Ye Cheng held Xiao Xi and came to a high place.

Looking at the slowly sailing Sunny, Ye Cheng felt a little strange, reluctant, excited, and had a special feeling.

"It's okay, I'm just leaving for a while, it shouldn't be a problem."

Ye Cheng dispelled the bad thoughts in his heart, suddenly spread his wings, and flew in one direction.

Here, a cake boat was docked.

At this time, Baron Dandan and Lion with Doudou eyes were preparing to board the ship with treasures.

Ye Cheng who suddenly appeared scared them.

"Are you Ye Cheng, the barber of the Straw Hat Group? Do you want to take back the treasure?"

Baron Dandan felt an invisible pressure, and a few drops of cold sweat slid down his head.

"I didn't come here to find you this time. Can I contact Lingling? I have something to say to her."

Ye Cheng had no expression on his face and his voice was flat.

"Can you contact mom whenever you want?"

They definitely don't want to. If they do something weird again, they will definitely be punished when they go back.

"Breaking out of the shell and being reborn is not an invincible ability. I won't make it difficult for you. I just want to chat with her."

Seeing that they were still hesitating, Ye Cheng snatched the Den Den Mushi from their hands.

"Bulu Bulu~ Snap~"

"Hello, Charlotte Linlin. I'm Ye Cheng, the barber of the Straw Hat Pirates. Don't worry. Your two sons are fine. I didn't touch them."

Ye Cheng got straight to the point.

"I contacted you this time mainly to inform you that Fishman Island will be under my control in the future. I want to make it clear here that it is under my protection, not the Straw Hat Pirates."

Ye Cheng's words were like a bolt from the blue to the ears of the two.

"This is just my verbal agreement, but don't worry, I will come to you soon..."

After Ye Cheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for the other party to reply.

Of course, if he just notified the other party, it would only cause the other party's anger, and Ye Cheng naturally had to make a backup plan.

Of course, it was also to show his strength.

"Don't worry, I won't touch you, but it's better to remind your brothers and sisters not to set foot on Fishman Island again."

As he said, Ye Cheng suddenly floated up slowly, and countless hairs began to spread with him as the center.

The residents of Fishman Island all looked up at the sky, and the black hair that covered the sky and the sun directly blocked the light of the artificial sun.

"From now on, Fishman Island will be protected by me, Ye Cheng. Anyone who harms the mermaids will be killed! Anyone who invades Fishman Island will be killed!"

Ye Cheng's voice spread throughout the entire Fishman Island.

Then, these black hairs gathered at the entrance of the Coral Apartment.

Slowly formed the shape of a tower.

Ye Cheng ignored Baron Dandan and the other man, and flew to the Coral Apartment.

"This is the fifth-layer guard. As long as you send a strand of your hair into this hole in the future, they will protect you."

Ye Cheng is most concerned about these mermaids, and the others are not so important to him.

And this five-layer hair tower can also help him collect hair to improve his seawater resistance.

As long as he has time to come back once.

The totem tower of Nine Snake Island is also the same principle, which is his tool to collect hair.

As long as a certain accumulation is reached, he will have unlimited physical strength next to such a building.

Ye Cheng knows that confronting Big Mom in advance may cause her anger, but Ye Cheng is not too worried about this, anyway, there will be a battle in the future.

Ye Cheng feels that with Big Mom's character, even if she sends people to Fishman Island, she will at most let three-star generals go.

However, the possibility is not great. Ye Chen is not worried about this. After all, what she is preparing now is how to cooperate with Sanji's family, no, how to annex the other party.

Compared with a place hidden in the deep sea like Fishman Island, she wants Sanji's family's technology more.

After doing all this, Ye Chen also boarded the ship to the land.

After all, Hancock is still waiting for him.

This Dragon Palace ship is towed by the Sea King and led by the eldest prince.

Although the king was afraid that the action just now would arouse the anger of the Four Emperors, under Ye Chen's repeated assurances, the king still believed him.

Although this Dragon Palace ship is not coated, there is no seawater in the cabin.

At this time, Ye Chen was lying on Shirahoshi with little Merry and Perona.

"Lord Ye Chen, what are you doing?"

Shirahoshi looked down curiously.

At this time, Perona leaned on Ye Chen's arms with a flushed face, and the princess skirt rustled from time to time.

"You... mermaids... can have legs when they grow up?"

Ye Chen chatted with Bai Xing casually.

Little Meili beside him looked at Ye Chen with curiosity.

She was wondering, when did Ye ChenIs it time for dinner? Is he hungry? Why is he sweating so much?

"Perona, don't make a sound..."

Shirahoshi never thought that Ye Chen would actually have a friendly conversation with Perona in front of her.

"Usually, we mermaids can only transform into human form when we are 20 years old. By then, I can become smaller..."

Shirahoshi covered her slightly red face and fell into fantasy.

Ye Chen was not listening at all. At this time, he was sighing at Perona's obedience.

Not long ago, Ye Chen took Perona in the hair salon on the boat.

To be honest, Perona was really obedient. She was eaten up by Ye Chen after just a symbolic resistance.

"Princess dresses are good..."

Ye Chen let go of Perona, who was already a little confused, and hugged little Meli to one side. He lay comfortably on the huge Shirahoshi and slowly closed his eyes.

I don't know how long it took, but the originally dark surroundings finally showed light.

Ye Chen carried Perona to the bathroom.

At this time, Bai Xing discovered the water stain on her chest.

"What is this? It's sticky?"

Although Bai Xing didn't know what it was, she still went out of the cabin and prepared to wash in the sea.

But as soon as she swam out of the cabin, the beautiful scenery in front of her made her stop.

The sparkling sea surface was reflected by the sun, countless fish were chasing and playing, and there were huge tree roots that went straight to the bottom of the sea.

Everything was so novel.

At this time, the Dragon Palace ship had stopped, and the mermaids were enjoying this incredible scenery.

Even the eldest prince was shocked by the beauty in front of him.

But he quickly reacted, because they were about to reach the sea surface, they had to ask Ye Chen to show them the way.

So the eldest prince asked Xiao Xi to find Ye Chen and stopped the ship.

At this time, at the mouth of the Sabaody Archipelago.

Hancock was looking forward to it on the boat, because she had received the message from Ye Chen, and the two would meet soon.

"Margaret, go down and see why Ye Chen hasn't arrived yet?"

Margaret responded, jumped off the boat and dived into the seabed.

Obviously, this was not the first time Hancock gave such an order.

But Margaret had no complaints, she also wanted to be the first to see Ye Chen.

She originally thought she would return empty-handed, but she saw the huge Dragon Palace ship on the seabed...

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