The old man was very happy.

East China Sea, Shimotsuki Village, Isshin Dojo.

"As a swordsmith, your forge is a bit shabby."

"Even if you are a traditional artist, it is a delusion to want to forge a famous sword without the right tools."

The God of Craftsman looked at the forge that had been abandoned for a long time and was speechless.

"The old man hasn't forged a sword for a long time. He is old and his physical strength can't keep up."

"And my son didn't inherit my forging talent, so this forge is abandoned."

Kousaburo walked forward slowly, gently stroking the anvil and forging hammer, with a flash of memory in his eyes.

And the moment he picked up the forging hammer, his whole momentum suddenly changed.

The God of Craftsman's eyes lit up, the aura of a craftsman. It was indeed him.

"Nice aura, all right, go away."

"To modify this knife, we need some different materials."


The God of Craftsman was silent for a while, then slowly raised the hammer in his right hand and pointed it at the ground. A flash of light passed by, and several rare materials appeared in front of him.

Mithril, high-purity wrought iron, and a piece of woven flame ore.

This move really shocked Kosaburo and Koshiro. Taking things out of thin air.

"A devil fruit ability user?"

As a swordsman, although Koshiro rarely goes out to sea, it does not mean that he is closed-minded.

The God of Craftsman did not respond, but just put the materials away, and then put the Wado Ichimonji on the anvil.

"What are you going to do?"

"Wado Ichimonji is already a finished knife."

Kosaburo tried to dissuade him, but the God of Craftsman ignored him.

He just started to think about the order of materials.

Secondary processing is a very difficult thing, especially for a finished knife like this.

But this is not a problem for the God of Craftsmanship.

"You two, get out and don't get in my way."

"I won't take any responsibility if you hurt me."

As soon as the voice fell, a huge force directly pushed Kozaburo and Koshiro out of the forging room.

The next second, the white cloud iron began to spread.

It directly engulfed the anvil and even the heating furnace.

The original forging room instantly turned into a brand new forging room covered by iron cloud.


The God of Craftsmanship roared, and the hammer of oath slowly lit up.

The flame instantly ignited the furnace, but that was not the end.

A ball of flames that burned to red actually directly wrapped Wado Ichimonji in it.

Obviously, the God of Craftsmanship activated the absolute space and placed the flame and the knife together at the same time.

As the flames rose, the blade of Wado Ichimonji began to turn red.

The next second, the God of Craftsman crushed the Fire Weaving Stone with his bare hands, and then threw the powder onto the knife with a wave of his hand.

With the addition of Fire Weaving Stone, the temperature of the flame went up a level.

The blade of the Wado Ichimonji began to soften.


Then the God of Craftsman directly swung the hammer and began to forge.

Hammer: Damn it! I've been forging iron all my life, and now I'm using it as a hammer!

The heavy hammer fell, and the blade of the Wado Ichimonji began to fuse with the Fire Weaving Stone powder.

Fire Weaving Stone originally contained high temperature, was extremely unstable, and could even explode.

However, under the absolute suppression of the God of Craftsman, it became as docile as a cat, and soon the blade of the Wado Ichimonji had turned golden red.

This was the effect of fully combining with Fire Weaving Stone.

The first step was completed, and then Mithril was put in.

Mithril has extremely strong activity and plasticity, and is most suitable for joint forging.

Finally, there is high-purity wrought iron. This kind of wrought iron enriched by the hammer is already extremely hard, and it is unique in being used to reshape the entire blade.

Kosaburo was stunned. Although he and Koshiro were pushed out of the door, they could still see some of the operations of the God of Craftsmanship.

Unprecedented, unique, subverting three views.

He couldn't believe that someone could turn forging a knife into an art. It was too gorgeous.

Whether it was forced melting or adding materials, it was top art in Kosaburo's eyes.


The sound of heavy hammers came one after another, and the God of Craftsmanship seemed to have become a machine that could only swing hammers.

One after another, time passed by minute by minute.

Everything in the forging room seemed to be frozen, and only the increasingly hot temperature told the two outside that the forging was still going on.

"The final stage!"

"Ten thousand hammers to shape the body!"

"Get up!"

The God of Craftsmanship suddenly raised his right hand, and the hammer of oath exploded.

A gray light was emitted.

The absolute space was directly shattered, and the flames began to overflow, but were soon suppressed by countless hammers.

I saw the hammers all over the sky began to hit the blade, and even hammered the surrounding flames into the blade.

The huge roar and impact force directly crushed the walls and roof of the original forging room.

The white iron cloud also began to slowly deform.

Just before the iron cloud was about to collapse, everything returned to calm.

The reshaping forging was completed.

The craftsman looked at the golden and red blade pattern of the Wado Ichimonji on the anvil and threw it behind him.

Since the forging began, Koshiro has been focusing on the Wado Ichimonji. Seeing his beloved sword flying out, he hurried forward to catch it.

When the Wado Ichimonji was in hand, a burning feeling instantly came from both hands.

It was very hot! But Koshiro didn't want to let go.

When the heat gradually stabilized, Koshiro stared blankly at the Wado Ichimonji in front of him.

The original Wado Ichimonji was an extremely simple and famous sword.

Now it has completely changed. The blade has turned red and has a layer of golden red blade pattern like flames.

And the back of the blade has completely turned into black and gray.

It can be said that Wado Ichimonji has completely turned into another sword.

"This... is this Wado Ichimonji?"

Koshiro was a little confused...

"Hmph, there is no need to look back at the past, the present is better."

"You, a young man, really don't know what a good thing is. Don't just look at it, try swinging it."

Kosaburo looked at his son's silly look, and was so angry that he slapped him on the back of his head.

Koshiro staggered and his eyes were full of resentment.

Then, he held the Ichimonji without a hilt with both hands.

He swung it towards an open space.

The flame blade pattern on the blade seemed to come alive, and instantly turned into a fire dragon, covering the blade.

The blade, originally black and red, turned red.

Koshiro was a great swordsman.

As the sword was swung, a slash wrapped in flames was swung out.

Wherever the slash went, a raging fire was set off.

"Oh my god! It's on fire!"

"Put out the fire!"

Kosaburo had never expected that Wado Ichimonji would cause such a big commotion, and he screamed in shock.

His frail body hurried over to put out the fire.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew in, turning into a tornado that wrapped around the slash and then engulfed it.

At the same time, all the flames were put out together.



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