Since he decided to take Han Cook with him this time, the matter of Nine Snake Island must be dealt with.

Otherwise, if Luo Lan and Han Cook left, and the navy received intelligence and changed hands to bulldoze Nine Snake Island, wouldn’t it be fucked?

“Luo Lan, if there is really no way, then I better stay~”

Snuggled in Luo Lan’s arms, Hancock lowered his head.

Although he said that he would stay, Luo Lan could feel that Hancock dreamed of going to sea with him.

“Nope! I will definitely take you this time! As for the matter of Nine Snake Island, I can definitely think of a way! ”

Gently touching Hancock’s shoulder, Luo Lan’s eyebrows furrowed, and she thought quietly for a while.

“There is a way!”

His eyes suddenly lit up, and Luo Lan kissed Han Cook.

Hancock’s arrogant body trembled slightly, raised his head excitedly, and looked up at Luo Lan, “What way?” ”

“I’ll do it, and I’ll tell you when I’m done!”

With a mysterious smile, Luo Lan stood up from the pool.

A few days later, the headquarters of the Navy.

“Bastard! Bastards are down! ”

The roar of the Warring States shook the entire conference room!

He slapped the table angrily and roared, “What the hell is this Hei Luo going to do!” Do you really want to force me to mobilize the power of the entire naval headquarters to destroy his Nine Snake Island!” ”

Everyone can understand the anger of the Warring States ~

After all, in just a few days, all the warships that went out from the headquarters of the navy were intercepted by an angel who fell from the sky!

But fortunately, this angel did not kill this time, but beat the most senior general on each warship in front of all the navies on board~

According to the wanted in the past few days, a total of three lieutenant generals, seven major generals have been beaten into pigs’ heads!

You know, it was beaten in front of all the navies on the entire warship!

That punch after punch, beat people into pigs’ heads.

Until now, those navies who witnessed it will still be tightened whenever they remember the scene at that time~

Lieutenant General Tsuru took a deep breath, swept his gaze over the faces of the three lieutenant generals who had been beaten into pig’s heads at the conference table, and said in a deep voice: “If he really thinks so, he will not show mercy to his subordinates.” ”

“Yes, this Hei Luo, just beating people, not killing people, is not in line with his character!” Borusalino also frowned, feeling extremely strange.

The thought of Heiro personally burying the lives of all the navies on five warships with a blizzard, his spine shuddered!

Spicy man~

He has no feelings!

“No, according to the old man, this is in line with his character.”

Lieutenant General Karp shook his head and said in a deep voice: “It’s not that the old man wants to help Hei Luo speak, but so far, as long as this Hei Luo kills, it is all for a reason.” ”

“Karp! Are you helping the pirates speak? Sengoku frowned, his old eyes narrowing and glaring at Karp.

Karp spread his hands: “The old man is just talking about things.” Don’t mention the matter of the Dragon People every day, those fools, it is a person who wants to kill them. ”

“Karp! Pay attention to what you say! Hearing Karp’s such presumptuous and bold remarks, Sengoku shouted angrily to remind him to pay attention.

Ignoring the threat of the Warring States, Karp continued: “As for the two massacres of the navy by Heiro, in the final analysis, it is our navy that will destroy Nine Snake Island first. Although I don’t speak for the pirates, at the end of the day, he is always on the side of the fightback. ”


When everyone heard this, they were silent.

Although he hated Luo Lan, he had to admit that there was nothing wrong with what Karp said.

Karp continued: “And this time, he took the initiative to wound our vice admiral and rear admiral, but he did not kill or kill any of the navies. It shows that he is not a person who likes to kill. He only kills people who want his life~”

“Enough, Karp! What the hell are you trying to say! Sengoku said angrily.

“I want to say that Heiro’s behavior should be to give our Navy some kind of hint or warning or something, I can’t say what it is, but that’s what it means.” Your brain is better than mine, I believe you will not think of it. Karp shrugged his shoulders and simply took out a bag of senbei and ate it.

