Ye Cheng comfortably finished the wool and came back to Weiwei.

"Weiwei, don't worry, I'm here, even if... no matter who it is, I will do my best to help you solve it, drink some iced fruit I secretly prepared for you."

Ye Cheng pulled the other party to the back of the boat, and this place basically became his exclusive place.

This ice block is a luxury. The reason why he was able to get it is also thanks to the preservation of it on the Iron Bucket Island.

Then through hair and special iron boxes, this kind of iced fruit can be made.

As for Nami? She had eaten it a long time ago.

During this period, of course, Ye Cheng secretly fed her, well, just eat together.

"Ye Cheng, we still... um~"

Sure enough, we still have to feed each other mouth to mouth.


"Damn, the Fa Fa Fruit still has some defects, and it doesn't even have spatial ability."

Ye Cheng looked at the remaining four boxes wrapped in hair, feeling a little helpless.

But these are not the most important things now. The most important thing now is how to deal with Lao Sha.

Ye Chen has not yet mastered the Armament Haki. In fact, he is too lazy and has not activated it.

However, according to Ye Chen's thoughts, his decision cannot be said to be wrong.

Do you think that someone teaching you Haki is better than exploring it yourself?

Like Luffy, didn't he have someone to teach him, and then he used it himself and grew up in battle.

What Ye Chen thought was that he would be invincible after two years of experience in the Women's Kingdom.

However, he must not sit and wait for death when he encounters the Natural System. He must have his own tricks. He can't just keep paddling.

He has been lying in the gentle land all this time and rarely tried to get the wool. This is not okay.

The next Laosha and Enel are both elementalized. He can't just keep getting beaten and not being able to fight back. That's not his style.

"It's time to continue to develop my abilities."

Ye Chen knew that the Devil Fruit was full of infinite possibilities. It was impossible for the Natural System and the Mythical Beast to be invincible, so he must develop more powerful power during this period.

Fortunately, he now has some clues and is ready to try his hand on Lao Sha first.

After all, Lao Sha's flaws are still very obvious. If you can't beat him, just use water.

Soon the Merry stopped and everyone prepared to land on the island. Fortunately, the Merry was guarded by manatees, so basically there would be no problems.

Weiwei's goal is to find the leader of the rebels, negotiate, and then fight against Lao Sha together.

However, to be honest, this desert is really hot, especially for Ye Chen with long hair. It is very uncomfortable.

But there is no way for Weiwei.

Fortunately, he was prepared in advance, that is, the four hair boxes on his back.

Not long after walking, various problems occurred. Desert Storm was just one of them. Luffy also lost the water source and luggage, and was separated from everyone.

Ye Chen has long been accustomed to Luffy's operation.

During this period, Ye Chen took the two women and secretly separated.

The purpose is also very simple, not to let them know that Ye Chen treated them specially.

"Nami, Weiwei, we seem to have lost each other, but it's okay, I can roughly sense their location, and we can gather in the city later."

As he said, Ye Cheng opened a black box behind him.

"Look what I prepared for you, this is iced juice, I prepared it specially for you."

What is a timely help? This is it.

"Ye Cheng, you even brought ice cubes? So cool!"

Nami immediately picked up a bottle of orange juice and put it in her mouth.

"Thank you, Ye Cheng."

Weiwei was no longer polite and drank with them.

"How is it? Is it delicious? I want to try it too, hehe."

Ye Cheng directly pulled Weiwei over and tasted the fresh orange juice with Nami on his back.

"Ye Cheng? You? Nami is still here... um~"

Weiwei could only follow Ye Cheng and carefully observe Nami's movements.

"Siguoyi, it's really delicious, Ye Cheng, don't you want to drink some?"

Nami turned her head and looked at the two people squatting next to the box.

"Well, it's okay, these are all prepared for you, I'll just eat a few pieces of crushed ice."

Ye Cheng's observation color is not covered, he noticed Nami's action at the first time, he immediately let go of Weiwei, picked up a few pieces of crushed ice and stuffed them into his mouth.

"Isn't there still some? We can't drink much, I still have a little here, you can try it too."

Nami also gave away the remaining half bottle.

"Well, then."

Ye Cheng no longer refused, and glanced at Weiwei who was drinking juice and carefully covering up.

Then, Ye Cheng used his hair to create an elephant, carrying the three people and continued to move forward.

Of course, Ye Cheng sat directly between the two women, under the pretext of protecting them from falling.

Of course, Ye Cheng couldn't keep doing thisHe took them around like this, and finally joined the main force.

It's not that he didn't want to enjoy it a little more, but it was almost lunch time. Ye Cheng's cooking skills were really not good, so he could only ask Sanji, the dog, to help.

"(⊙o⊙) Wow! Ye Cheng, this elephant is amazing!"

Luffy looked at the elephant made by Ye Cheng, and his eyes lit up.

There was also a sexy camel following Luffy.

Ye Cheng would definitely not let Nami and the others sit on this guy, but let this camel carry the goods.

"This elephant is my limit. Sorry, I can't make any more, and I have to operate it manually, so I can only let you go on your own."

"By the way, Sanji, when is the meal?"

Ye Cheng looked at Sanji.

"Damn it, get down here, don't sit between Nami and Princess Vivi!"

Sanji was so envious and jealous.

However, Ye Cheng did not speak, and Nami sent Sanji away with a cute act.

"Sure enough, this guy is very strong."

Ace also stared at Ye Cheng for a long time, but finally did not invite him to spar with him. After all, the current environment was not suitable.

The elephant made by Ye Cheng's hair was hollow, and several people could lie in it to rest. There was also an umbrella on the elephant, and the elephant was as cool as if it was equipped with an air conditioner.

"Nami, Vivi, I will take a break to recover my strength. The control of the elephant will be handed over to you."

Ye Cheng lay directly on the cool elephant, with Vivi's knee pillow behind his head. It was so comfortable and refreshing. He was simply on vacation.

As for the various dangers and people encountered on the way, didn't Luffy still have it? Let him go.

If there were blind guys who wanted to trouble him? Then he would be directly killed by the elephant's trunk.

Unless he met Clarkdale, Ye Chen was too lazy to move. There was no other way. The gentle countryside made people degenerate.

As for the matter of shaving the head? Just leave it to Fa Kui. Anyway, the physical strength gained was not much different.

After all, he was used to multi-line operation.

However, on the way, Ace separated from everyone and left his life card to Luffy.

What they didn't know was that the danger was approaching, Clarkdale's men had gathered, and a big battle was about to begin.

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