then I would rather leave my hometown and wander the sea..."

This is what Tiechui said to the heart, go to the sea is good, go directly to my G88 branch, at least a lieutenant general combat power, beautiful.

"Old King, do you think so too?"

Tiechui threw the question to Yuan Lao again.

Yuan Lao looked serious, looked at Tangka deeply, and then nodded.

"Alliance is an alliance, but if Wano Country cannot respect Zou, then they don't deserve the help of the Mink Tribe."

"Vice Admiral Iron Hammer, what are your plans? You said that you want to get Zou's help and want to recruit some warriors to join the navy with you?"

"What do you want to do?"

Well, this old fox played Tai Chi and threw the question back to Iron Hammer.

But this time Iron Hammer did not evade the question, but straightened his chest and explained it very confidently.

"My G88 branch is in Greenbit."

"It is close to the New World power Dressrosa and has cooperative exchanges with the royal family. It has sufficient funds. As for the personnel, although there are only 1,000 people, they are all strong generals."

"Among them are Kung Fu Navy and Dwarf Tribe."

"My goal is very clear. Establish my own team in the New World and pursue the ultimate forging while ensuring safety."

Simple and clear, combat power and funds are all available.

Tangka and Yuan Lao looked at each other after listening, and then looked at Iron Hammer, their eyes full of shock.

How dare a navy be so bold?

How dare they openly cooperate with the world's member states? And want to establish a separate entity?



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