Ye Cheng listened to the footsteps, did not feel like Monet's, suddenly let go of Perona in his arms, and then got up.

"Fluid shuttle."

Ye Cheng appeared outside the door, and the hair armor on his body instantly appeared.

"Ghost Zhu Virgo, or Lieutenant General, was discovered by you, it's really powerful."

Ye Cheng looked at the guy in front of him and said hello with a smile.

"Barber Ye Cheng, why are you here?"

Virgo looked at Ye Cheng at this time, very vigilant.

Although he knew that the Straw Hat Regiment had landed here, he did not expect that Ye Cheng lurked in the base.

"Nothing, I'll just try the bed here."

Ye Cheng said, and glanced at Monet.

Boom ~

Virgo didn't talk nonsense, and directly hit the ghost bamboo covering the armed color.

"Hey, you don't have to do this, do you? I just came to hang out and kidnap this Miss Monet by the way. Ye

Cheng dodged the blow very lightly, looking light and breezy.

"Arashi foot!"

Virgo didn't give in and continued to move.

As a lieutenant general, although his strength is not very prominent among lieutenant generals, his armed color and six styles are not weak.

However, such a slash was still too weak for Ye Cheng.

"Arashi, I haven't used this ability for a long time, you are still too outdated."

Ye Cheng's hair armor suddenly grew an arm blade, directly bouncing this slash away.



Just as Ye Cheng received this blow, a pitch-black bamboo hit him.


Ye Cheng also frowned, the blades of his hands swung directly, and the two slashes flew out directly.

Virgo only came in a hurry to block this move with the armed color of his whole body.

But he was still beheaded.

"The armed color is not used like this, the whole body armed color looks very domineering, but it is still too wasteful to use it this way."

Ye Cheng followed the momentum and chased a punch, and the hair above the fist was covered with armed color.

Although this punch made Virgo block with both hands, he was still knocked back several meters.

"You don't have anything in you that I can see, don't come... Well?

Just as Ye Cheng was about to re-enter the room, white snowflakes had spread to his knees.

"That's not what snowflakes use, Miss Monet."

Ye Cheng looked at Monet in the air with a pity on his face.

"Give me death!"

Monet directly transformed into a snow woman and bit it.

"That's it?"

Ye Cheng suddenly grabbed Monet's neck and lifted him up.

"Let go of me!"

Monet scratched Ye Cheng's body with his claws, but he couldn't break through Ye Cheng's defenses at all.

"Aren't you supposed to be smart? Why did you suddenly become so cranky?

Ye Cheng was a little puzzled, he remembered that Monet should not be like this.

But where did Ye Cheng know, Monet was already angry the moment he learned that Ye Cheng was going to kidnap her.

With Virgo on her side, she was ready to buy time for Virgo.

Virgo did not disappoint her and appeared directly behind Ye Cheng with a shaving.

Directly a bamboo against Ye Cheng's head is a blow.


Ye Cheng didn't care, and a black hair hand grabbed the bamboo.

"Finger gun!"

Virgo immediately abandoned the ghost bamboo and stabbed his finger directly towards Ye Cheng.


Countless hairs suddenly formed thorns and pricked out instantly.


Poof~ Although Virgo protected his body with armed colors, there were still several places that were directly pierced.

"I don't have time to play with you, Monet I'll take it with me."

Ye Cheng grabbed Monet in his hand, kicked open the bedroom door, wrapped Perona around his hair and left directly.

Virgo was about to block, but as soon as he made a move, countless hair needles came towards him.


Now he can only passively defend, and countless hairs have been tied on his body.

Monet was still making a final struggle, but Ye Cheng directly wrapped her in her hair, leaving no gaps.

"Now you can remodel her."

Ye Cheng smiled and found a place to hide again.

Then released Monet, who was about to suffocate.

The moment Monet was released, she attacked.

But where is she Ye Cheng's opponent, Ye Cheng is holding her heart in his hand.


Ye Cheng pinched the heart in his hand, and Monet instantly collapsed to the ground.

"It's time to be honest now, right?"

Ye Cheng looked at Monet lying on the ground and asked lightly.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Cheng released Perona and helped her put on her dress.

Looking at Ye Cheng's actions, Monet was a little afraid and did not dare to make the slightest change.

She was very smart and knew that Ye Cheng must have a purpose in arresting her, otherwise Ye Cheng would not be waiting for her in her bedroom.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Monet sat on the ground and asked.

"It's nothing, I just want you to work for me in the future."

Ye Cheng said while combing Perona's hair.

"This is impossible, I will not betray the young master."

Monet was very resolute and did not hesitate in the slightest.

"In this way, then you give me Brother Ming's phone worm, I will make a deal with him, and he will sell me this face."

Ye Cheng stretched out his hand.

"The Young Lord can't be... How do you know about me..." Ye

Cheng saw that she didn't mean to take out the phone worm at all, and directly snatched the phone worm with her hair.

Blu Bru Bru ~

"Fufufu, is it the barber Ye Cheng?"

The phone was quickly connected, and Doflamingo's voice came out of the phone bug.

"Well, it's me, this Monet is your subordinate? Give me face, how about giving her to me?

Ye Cheng didn't talk nonsense either, and asked directly.

"Hahahaha~ Do you think it's possible?"

"What is impossible, I can exchange things with you, for example, the news of the fruit of time."

Ye Cheng's words completely shocked Monet, and she looked at Ye Cheng in disbelief.


it enough, I can also tell you a secret, that is, my special ability, do you want to hear it?"

Ye Cheng felt that no one could refuse the fruit of time, which was the key to eternal life.

"Why should I trust you."

Brother Ming finally spoke.

"This is actually very simple, I know some secrets of the country of Wano, do you want to listen to it?"

Ye Cheng continued to flicker.

"Wano Country? You say this fruit is in the country of Wano? Brother

Ming obviously believed something.

"You can also think so, Blackbeard has already made a move, and only with his power will it be possible to get this fruit."

What Ye Cheng said was reasonable.

"You have told it all secrets, why should I give Monet to you."

Mingo's voice came again, giving Monet hope again.

"It's simple, she's just your useless pawn, and she's still in my hands, or do we go to all-out war?" Do I sweep away your kingdom?

Ye Cheng suddenly changed his style, and his voice was smiling.

"Are you looking for death?"

Brother Ming's voice also became cold.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, my ability is to devour the other party's hair, and to get a part of the other party's ability, Monet is just my first target, do you want to be the next target?"

Ye Cheng's voice was very flat, but it shocked Brother Ming and Monet.

This ability, as soon as you hear it, you will know its horror, if he makes him grow infinitely...

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