“This devil fruit, Lao Tzu wants it!” A big black man jumped onto the high platform, right next to Luo Lan, and glared at Luo Lan viciously, “Pretend to be a ghost!” ”

“What a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I’m coming!”

“Since there is a devil fruit as a reward this time, then I will no longer hide my strength!”

“With me, are you all here to compete for second?”


One by one, gladiators or pirates jumped onto the high platform.

This time, the rules do not require advance registration, just go straight to the stage.

“I must get this Devil Fruit!” With a strong shout, a slender figure landed on the high platform, just not far from Luo Lan.

“It’s that sinful and dirty bloodline!”

“Damn it, fuck her off!”

“Why isn’t she dead yet!”


When this figure appeared, the local people in Dressrosa in the audience immediately set off a monstrous invective and anger!

This scene made those contestants who were not locals stunned~

What’s the situation?

How can one contestant arouse the hatred of so many people at the same time?

What a spectacle!

Luo Lan tilted his head and immediately understood~

This person is not a bystander, it is the heroine of the Dressrosa chapter in the comics, Rebecca.

Because Doflamingo used a conspiracy to make King Riku into a comatose king in people’s eyes, Rebecca, as the granddaughter of King Riku, was naturally regarded as a descendant of sin.

And Rebecca desperately wants to get this devil fruit, but also to gain the power to resist Doflamingo’s rule.

“Little girl, these people seem to be a little excessive~” Luo Lan said jokingly.

Rebecca held the hilt of her sword in both hands, staring ahead, and suddenly heard someone talking to him, and she glanced at this person in surprise.

“Hehe, if you knew who I am, you wouldn’t say that.” For unknown strangers, Rebecca didn’t bother to explain too much.

She didn’t need any sympathy or pity.

Seeing Rebecca so personal, Luo Lan also smiled lightly: “I don’t need to know who you are.” From your eyes, I see strength and persistence. If you were the evil person they say, you would never have this strength and persistence. You’re a good girl, I won’t look at the wrong person. ”

Hearing this, Rebecca trembled proudly!

Since the fall of the Riku royal family, she has become a swordsman in the gladiatorial arena, and no one has ever given her any words of concern.

All she gets is invective and ridicule.

Except, of course, toy soldiers, but in Rebecca’s eyes, it’s toys, not people…

Therefore, hearing that Luo Lan gave her such a positive evaluation, Rebecca subconsciously felt a little good at Luo Lan, moved lightly under her feet, moved two steps towards Luo Lan, and spoke: “Look at your dress, you should be from overseas, right?” ”

Luo Lan nodded: “Well, passing by.” It happened that there was a devil fruit to take, so I came up and took it. ”

Hearing Luo Lan’s intentions, a touch appeared on Rebecca’s little face: “If you think so, then I advise you to hurry up while you haven’t started yet, the game to be held is very cruel.” ”

“Oh~” Luo Lan smiled.

“Hey, hey, don’t think I’m joking with you. I’ve seen a lot of people from the open sea die in this gladiatorial arena. Even if some of you are very strong, because you are not familiar with this competition venue, you will be killed by local gladiators using the terrain! Moreover, your people from the outer seas basically fight alone, and the local gladiators will unite in small groups in this kind of irregular competition, killing all the people from the outer seas first, and then fighting internally. ”

Hearing Luo Lan’s disapproval, Rebecca immediately reminded seriously.

Normally, she would not take the initiative to talk to these people from the open sea.

But because Luo Lan is different from others, let her have a good relationship, so she will kindly persuade Luo Lan to step down to save her life.

Hearing this, Luo Lan glanced at the stage.

Indeed, as Rebecca said, many people gathered together as small groups.

And those individual individuals, judging from their appearance, are basically pirates from the open sea.

“Well, it seems that you are right.” Luo Lan said with a smile.

Rebecca frowned: “Since you have already seen it, then don’t you hurry up and leave this gladiatorial arena?” Doesn’t your life matter? ”

Luo Lan did not answer this question, but glanced around Rebecca and said, “Aren’t you also a local?” How come there is no one to team up with you? ”

“You’ve heard it all just now, why do you ask such a stupid question?”

Rebecca pouted, then took a few steps back, approached the edge of the pool, and said calmly: “It doesn’t matter if I don’t have teammates, as long as my back is a pool, I don’t have to worry about someone shooting from behind.” ”

“Oh~” Luo Lan nodded and asked nothing more.

At this moment, Rebecca was a little anxious, and she reminded with an aggravated voice again; “Hey, hey, why don’t you go down yet! The game is about to start! When the time comes, you won’t have a chance to leave! ”

After all, this was the only person who had made her feel good for so many years, and if she could, she didn’t want this person to die here like this.

