It didn't take long for Sanji and Joba to bring back their clothes and supplies.

"What kind of clothes is this?" Didn't it say that good civilian uniforms?

"This is civilian clothing."

"Isn't this a dancer costume?"

"The dancing costume is also a civilian uniform."


Not to mention, Sanji's vision is indeed good, and these two sets of dancing costumes are really amazing.

Because the weather was too hot, they only wore the built-in hair armor given by Ye Cheng.

"Let's go, let's go shopping."

Nami wears a huge visor hat that covers most of her face, as does Vivi, so that she doesn't have to be recognized when traveling.

As soon as he arrived in the town, Ye Cheng found a silhouette, and Solon hid in an instant.

"Dusty, why are you here?"

Ye Cheng ignored him, but took the initiative to go up to say hello.

"Ye Cheng? It's you?

Dasqi, who was reprimanding the boss, also exclaimed, covering his small mouth and looking at Ye Cheng.

"I haven't seen it for a long time, I didn't expect your hair to grow a lot."

The first thing Ye Cheng did was to ruffle the other party's hair.

Not to mention, since Dusty was served by herself, she has also been much more exquisite, and her taste of clothes has also improved a little.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the shade to give you a good trim."

Ye Cheng immediately pulled the other party to leave, leaving everyone with a confused look.

"This guy has committed another occupational disease, leave him alone, let's visit us."

Nami left with some surprise, everyone looked at each other, and also followed.

"Damn, when did this guy meet her, forget it, don't care, buy wine and drink."

Solon glanced in the direction Ye Cheng left, and also ignored it, he liked wine more than women.

"Ye Cheng, why are you here?"

Dusty asked curiously.


It's nothing, I'm a pirate, of course I'm wandering around."

Ye Cheng said nonchalantly.

"What? Are you a pirate?

Dusty stood up instantly and reached for the knife.

"Huh? Are you going to get me?

Ye Cheng smiled slightly, and his body approached the other party step by step.

"I... I am the navy and it is my duty to catch pirates.

Dasiqi was directly forced into a corner by Ye Cheng.

"Oh, yes? So wait until I help you trim it and catch it, okay?

Ye Cheng looked unconcerned and continued to press the other party back to the hair chair.

"Why are you being a pirate?"

Dusty was very entangled and finally asked the question.

"Why be a pirate? It's a problem, I don't know, maybe I like to help people get haircuts.

Ye Cheng casually perfunctory.

『Physical strength +1314, hair hardness slightly increased』

"Dusty, how's it going? Still satisfied?

Ye Cheng handed over the mirror and leaned on her shoulder.

"Well, can you not be a pirate? Pirates are all heinous people, I don't want you... Not~? Dusty

just wanted to persuade, but was forcefully pressed on the chair by Ye Cheng and kissed deeply.

"I'm a scoundrel too, do you want to get me?"

After a while, Ye Cheng let go of the other party, showed a bad smile, and disappeared in front of her in a few months.

"Ye Cheng, you? I? You give me a stop. Even

the somewhat humble Dusty reacted, picked up the long knife and chased it out.

But where is Ye Cheng's shadow.

"This Dusty is really cute, continue to be my experience baby, hehe."

Ye Cheng touched the corner of his mouth and walked in the direction of the large army again.

Since tasting it, Ye Cheng was also much bolder, and he was ready to try to steal their hearts.

At this moment, the sky burst into flames, and a huge fire tornado appeared, faintly visible the smoke that appeared along with the firelight.

"Is this Ace and the smoker already fighting? The natural system is indeed powerful.

Ye Cheng stood on the roof and watched silently, this fire was very restrained to him, unless he could fully master the armed color, this restraint could be reduced.

"Fortunately, Ace belongs to my side, but what will happen to the red dog in the future?"

Ye Cheng compared his combat strength and found that he was not an opponent at all.

"Damn, you still have to continue to brush up on experience, otherwise you won't even have the opportunity to protect yourself at that time."

Ye Cheng also secretly made up his mind.

The people of the Straw Hat Regiment also headed towards the ship at this time.

Quite normally, Luffy lost contact again.

"Is this guy lost again? How about I go and bring it back to him?"

Ye Cheng pulled Nami and asked.

"Start the boat first, if he hasn't come to sea soon, you will go to him again."

Nami is most relieved that Ye Cheng, no matter when, Ye Cheng can bring her surprises.

At this moment, Luffy's hand suddenly flew over, and then boarded the ship directly in his way.

And with him on board was another person, none other than Ace with small freckles.

"Haha, hello."

"Thank you for taking care of my brother, I am his eldest brother Ace."

As soon as he finished his introduction, the bounty hunters' ships followed.

"Fire Fist!"

Ace directly solved it with one punch.

To be honest, Ye Cheng was also quite shocked to see this scene, at least now he could not reach the strength to solve several ships with such an easy punch.

Of course, it's not that Ye Cheng can't beat Ace, but the early stage of the natural system is really powerful.

"That's awesome!"

Ace's strength shocked the current Straw Hats.

Soon, Ace was on board again and ready to drop by for the next destination.

This gave Ye Cheng the opportunity to play.

"Ace, hello, my name is Funeral Ai Ye Cheng, I am also one of the crew, I am a barber, you see such a hot day, hair so long must be very hot, right?" Let me trim it for you.

Ye Cheng said very sincerely, and took out a complete set of his own equipment.

"Huh? Okay then, trouble. Ace

glanced at Ye Cheng and finally agreed.

Click click~

I saw Ye Cheng's dazzling set of operations, which instantly refreshed Ace.

"For the first time, Ace... Stamina +6999, hair fire resistance improved."

A pleasant prompt sounds.

"Fire resistance? How can it still be like this? Could it be that those with fruit abilities also have a chance to trigger special rewards? That's nice.

Ye Cheng was happy, and in this way, some of his weaknesses would be slowly made up, which was a great thing.

(⊙o⊙) Wow! Your craft is really good, and you are a lot handsome at once.

Ace also exclaimed, looking in the mirror and laughing.

Ye Cheng forgot about him when he got the reward, and came directly to Luffy's side, and three times five divided by two also gave Luffy a set.

『Physical strength +3666, hair toughness increased."

Sure enough, as he thought, he was once again rewarded with a special reward.


Luffy touched his hair, but he didn't react yet.

"Sanji, come here, I'll help you trim it too."

Ye Cheng is ready to reharvest them all today.

"Hey, give me a little longer bangs."

Sanji did not escape the clutches either.

『Stamina + 1999』

"Okay, it's my favorite Nami's turn, hehe."

Ye Cheng came to the cabin and began the next intimate service.

"Hmm~ Ye Cheng don't make trouble, I still have to draw..."

"It's okay, I'll just help you trim it, soon."

Ye Cheng is a very meticulous close-fitting trim, and he pecks from time to time....

『Physical strength +3009, hair toughness improved』

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