The two of them were very happy.

"Okay! Beckmus, just because you want to protect your brothers, I promise you that I will arrange a suitable fruit for you."

"Let you become the shield of our G88 branch, hahahaha!"

Tiehchui was really happy. Suddenly he understood why the little lion in the original book would eat a useless turtle fruit.

Although the turtle is useless, the defense is still there. As long as he is there, he can stand in front of his companions, right?

Even in the end, the little lion tried his best to protect the pure land in his heart, didn't he?

"Hahaha, Beckmus, you idiot, shields are not as good as swords!"

"Look at our swords, they are Han swords used exclusively by the fur tribe! I will use this sword to kill countless pirates!"

Unlike Beckmus, Pedro likes to attack.

He also has a blue eight-sided Han sword hanging on his waist, and so do the others. They are all Han swords made of star iron, which are used exclusively by the fur tribe.

Seeing the younger generation being very active, Tangka smiled, and Tiechui smiled.

Even the soldiers on guard smiled.

"Gentlemen! In this battle of Shampoo, we must show the power of the G88 branch!"

"All guns are loaded! Shells are ready!"

"We are flying very fast!"

Tiechui waved his hand, and with the blessing of the Piao Piao Fruit, the speed of the warship increased again.

It flew towards Shampoo like a flying bird.



At GR66 in Shampoo, all the navy gathered together, and in front of them was a group of pirates.

And this time the pirates' target was the navy branch.

"Hahaha, is this the navy? It's nothing special."

"That Hammer actually dared to openly release the Seven Swords. Do you really think that pirates are all spineless!"

The person who spoke had wings on his back, feathers all over his body, claws around his chest, and an eagle head on his face. It was obvious that he was a person with special abilities.

"Hehe, the Eagle King is right. That Navy Rear Admiral is the best example!"

"Little guys! Get ready to attack!"

I saw a strong man with a huge body, boxing gloves on his fists, and a naked upper body, talking on the side, with a playful look on his face.

"There are only five of us in this attack. The other guys have already started to prepare for the coating and go to Fishman Island. It's so boring."

"Fishman Island or something, how interesting is it to kill the navy!"

The third pirate leader appeared, with red tattoos all over his body, and his eyes were emitting a trace of red light, which looked very scary.

And the last two pirate leaders, one holding a big knife, and the other holding a big bow, the bow was actually taller than others. .

"Liu Shi, if you dare to use your bow and arrow at me, believe it or not, I will kill you with one knife!"

"Hehe, then you don't have to turn your back to me, but you, the knife ghost, are you afraid of my arrows?"

The two were very angry, but after all, the navy was in front, and neither of them entangled anymore, but looked at the navy position not far away.

At this time, the highest general in the position was Major General Phil Jackson's adjutant, named Hawke, with the rank of lieutenant colonel.

He looked very serious.

"Has the support not arrived yet?"


"Damn it! Everyone, prepare for battle!"

Hawke knew very well that it was only an hour since they sent out the distress signal, and it would be difficult to rush from other branches to Shampoo Land in an hour.

Now they can only rely on themselves.

But the five pirate groups on the opposite side are not weak.

Eagle King Pirates, Captain Eagle King, bounty 99 million Baileys, Bird-Bird Fruit·Eagle Form.

Boxing Pirates, Captain Boxer Rex, bounty 105 million Baileys, suspected superhuman ability user.

Red Blood Pirates, Captain Blood Butcher Anthony, bounty 110 million Baileys.

Giant Bow Pirates, Captain Giant Bow Flowing Arrow, bounty 95 million Baileys, suspected superhuman ability user.

Sword Demon Pirates, Captain Sword Demon, bounty 93 million Baileys, suspected superhuman ability user.

They are all recent rising stars, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are supernovas. They only started to show their abilities after Roger's death.

Except for the Eagle King who is a capable person, the abilities of the others are even unknown, and there is a serious lack of information.

I didn't expect that this group of pirates would actually unite together, damn it.

"Hahaha! Let's start!"

With the roar of the Eagle King, the five pirate groups

The pirates immediately moved.

A total of nearly 3,000 pirates launched an attack on the navy's position.


As Lieutenant Colonel Hawke issued the order to counterattack, the two sides began to exchange fire.


Suddenly a huge explosion sounded, and an explosion occurred in the navy's position in an instant.

"Hehehe, my arrows will explode."

I saw Liushi raise his bow and shoot. The huge bow gave him a very long range, and I don't know why his arrows would explode.

Liushi alone caused a serious blow to the navy's position in an instant.

"Hehe! Liushi is working so hard? Then I can't fall behind!"

"Charge! Penetrating gun!"

Rex smiled and made a gesture of charging a punch. The next second, he punched hard, and a stream of light instantly penetrated the bodies of four or five soldiers.

The battle was very fierce from the beginning.

The damage to the navy increased exponentially, and Hawke's face was extremely ugly for a while.

Just as he was about to issue a retreat slogan, an angry voice rang out from the sky.

"Haotian Hammer!"

The huge hammer appeared in the air like a god descending from heaven, and smashed hard into the pirates' position.

The power of this blow even shook the entire Sabaody Archipelago.

"This... this is..."

The sudden change stunned Lieutenant Colonel Hawke. The next second, his eyes instantly turned red, and he roared to the sky: "Hammer!"

Hawk's heart-wrenching roar was heard by both pirates and navy.

Everyone looked up at the sky.

I saw a strong man in a cloak of justice floating in the air, holding the sledgehammer in his right hand.

And behind him was a steel behemoth floating in the air.

"All members of the G88 branch!"

"Join the battle!"

With the order of the hammer, dozens of flames instantly lit up on the warship.

Dozens of rockets fell from the sky, and at the same time, hundreds of figures jumped off the warships and rushed towards the battlefield below.


As the rockets fell, explosions rang out one after another, and countless pirates were killed and injured.

Then more than 100 soldiers attacked the pirates the moment they landed.

The Chinese cold weapons in their hands instantly turned into the sickles of the god of death, harvesting the lives of the pirates.

G88 branch joins the war!



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