Luo Lan glanced back at her and said with a faint smile: “I’m here to participate in the competition, how can I stop halfway?” Don’t worry, I’m strong! ”

“Hey… Everyone who comes here says they are strong! People who have said such things are basically dead. Rebecca stomped her foot in annoyance.

Secretly said in my heart, it’s really a good word that is difficult to persuade the damn ghost~

At this moment, the high platform was already overcrowded, and the muscular male host announced in a high-pitched voice: “The challenge begins!” ”

“Not good! You’re too late to go! ”

Hearing the start of the game, Rebecca immediately exclaimed, “Come here, come next to me, maybe I can help you occasionally!” But you have to do your best yourself, I can help, if you can’t, you can only resign yourself to fate! ”

Luo Lan raised her eyebrows~


All right.

He took a few steps back, stood beside Rebecca, and quipped, “I’m strong.” ”

“Okay, there’s no point in talking big at this time. Be careful, someone is coming to kill! ”

With the start password of the muscle male host, the entire gladiatorial arena was immediately killed!

Seven or eight groups of gladiators glanced at Rebecca and Luo Lan, gave each other a glance, and then besieged them.

“Get ready! Start fighting! ”

With a sigh, Rebecca’s momentum suddenly became different.

Holding the hilt of her sword in both hands, she immediately blocked the big knife cut by the strong man who rushed over first!


The strength of the other party is great!

Rebecca immediately stood unsteadily and almost fell backwards.

Seeing this, the big man immediately took advantage of the situation to storm.

But when he saw that he was about to force Rebecca into the pool, Rebecca actually deftly flashed, allowing the big man to pounce directly.

Inertia could not be contained, and the big man directly plunged into the pool.

The piranha churned, and the surface of the water immediately rushed with blood.

“Hahaha! This idiot can’t even handle a girl! ”

“You deserve to die!”


Several of Dahan’s teammates not only did not feel sad, but also laughed.

After all, they are teaming up now, and they will fight each other later.

One less teammate now, one less enemy later.


Seeing Rebecca’s sword dance that was not strong enough, but relied on dexterity, Luo Lan couldn’t help clapping her hands and praised.

Luo Lan’s relaxed and comfortable appearance immediately made Rebecca angry and careful liver pounding~

I’m fighting hard here, and your teammate not only doesn’t shoot, but still comments from the sidelines?

Do you think you’re in the audience right now?

However, Rebecca didn’t have time to accuse Luo Lan, because several other people had already attacked.

This time, four people struck, two besieged Rebecca and two besieged Luo Lan.

“Pretend to be a ghost, go die!” The two gladiators joined forces and slashed at Luo Lan.

Although their speed is good, in Luo Lan’s eyes, their speed is like a turtle crawling.

It can be described as extremely slow.

Luo Lan was also in no hurry to strike, intending to wait until the two of them got closer, and then give each of them a punch with a lightning strike.

However, although the opponent’s knife was not a threat in Luo Lan’s eyes, the attack at this distance fell in Rebecca’s eyes, but it was already life-threatening!

Rebecca saw that Luo Lan had not had time to make a move when her life was “dying”, and immediately concluded that Luo Lan would definitely die now!

She instantly thought for 0.01 seconds in her mind, and then reached out, grabbed Luo Lan’s arm, and suddenly pulled him behind her, and said angrily: “You still come to participate in the competition with such strength, you really don’t know how to die!” ”

Luo Lan looked at Rebecca in front of him with a confused expression~

This girl… It’s still very kind~

Luo Lan smiled: “Actually, the two of them can’t hurt me, I just plan to make a later strike.” ”

“Still tough! I already knew I wouldn’t save you! ”

Hearing that Luo Lan was still dying to save face, Rebecca became more and more angry.

How did I save such a rice bucket?

At this moment, the seven gladiators seemed to find that the battle behind them was becoming more and more intense, and they planned to solve the two people in front of them immediately, and suddenly all of them took weapons and killed together!

“It’s over!”

Rebecca’s face instantly became bloodless, and she was defeated!

Her back water sword dance relies on dexterous steps to win, but at this time, the other party is seven to two…

Oh no, equal to seven to hit one ~

Rebecca’s heart silently ruled out Luo Lan’s combat power~

With more than one enemy, the back water sword dance is perfect without any advantage!

In the face of the combined attack of the seven people, Rebecca’s little head turned rapidly at this moment, but no matter how she thought, she couldn’t think of any way to crack it.

Time did not wait for anyone, and the heaven and earth net composed of seven or eight weapons was instantly pressed in front of him.

“Ah! ——”

Helplessly, Rebecca shouted tragically, closed her eyes, and stabbed at one of them!

Death will also drag one away!


Her sword pierced into the opponent’s body~

She clenched her teeth, waiting for the pain of the moment she was killed by the knife!


One second~

Two seconds~

What’s the situation?

Why didn’t any weapons hit me?

Rebecca was stunned!

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