"What? You want to take her with you?"

Nami was immediately annoyed and looked at Ye Cheng angrily.

"Take the second key, and give me the remaining two keys. I will definitely bring Robin back."

Ye Cheng wrapped Kalifa's delicate body with his hair, picked her up, took out the two keys from Nami's ravine with his hair, and then left directly.

"Ye Cheng, you... humph, wait until Robin is safely rescued, and I will punish you."

Nami clenched her fist and shouted viciously.

"Is this really okay? You actually quarreled with your favorite little wild cat because of me."

Kalifa in her arms suddenly opened her eyes, and the small glasses were also put away by her.

"Don't move, the Demon Slayer Order will start soon, where is the safest place for you? Um~"

Ye Cheng lowered his head and asked, but he didn't expect to be kissed by the other party.

"Stop messing around. Time is running out. I'll take you to the true gate."

Ye Chen did not respond, but hurried on his way.

"Where is the secret passage?"

After arriving at the first floor, Ye Chen looked at Kalifa.

"Want to know? Then be more proactive."

After Kalifa took off her glasses, she seemed to have become a different person, with a blush on her face. Ye Chen could not guess her thoughts at all.

"Well~ huh~ is it okay?"

Ye Chen met Kalifa's conditions and asked.

"It's 10 meters ahead."

Kalifa contentedly played with Ye Chen's long hair and pointed in a direction.

"Get on my back, I'm going to speed up."

Ye Chen came to the secret passage, squatted down, and let Kalifa get on his back.

In fact, the reason why Ye Chen brought Kalifa with him despite Nami's opposition was to let her show him the way.

After all, this place is like a maze. There are many places that cannot be found unless you have the luck of the protagonist.

"Don't touch me randomly. Can you be more obedient?"

Although Kalifa would show him the way, her hands were not at all obedient and kept moving around.

It was really different from her wearing glasses.

"Is this the legendary saying that once you put on glasses, no one loves you, and once you take off your glasses, you become a sickly pervert?"

Ye Chen complained in his heart, and ignored Kalifa behind him and continued on his way.

After going around in circles, he finally saw the gate that was broken by Luffy, and the passage to the Gate of Justice was finally found.

"Hey, don't go too far."

Ye Chen had to remind him that she bit his ear and put her hand into his clothes, just like a female gangster.

"Robin is probably almost at the Gate of Justice. If you don't hurry up..."

Kalifa's face was morbidly flushed, and she was holding Ye Chen's hair in her mouth.

"Damn it, I'll settle with you later."

Ye Chen also knew that this was not the time to take care of other things. He bit the finger that was inserted into his mouth and started running.

"Ye Chen? You're here! Great, Robin is behind that door, I'll hold him, you go quickly."

The end of this passage is the battle field between Luffy and Lucci, and there are potholes all around.

"Then I'll leave it to you, Luffy."

Ye Chen wanted to break through Lucci's defense, but Lucci was not a pushover, and directly used his razor to block Ye Chen.

"Kalifa, what's going on?"

Lucci saw Kalifa wrapped in Ye Chen's hair at a glance.

"Do you even need to ask? Of course I captured her."

Ye Chen interrupted immediately, fearing that Kalifa would say something fierce. If Luffy heard it and told Nami, he would be skinned alive.

"Rubber·Binding! Ye Cheng, hurry up."

Luffy seized the opportunity to control Lucci and bought time for Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng immediately kicked the door in front of him and rushed over.

The exit behind the door also had a light.

At this time, on the Bridge of Justice at the exit, the commander of CP9 was struggling to drag Robin, who was lying on the ground, forward, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Haha~ Robin, no one can save you, just accept your fate."

"Really? She is my woman, do you think you can get to that door?"

The terrifying pressure came from Ye Cheng, and countless hairs wrapped Robin and snatched her from the other party.

"Who are you?!"

"The one who killed you!"

Ye Cheng nailed this man to the ground without any mercy, and countless hairs began to pierce the other party's limbs.

"Ye Cheng, leave him to me, okay?"

Robin obviously hated this man, leaning on Ye Cheng's arms and begging.

"Well, don't move, I'll help you unlock the handcuffs."

Ye Cheng hurriedly took out the key and began to try to unlock Robin's restraints.

"Damn, it's not key 3 and 4,It seems that we can only wait for them to deliver the key. "

Ye Cheng put Robin down, and Kalifa behind him had been settled under the bridge.

"Go! Go, kill him!"

The commander of CP9 shouted at the top of his lungs, his limbs were tied up like hedgehogs by Ye Cheng's hair.

After receiving the order, countless navy appeared, holding long guns, and began to shoot at Ye Cheng.

"More people? I have one too, Hair Puppet·Spiral! "

Ye Chen's hair began to grow rapidly, and almost every ten hairs gathered into a little man.

These little men were not tall, only about one meter, and looked very simple, like puppets made of balls of string.

But they all had a unified spherical brain, which was spiral-shaped with a hole in the center.

From this hole, they could shoot needles.

Bang bang bang~

The bullets hit them, but only opened a hole, which would soon recover immediately.

These spirals also fought back immediately. Although the hair they shot out would not be fatal, it would make the opponent lose the threat.

Moreover, they could shave their heads, and by shaving their heads, they could grow slowly.

『Physical strength +3』

『Physical strength +4』

『Physical strength +6』


"Sure enough, the increase in physical strength was reduced by half. "

Ye Chen also discovered this. After all, these spirals can grow. Every time a person is shaved, he will grow about 5 cm taller.

And the bigger the size, the stronger the strength. The reason why Ye Chen chose to consume hair instead of physical strength is to prepare for the next battle.

Because the Demon Slayer Order has begun!

There are five vice admirals. Although these vice admirals should have given face to Garp and Aokiji, Ye Chen can't guarantee whether the other party will suddenly get excited.


Suddenly, several attacks flew over from a distance, and Franky's voice came from behind.

"Hey, long-haired guy, the red package under your feet is the key, quickly unlock Robin's handcuffs!"

Franky appeared with a Den Den Mushi, which he got when he met Nami.

"Haha, you are so awesome, Usopp. "

Ye Chen praised Den Den Mushi.

He moved quickly and tried the keys one by one, and finally used key number five to open Robin's seastone handcuffs.

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