Nami was the most excited, and she snatched the smaller Ye Cheng directly from Ain's hand.

"Robin, look, Ye Cheng was so cute when he was a child."

Nami is the most touched, and Ye Cheng, who has become smaller, is a child, about the same height as Nami when she was a child, and she is very cute.

It is indeed a bit excessive to describe Ye Cheng as cute, but Nami and Robin feel so.

This is the case with the so-called Aiya and U.

"It's so cute."

Robin took Ye Cheng from Nami's hand and held Ye Cheng directly in his arms.

From time to time, the two women pinched here and there, and had fun.

"Hey, Nami, you're overdoing it, don't pull my clothes."

Ye Cheng said in a milky voice.

No way, he became smaller, and his voice became less lethal at all.

"How many times have I said that I want to call Sister Nami, and I am not obedient at all."

Nami didn't let Ye Cheng call her mother, she has always been a sister, she is rare to be a sister, naturally she will not let go of this opportunity.

"Hey, Ain, change me back, or I won't let you go."

Ye Cheng was sandwiched between the two women, and although he felt okay, he still felt a little awkward.

"Hmph~ Not for three days, you don't want to change back."

Ain didn't mean to let Ye Cheng change back, and there was a problem with her ability, when it was only used on one person, it would take at least three days for that person to restore it with his ability.

Or maybe she lost consciousness.

Now Ain is no longer a threat to the Straw Hats, and naturally no one will attack her.

Moreover, looking at Luffy's appearance, he obviously thought that it was not bad for Ain to stay on the ship for a while.

This is bitter Ye Cheng.

At this time, he was taken to the bathroom by two women, commonly known as helping him wash his body.

In fact, Ye Cheng knew the curiosity of these two women, and he wanted to find an opportunity to see his body.

Although the body has become smaller, the scars are still there.

Seeing the wounds on Ye Cheng's body, the two women were also a little distressed.

This is also the reason why Ye Cheng generally does not rub their large bathroom.

In fact, this is all an excuse, in fact, the real reason is that Ye Cheng is a little weak-hearted.

It's also a little good to be smaller, and the two women are not guarded against him at all.

But there are also shortcomings, you can't do anything, what bad thoughts can a 6-year-old have.

Under the careful care of the two women, Ye Cheng came out with Robin in her arms.

No way, Robin and Nami guess boxing, whoever wins will be able to get Xiaoye Cheng's ownership before eating.

Obviously, how could Nami be the opponent of the Belly Black Imperial Sister.

So the classic scene appeared.

Ye Cheng hugged Robin after coming out of the bath, his small face was pasted in the ravine in front of him, and he enjoyed it.

"What Momonosuke can't do, I'll help him finish it."

Ye Cheng thought like this, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Robin, how can you hold Ye Cheng like this!"

"Yes, I protest, although I'm just an old bone."

Sanji and Brooke couldn't stand it, they didn't do it, and Ye Cheng at this time was directly hidden by Robin in a loose bathrobe, only revealing one head.

"He's just a kid."

Robin didn't care, holding Ye Cheng and leaning on the recliner to read the newspaper.

"He's not a child at all, okay?"

Sanji and Brooke retorted loudly at the same time.

But Robin didn't care at all, his eyes were full of love.

"Robin, is it okay to give me a hug to Ye Cheng."

At this moment, Perona, who came out of the bath, also came to Robin's side and began to coquette.

She also wanted to hug Ye Cheng like this.

"Let me be yours at night."

Robin originally wanted to agree, but now Xiao Yecheng began to doze off with a look of enjoyment, and naturally gave up.

Ye Cheng is a little tired, after all, after fighting with Zefa for so long, his physical consumption is a little big.

Of course, the most important thing is that this feeling is indeed too comfortable, and Ye Cheng couldn't help but fall asleep.

Little Meili also looked at Xiao Ye Cheng in Robin's arms with a curious face, and also lay down next to Robin and poked Ye Cheng's face with his finger.

And at this time, Nami, don't mention how uncomfortable it is, just now she can obviously win.

But Robin didn't talk about martial virtue, and he took out ten hands at once and blocked the real arm with a blind eye, otherwise Nami would not have lost.

Although Nami also wants to do things secretly, her mind is where Robin's opponent is.

"It's so hateful, so cute little Ye Cheng should be mine."

Nami looked at Robin who was surrounded, a little envious, but it was difficult to go up, so she could only find Ain and ask about some information.

Ye Cheng was originally asleep, but was woken up by Xiao Meili.

No way, Xiao Meili's height is only one head taller than Xiao Ye Cheng at this time.

Usually Ye Cheng holds her, but now that there is a chance, Little Meili naturally wants to try it.

So, Ye Cheng was snatched away by Little Meili.

Robin just smiled, rearranged his clothes, and continued to read the newspaper, but his eyes kept looking at Ye Cheng, who was surrounded by little Melly and Perona.


Little Meili held Xiao Ye Cheng, who was half a head shorter than her, his face was full of excitement, and then took out a lollipop from his small backpack and sent it to Ye Cheng's mouth.


Cheng was a little speechless, but he did not object, cooperating with Xiao Meili's actions.

Then Ye Cheng was shocked.

Ye Cheng didn't expect that Little Meili secretly took him to a corner, and then removed the stick from his mouth, lowered his head and kissed him.

Ye Cheng wanted to struggle, but he didn't expect that Little Meili's strength was not small, and he was not an opponent at all.

Is this still the little Meili that Ye Cheng knows.

So Ye Cheng turned his gaze and locked his gaze on Perona, who was watching the wind on the side.

Obviously, this is a gang crime, and it must be Perona who broke little Melly.

In fact, where did Ye Cheng know that this was proposed by Xiao Meili, she has always been curious about what this feeling is, but Ye Cheng has never given a chance.

Little Melly naturally took this opportunity to experience the feeling that Perona said.

Ye Cheng saw that he couldn't open the struggle, so he began to cooperate

quickly, and Little Meili let go of Ye Cheng with satisfaction, and then took his hand and appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Not to mention, Ye Cheng and Little Meilina at this time are really a perfect match, just like a pair of cute siblings.

Perona was even more excited at this time, and directly let Ye Cheng grab his most beloved doll, and then gave him two photos.

It's a rare and precious memory.

"Robin, come and take pictures, how did I forget this."

Nami saw the camera phone bug in Perona's hand and immediately pulled Robin with her.

Then, Ye Cheng became a pendant on all women.

He was posed in various poses for several women to photograph.

Sure enough, women are really too obsessed with taking pictures.

Ye Cheng didn't know how many poses he had, anyway, the camera phone worm didn't stop.

Watching the women around him begin to select photos, Ye Cheng was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Being Conan is really not all good..."

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