Listening to Karp’s analysis, Lieutenant General He frowned slightly and spoke: “By the way, didn’t that Hei Luo leave his contact information after beating people?” Sengoku, shall we fight and see? ”

Warring States’ eyes were red, and he was silent for a long time, only then nodded very reluctantly: “Xiaohe, you come to fight!” ”

Lieutenant General Tsuru took the phone worm and dialed a number.

Not long after, the phone worm connected, and Luo Lan’s voice came from the other end of the phone: “Hey, which one?” ”

“I am Vice Admiral Tsuru, Chief of Staff of the Navy!” Lieutenant General Tsuru said unceremoniously.

Hearing this, the corners of Luo Lan’s mouth curled up, and he laughed: “Oh? It turned out to be a big man in the Navy! Rare, what’s the matter with me? ”

“Less garlic! The good things you did yourself, are you not clear yourself? Lieutenant General Tsuru said coldly.

Luo Lan smiled and said, “That’s what I said.” I have done so many good deeds in my life that I don’t remember which one you are talking about. ”

Listening to such a yin and yang strange tone in the phone worm, Sengoku’s lungs were almost exploded on the side, and he snatched the phone worm over, and shouted angrily into the phone worm: “Black Luo! What do you mean by intercepting naval warships repeatedly these days and wounding vice admirals and rear admirals for no reason! ”

“I lean! Say such a loud voice, I don’t know, I thought I had a vendetta with you to kill my father~” Luo Lan plucked her ears.

Nima, this roar shook my ears~

“Less detours!” Sengoku drank angrily.

For the attitude of the Warring States, Luo Lan naturally would not give him a good face, and said coldly: “Hmph!” Only allow your navy to shoot at Hydra Island, but do not allow others to attack your navy? Your sister, you have a wide body! ”

“Presumptuous! Our Navy is the party that represents the world government and is the righteous party! You do this…”

“Okay, don’t say these useless words.”

Without waiting for the Warring States to finish saying the Great Reason, Luo Lan directly interrupted his high-talk without mercy.

Then Luo Lan continued: “Let me be blunt, I did the things in the past few days. I mean simply, I just want you to understand. If I want to take revenge on your Navy, I have every strength to intercept all the personnel on any warship that leaves the headquarters of the Navy!! ”

“Bastard! You are threatening the old man! ”

“Nonsense! Idiots can also hear that I am threatening you! ”

“You…!” Sengoku’s eyes bulged with anger, and he almost vomited blood!

Damn, threaten me, and call me an idiot by the way!

Really when I can’t hear it?

Taking a deep breath and forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, Sengoku asked in a deep voice: “Then why did you show mercy to your subordinates?” The old man doesn’t believe that you want to change your mind. ”

“Haha! Wash your sister’s face! I tell you, I am going to take my woman to the sea to play, but she is afraid that the navy will sneak up on Nine Snake Island and murder her people, and she cannot go to sea. So, I’m not happy! I had to find the culprit to get angry~” Luo Lan said with a faint smile.

“What! This can also be counted on our heads! Sengoku’s eyes widened in disbelief.

If your woman gets sick next time, will we be blamed too?

Luo Lan chiseled his words: “Nonsense! If it weren’t for the fear that your navy would take advantage of the opportunity to attack, why would my woman refuse to go to sea with me? How could I not be happy? ”

“What do you want!” Sengoku glanced up at the ceiling and rolled his eyes.

Hearing this, Luo Lan said straight to the point: “I want you to make a promise!” Promise that after Hancock leaves Nine Snake Island, no naval soldiers will attack Nine Snake Island! ”


Sengoku smiled directly, “My dignified naval marshal, give you a promise to the pirates?” I see you… Hello? Hey, hey…”

Sengoku was speaking, but suddenly found that the other party had hung up the phone worm.

Immediately, the generals of the conference room looked up in unison!


A bad premonition suddenly came to mind!

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