The two sides of the battle were in chaos.

"Iron Hammer, do you really want me to intervene?"

"If the World Government finds out that you are here, do you know what you will face?"

Drager is not afraid, because he has already stood on the opposite side of the World Government, and has made it his mission to overthrow the rule of the Celestial Dragons.

But Iron Hammer is not like that, he is still a navy, and a thriving navy.

"Tsk, as a navy, am I not still supporting you, the leader of the thieves?"

"In a word, help or not."

Iron Hammer is too lazy to talk nonsense with Dragon, it's not that he doesn't have a candidate, but Dragon is the most suitable.

"Help, of course."

"But how do you want me to help?"

"Should we rescue the archaeological team first? Or go directly to O'Hara?"

Drag knew the temper of Iron Hammer very well, and he didn't ask when he didn't want to say more.

Anyway, what Iron Hammer did was indeed crossing the line. Just the fact that he funded him to create the revolutionary army was enough to get him shot eight hundred times.

"I don't even know where the archaeological team is, do you know?"

Drag shook his head, how could he know this.

"That's it, let's go directly to O'Hara and see if we can start to transport people out little by little in a covert way."

"As for those scholars, I guess they won't leave even if you ask them to. In their opinion, archaeology is more important than life."

Iron Hammer was very helpless when he said this, but that was the fact.

Those archaeologists in O'Hara regarded those history and books as more important than life, otherwise they would not have accompanied O'Hara to perish.

"Okay, no problem, I'll let the bear go with me then."

"The bear's ability is most convenient for transferring people."

Iron Hammer glanced at the big bear behind him and nodded.

Let's not talk about anything else, just talking about running away, the bear's fruit is indeed the best.

With a slap, flying a hundred thousand miles is not a dream.

"That's it, you should act as soon as possible."

After saying that, a flash of light flashed on Iron Hammer's body, and the cloud armor appeared again, and then he was about to get up and leave.

But he was grabbed by Dragon.

"What? The matter is over, what else?"

Dorrag looked at Iron Hammer with a smile on his face, but that smile made Iron Hammer tense up after seeing it.

Damn, this grandson must be up to no good.

"Iron Hammer, I'm not building a ship, pulling partners, this money is tight..."

"Can you support me a little more?"

A bunch of black lines instantly floated over Iron Hammer's head, and his eyes looking at Dragon were full of contempt.

"No, brother, what's that look in your eyes..."

"It's a big family, so the expenses are also big. You know I have no idea about making money."

"I always make 1 Bailey into 2 Baileys."

His words made the other crew members nod their heads.

"Dragon, you are a money-eating beast?"

"It's been so long, and the money is gone?"

"If the money is gone, won't you find a way to make it!"

"Forget it! I'll find you a job, so you don't have to ask me for help all the time."

Iron Hammer was really speechless.

Dragon heard that this was a good thing, and he was happy to make money.

"You lead the team to mine. There are so many rare ores in the sea. You can find one and mine."

"I will purchase according to the quality of the ore, how about it?"

Dragon was confused, Ivankov was confused, and Big Bear was confused.

What are they? The Revolutionary Army! How did he suddenly become a miner?

"Why? Not satisfied?"

"Do you know how much a knife made of high-quality wrought iron produced in Dressrosa can sell for?"

"I'm afraid I'll scare you to death if I tell you, 3 million berries for a standard military knife."

Drag was shocked when he heard the price.

He grabbed Tiechui's shoulders with both hands, very excited.

"Is it true? So valuable?"

"Then how much do you want to buy the wrought iron you mentioned?"

Tiechui was very calm and used his ability to shake off Durag's hands.

"500,000 berries per pound, isn't it a lucrative business?"

"You just need to find a special mine and lead people to mine, and I will buy it at a reasonable price for you."

"You can buy the corresponding weapons from me at that time, how about it?"

"Don't worry, the price is absolutely fair."

Drag nodded and agreed without thinking.

This is when the big bear behind him suddenly stepped forward.

"Lieutenant General Tiechui, is the special ore you mentioned the kind of stone that contains strange energy?"

Tiechui was stunned, then

He said with interest: "Yes, as long as the ore contains energy, it is generally a rare ore."

"Big Bear, do you know where there is ore?"

"Where? Where?"

Dorager's eyes are now gold coins, and his mind is full of money.

Big Bear fell into memories and murmured:

"That is an isolated island north of the Kingdom of Solbe. There is a volcano on that island, which is a dead volcano."

"There is a red and gray ore at the foot of the mountain. Strangely enough, that ore does not have high heat because it is in a volcanic area."

"On the contrary, it is very cold and extremely hard. I discovered it by accident."

Ivankov looked at Big Bear with a puzzled look on his face. He and Big Bear have known each other for many years and know that Big Bear is a man who loves freedom and travel.

But go to an isolated island? When will he go to an isolated island for travel?

Feeling the doubtful eyes of his friends, Da Xiong felt a little embarrassed and said something that made everyone speechless:

"When I slapped myself to fly, my right finger cramped, and the direction was a little off, and I landed on that island."

Everyone was speechless for a moment.

Tiechui looked at Da Xiong, who was now smiling innocently, and his heart was very complicated.

In this world, the Celestial Dragons are his biggest buyers. Because of his intervention, the Celestial Dragons rarely come to the world now.

But it cannot be ignored that the existence of the Celestial Dragons is still a knife hanging over the heads of ordinary civilians.

Dragon's cause is correct, but he cannot directly support Dragon.

He is a navy, and now he has his own team, and he has to be responsible for his subordinates.

The reason why the G88 branch was established in the New World is to minimize the orders from the World Government.

For this reason, even though the New World is full of dangers, he still chose here.

But this does not mean that he stands on the side of the World Government.

"Hard volcanic ore? Sure. If the quality is good, I can give you a good price."

"Dorag, keep going. You are on the right path."

"Tell me what weapons you need. I will support you silently."

Iron Hammer finally made a choice. In fact, his direction had changed as early as when he supported Dragon with funds.

Hearing his words, Dragon's face suddenly lit up.

But before he started to be happy, he was turned into helplessness by the next sentence of Iron Hammer.

"The price is fair and reasonable. You will never suffer a loss."

Dorag: You are definitely obsessed with money!!!

Iron Hammer: Support is support, I didn't join, I am just a simple blacksmith + weapon merchant!



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