
At the critical moment, Karp raised his fist to block Malone's fierce chop!

The air wave rushed towards the ground, causing Karp's feet to sink deeply into the ground.

Gravel and sand were blown into the air, and dust filled the air.

Karp grabbed Malone's ankle with his backhand and slammed him to the ground!

Malone's whole body was covered with armed color. He took three hits, curled up his right leg, and kicked Karp's head with his left foot.

Karp turned his head to avoid it, but Malone's left leg suddenly grew longer and wrapped around his neck like a snake!

Malone's arms grew longer and stabbed into the ground to gain leverage. He exerted force from his waist and pulled Karp out of the ground directly. He swung him a few times in the air and smashed him to the ground!

The earth was shaking slightly as if it was an earthquake.

The tremor even reached the sea. Seeing that the beach was no longer safe, everyone ran to the warship and drove the warship three hundred meters away, watching the battle with binoculars.

"I can't see clearly, there's too much dust!" Aiyin said anxiously

"Don't worry, it's not a life-and-death battle, nothing will go wrong." Renis said

"But that was Vice Admiral Garp! He was the naval hero who had captured the Pirate King! If he failed, how could the Rear Admiral handle it?"

"Ah? The Pirate King was captured by Grandpa?" Lu Fei opened her mouth wide and said in disbelief:"How is it possible? How can Grandpa be that powerful?"

"You really don't understand anything. Although Vice Admiral Garp is a vice admiral, his status is not lower than that of a general. He didn't become a general just because he didn't want to be promoted."Ain explained.

"That uncle will definitely get beaten, haha!" Lu Fei laughed heartlessly.

Renis remained calm:"I have confidence in the major general, no matter who the opponent is, he will not lose."

Duoxi closed her eyes, she was using her observation Haki to perceive the situation on the battlefield

"I didn’t lose at all, don’t worry, Brother Ma Long is super strong!"

""Bang, boom, boom!"

Countless crashing sounds rang out, one after another, and the Dragon Paradise was directly turned into a garbage station, smashed into a mess.

Malone's figure flew out from the dust, followed by Garp!

Even with the enhancement of the Dragon Slayer Stick, he couldn't withstand this unreasonable iron fist bombardment. The physical defense was enough, but he couldn't stand steadily!

Another punch came, Malone crossed his arms to block in front of him, and was hit by a punch and bounced off the ground like a ball.

Garp was about to chase, but suddenly a wooden branch stretched out from the ground, and the tip of the branch turned into a fist shape. In this way, he punched Garp on the chin!

Garp was hit and bounced three meters off the ground, but he was not hurt at all. The black skin on his chin gradually faded.

Hardening a certain part in an instant to improve defense is a basic operation of the armed color master. He failed to defend because the opponent's attack speed was faster than his defense speed.

Garp, who landed on the ground, grabbed the branch and tore it off. He waved it casually and smashed it at Malone in the distance.

Malone dodged and rushed forward quickly. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Garp!

"Hahaha, good! Unlike that monkey-faced guy who only knows how to hide and dodge, your fighting method is worthy of being a true Zephyr!"

Ma Long grinned, and his heavy fist wrapped in domineering color slammed into Garp's fist!

The huge aura prevented the two fists from colliding at all. It seemed that there was an explosive energy gathering between the two fists!

The domineering aura turned into electric currents and ran around everywhere. The composition of the air within a radius of dozens of miles became different.

There were circular gullies in the clouds in the sky, gloomy and heavy.

The birds in the sky fled like crazy, as if something terrible was driving them away.

The huge waves on the sea kept rolling, and the huge fish that were usually very arrogant were now unbelievably well-behaved, hiding under the rocks on the seabed. Some of them were so big that they could only stick their heads into small gaps and tremble constantly.

The two people fighting in the field were each shocked.

Malone was shocked that his domineering color entanglement attack did not have much effect on Garp, and Garp was shocked that this kid actually mastered such a superb fighting skill!

"Who taught you the domineering color entanglement?"

""I will be able to do it by the time I graduate. Isn't this a basic exercise? Do I need to be taught?" Marlon answered truthfully.

He didn't know that he was in Versailles, because he had never met many masters who could use Conqueror's Haki, and he didn't know the specific situation of others.

He didn't see the later plot of Wano Country, so he naturally didn't know that this skill was mastered by the top masters on the sea.

"You are such a naughty boy. Zefa doesn't have the domineering color to teach you."

"If Armament Haki can entangle, why can't Conqueror Haki?" Ma Long asked a soul-searching question.

"Hey, I'm stumped by your question!"


With a loud roar, the two were knocked away by the powerful force and retreated dozens of meters.

Countless garbage debris in the Dragon Park was pushed away by the shock wave and smashed into the sea.

Garp leaned over and dug out a huge rock on the ground. He grinned with his teeth bared, and the armed color directly dyed the rock black.

Then he stepped down, and the power burst out, leaving spider-web-like cracks on the ground!


He threw the huge rock in his hand, which was many times faster than a cannonball, at Ma Long!

Ma Long did not give in and faced the rock head-on!


Like a bird hitting a plane, he lay on the boulder and was carried away!

The boulder flew over the sea and flew straight into the distance, with no sign of falling!

Malone miscalculated. Garp's armed color was attached to the stone, making his ability unable to work on the stone! It was not until he flew twenty miles away and the rock faded from black that he inserted his hands into the stone, and countless tree roots grew inside, crushing the boulder! There was the sea below, and he was directly sent out of the battlefield by a stone!

He exclaimed that this old guy was really awesome!

The Moon Step was activated, and he quickly flew towards the island!


Another huge rock flew over!

Ma Long stomped in the air and quickly changed direction. The rock passed by the sea surface until it was out of sight.

"Hahaha, brat, is there nothing you can do? I can throw like this for a whole day and a whole night!"

Listening to Karp's laughter, Malone knew that he could not win at all.

He stood in the air with his hands clasped together.

The world of flowers and trees was born!

On the ground around Karp, branches poked their heads out from the ground, and the branches grew rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it became a jungle.

Karp threw a few punches, and the wind from his fists made the branches fly everywhere, and all the branches that were hit were smashed to pieces.

However, as long as Malone has the strength, he can grow indefinitely!

On the trunks and crowns of the trees, bright red roses bloomed, and the fragrance instantly covered the earth!

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