Coming to the deck, Nami and Noki Takaichi left and right, “kidnapping” Luo Lan towards Robin’s side.

“Sister Robin! The host missed you! ”

Nami, the ghostly clever, deliberately said such things.

Seeing Luo Lan coming, Robin suddenly thought that everyone had pinned their hopes on her, and his cheeks immediately turned a little red.

She quickly greeted her, glanced at Nami, and blushed: “Don’t talk nonsense, the master is not there~”

“Impossible! It was the host who offered us to bring him to you! ”

Nami immediately argued, and then looked at Luo Lan, “Captain, don’t you want Sister Robin?” ”


Luo Lan looked confused, this little girl film, deliberately set me up!

If I said I didn’t want to, wouldn’t that make Robin too embarrassed?

Suddenly, Luo Lan smiled and said, “Think!” Of course I want to! ”

“Look! I’ll just say it! The host must have missed Sister Robin! Nami immediately showed off to Robin as if she had won.

Robin’s cheeks turned even redder, and she spoke with a slight gratitude: “Captain, are you coming to find me for something?” ”

“Yes, you come with me, I have good things for you.” Luo Lan laboriously took both arms out of the tightly bound arms of Nami and Nokigao, and then pulled Robin away.

“Oh – what bad things to do, and avoid us~” Nami quipped.

“That’s it, Sister Robin, if the captain bullies you, you have to tell us, we will avenge you!” Nokigao echoed.

Robin was dragged away by Luo Lan, and when he heard Nami and Nokiko say this, he was even more apprehensive.

Not long after, he came to the side deck, and Luo Lan planned to give Robin this reward.

“Huh? Do you seem to have adjusted your clothes? ”

Suddenly, Luo Lan looked at Robin’s Tsunade suit, which seemed to be two sizes smaller than before, making this dress appear tighter and more shapely!

“Huh? Captain, do you see that? ”

Robin suddenly bowed his head slightly, and his heart was secretly happy, it seems that everyone is right, the captain is still very concerned about me~

As for reducing the size of clothes by two levels, this is the advice that Kalifa gave her.

Since her outfit is infinitely stretchy, everything can be sized to her own terms.

“Of course~” Luo Lan faced Robin, reached out and closed the lower edge of Robin’s collar, but found that he didn’t do it completely, so he cared: “Will the clothes feel a little strangled when they are smaller than before?” ”

“No… Won’t ~” Robin sipped his red embroidery, not knowing what Luo Lan thought in his heart, so he spoke: “If the captain doesn’t like this, I’ll change it back?” ”

Hearing Robin say no, Luo Lan immediately shook his head and said with a smile: “Oh, no need! That’s good, I like it! ”

Of course, this view is much more spectacular than before.

The captain said again that he liked it…

Robin’s heart grew happier.

She raised her head and looked at Luo Lan, “Captain, did you call me here…?” ”

The two slender hands were entangled, and Robin’s heart pounded.

Luo Lan smiled, reached out and put his hand on Robin’s shoulder, and then his mind moved, and transmitted the [Advanced Overlord Color] and that characteristic into Robin’s body.

At this moment, Robin naturally sensed all the information flow, muscle memory, combat experience, etc. from the high-level overlord color~

Her beautiful eyes widened in disbelief, looked at Luo Lan in surprise, and said in surprise: “Captain!” This…… This is the overlord color! And it’s still premium! ”

Luo Lan smiled and nodded, “Yes.” From now on, you will also be a woman with a bully color! Commonly known as, female bully, haha~”

Luo Lan joked.

But Robin cried~

Overlord color!

Only one in a million people is possible!

And even with such talent, you have to gradually awaken in constant battle.

However, Luo Lan directly let her have such a super talent that is rare in a million!

And this is not an ordinary overlord color, but a high-level one!

Since meeting Luo Lan, she got rid of her career as a fugitive and killed Spandham with her own hands, which can be regarded as a little revenge for the hatred of O’Hara’s fellow villagers.

Subsequently, Luo Lan took her around to find the text of history, constantly cultivating her step by step into a super powerful existence!

Now he gave her a high-level overlord color!

Robin’s emotions were immediately uncontrollable, and tears burst out of his eyes!

“Robin, why are you crying?” Seeing Robin crying, Luo Lan immediately became concerned.

“Captain! ~”

Robin exclaimed excitedly, and immediately threw himself into Luo Lan’s arms.

Under the appearance of a strong woman, but the heart of a little woman who is also waiting to be cared for!

Once upon a time, she thought that she would have to be so strong in disguise for a lifetime~

But until she met Luo Lan, she felt truly relaxed for the first time!

Not long ago, she was forced out by everyone to occupy a place in Luo Lan’s heart.

But now, she is no longer forced to mentality, but she really wants to do this!

Luo Lan is good to her, she knows that she can’t leave Luo Lan in this life!

If she left Luo Lan, she would rather die!

She wants to stay by Luo Lan’s side forever!

Although Han Cook has taken a head start, but you Han Cook can, can’t I Robin?

“Robin, you should be happy to get new abilities. If you cry like this, I will also feel distressed~” Gently stroking Robin’s hair, Luo Lan really cared about her.

After all, whether it is as a fan of the original book or the experience of meeting Robin after coming to this world, Luo Lan has some special care for Robin.

“Captain, do you really feel sorry for me?” Robin suddenly raised his little head, and his tearful beautiful eyes stared into Luo Lan’s eyes.


Suddenly asking such a question caught Luo Lan a little caught off guard~

However, for the answer to this question, Luo Lan nodded without any hesitation: “Hmm! ”

Getting this answer, Robin’s two arms suddenly passed through the sides of Luo Lan’s neck, restrained the back of his neck, and then pulled Luo Lan’s head forward with a slight force, and kissed Luo Lan without hesitation.

Luo Lan was stunned all of a sudden!

What a situation!

Seeing that Luo Lan did not make any answer, Robin’s heart immediately became violently anxious.

Doesn’t Luo Lan like me?

Is it really wishful thinking on my part?

After waiting for two or three seconds, he still did not wait for Luo Lan’s answer.

The strong pleasure made Robin unable to stay any longer, and sadness immediately came to his heart!

“I’m sorry, Captain!”

Crying, Robin turned his head and ran!

But at the moment she turned around, Luo Lan grabbed her hand and jerked Robin, who had run out half of his body, back and took him into his arms!


Like a frightened bird, Robin’s whole person was a little stiff, his head was blank, and he subconsciously looked up at Luo Lan’s face.

“It’s me who should say I’m sorry~”

Luo Lan also looked at Robin’s cheeks and said deeply: “I shouldn’t let you just have two or three seconds of torment, I should give you peace of mind the moment you kiss me!” Let you know that you’re doing the right thing, brave girl! ”

Saying that, Luo Lan held the back of Han Cook’s head with her right hand, and then kissed her small mouth.

Tears, sliding down Robin’s side cheek~

But a happy smile overflowed her cheeks~

I did it!

I got Luo Lan!

I got my world!

I got everything!

“Ding! Nicole Robin plays Tsunade, and the character progress is 100%! ”


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