Dorsi, who had fled to the second floor, was pointed at the head by the mouse colonel with a gun.

After Dorsi cried"meow", he scratched the mouse colonel with his claws, leaving deep blood marks on his hands and face.

It is natural for a cat to restrain a mouse.



"Quick, kill her for me!"

He gave the order to the navy, but no one dared to raise their guns.

Because the major and major general of the headquarters are here!

The military rank of the Sihai branch is three levels lower than that of the headquarters, which means that Colonel Mouse's actual position is not even higher than Ain, not to mention that there is a major general. Who dares to move?

No one is moved.

Just like a misfired gun, no matter how you pull the trigger, it won't fire. This is the situation of these navy now.

Colonel Mouse was almost mad, but Ma Long stretched out his fingers and directly wrapped his neck and threw him to the ground on the first floor.


It seems like a bone was broken.

It's not a big problem.

Duoxi shouted from the second floor:"There is a child, tied to the wall, and beaten badly."

"Bring it down"


Malone looked at Colonel Mouse and said,"Tell me, what happened?"

"You damned fellow, how dare you attack the navy captain? You will definitely be put on the bounty list and hunted by countless people.……"

Ma Long stepped on his palm, causing it to crackle and causing him to scream like a pig being slaughtered.

"You can't even bear this kind of pain, you are such a waste. Even if you are a branch colonel, you should have a certain combat capability. You are worse than Monka, you are trash."

He took the Den Den Mushi and called Admiral Kizaru.

"Bulu Bulu"

"Hello, this is Borsalino"

"It's me, Marlon."

"Brother Ma Long, it's been a long time since we last met. The last time you came back to headquarters, you didn't even look at me."

"Next time, definitely next time"

"What's up? You won't chat with me if you have nothing to do."

"Hahaha, brother, you are really good at judging people. I like the way you speak without beating around the bush."

"Really? Although I know you are lying, I just can't help but feel a little happy." After talking to Kizaru for a while, Ma Long finally got to the point.

Without beating around the bush, it was just bullshit. The foreplay with Kizaru was a bit long. Over time, Ma Long learned to be sarcastic from him.

"Please help me find out how the mouse colonel of the 16th branch got to this position. Is he cunning or did he have someone to support him?"

"This is an offensive job."

"I am the one who offended people, not you. Besides, what are you afraid of as a general? If you are afraid, just retire and give me your position."

"That won't do. I'll check for you. Wait for my reply in ten minutes."

The call was hung up, but Colonel Mouse was trembling all over.

Compared to this, the physical pain was not so severe. He was almost scared silly. Was this man just talking to the general of the headquarters? He wanted to investigate himself thoroughly?

This is too much! Who is this bastard? Why is he stretching his hands so long? Did I, the mouse, eat your rice?

He was on the second floor before and didn't hear Ain's introduction at all. Now he was in chaos.

At this time, Dosi came out with a child. Fortunately, the child was light, otherwise the little cat girl really couldn't help him.

Monte and Lily stepped forward to help bring the child down.

It was a little boy, his clothes were tattered, and his body was covered with whip marks. He was beaten to pieces, and the torn clothes stuck to the wounds, causing him to cry in pain.

"Mouse, you have a habit of torturing people! That's great." Marlon walked aside and said to the celestial dragon Shanatia:"Leave it to you and little Sadie, play with this guy until he is unrecognizable."

Shanatia and little Sadie were so excited. What they played between the two of them was called the whip of love, and the strength and skills were very sophisticated. It has been a long time since they whipped others hard, and they were both very pent up.

After all, one is a celestial dragon, who is very good at torturing slaves, and the other is the head jailer, who is a master at torturing prisoners.

They quickly dragged Colonel Mouse to the torture room here.

"Tell me, kid, what happened?" Malone looked at the little boy.

The little boy cried out in fear and quickly hid behind Duoxi.

He was indeed a child, shorter than Duoxi, who was 1.4 meters tall.

"Major General, you are too fierce. Let me ask."

Ain stepped forward, lifted her hair and showed a sweet smile, but the little boy was still afraid.

She said helplessly:"Duoxi ask."

The little boy showed absolute trust in the person who saved him. Hiding behind Duoxi was the best proof.

"What's your name?" Duoxi turned around and asked


Duoxi scratched his head, his cat ears twitched twice, and looked at Ain:"Sister Ain, what do you want to ask next?"

Ain held her forehead and said:"Ask him what happened"

"Oh, what happened?"

"Pirates attacked my village, my father's leg was broken, and my sister was kidnapped. I rowed a small boat here to find the navy, but was locked up and beaten. Woo, my sister must have been sold to a noble as a slave. How am I going to live without my sister? Wow, wow, wow!"

The little boy burst into tears as he spoke.

"Ask him where the village is and how long it has been since the incident happened?"Ayin continued to ask. Duoxi quickly continued to repeat the question.

"It happened yesterday. My village is called Ximi Village."

Ain hurriedly looked for the location of Ximi Village on the map.

At this time, Ma Long also received a call from Kizaru.

There was indeed someone behind Colonel Mouse, but that person was not very powerful. He was just a major general and died in the crusade against the pirate group not long ago.

In view of his sacrifice, Ma Long did not intend to pursue his own fault.

"Little Sati and Shanatia stayed here to continue the torture, and got out of him all the evil things he had done, including the gifts he had received and the money he had embezzled over the years!"

""Yes!" Little Sadie responded from the torture chamber, and Colonel Mouse let out his first scream.

It seemed that the execution had begun.

"All the navy here automatically surrendered and stood facing the wall. Those who disobeyed were shot on the spot.

The navy quickly threw away their weapons and honestly faced the wall to reflect on their mistakes.

Of course, their punishment would not be so easy, but Malone had other things to deal with now and had no time to deal with them.

With the little boy, everyone boarded the boat.

"You haven't left yet?" Ma Long looked at Nami and asked in surprise.

"Of course, I am a law-abiding citizen. How could I do something as filthy as running away?"

"It's just right, take us to Ximi Village, you should be very familiar with this place."

Ain didn't find this small village on the map, but it doesn't matter, isn't there a navigator who is capable of drawing sea charts in front of him?

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