This is actually the chip that Nami and Robin used to buy Law.

No way, this thing is too novel, even Luo is completely attracted by the plot.

"Lean, isn't it too much to buy others with the video I gave you and use it to trap me?"

Ye Cheng looked around and did not find the figure of the four women.

"Where did they go?"

Ye Cheng came out of the theater and began to look around, and finally heard their conversation in the bathroom.

"Sister Robin, you said that if Ye Cheng wakes up, what if he spanks us?"

Nami was still a little worried.

"Don't worry, didn't it say in the movie? Give him bones and flesh to soothe him, and he is very obedient. "

Obviously, Robin took the movie seriously.

"God special bones and meat, I..." Ye

Cheng almost didn't rush in.

But after thinking about it, Ye Cheng suddenly laughed.

"Since you want to play, then I will accompany you to play, see if I don't put you all together..." Ye

Cheng actually knew the thoughts of several women, so he immediately had a plan,

didn't they think that licking dogs was like this? Then he will act according to what they want, first let them run rampant, and then catch them all.

With a method, Ye Cheng also showed a bad smile.

"Dogs don't just eat bones, wait for me, see if I don't..." Ye

Cheng suddenly thought of Inuyasha, and then began to practice some movements.

For example, wagging the tail.

Of course, Ye Cheng will only shake his tail at a few women, moreover, this tail is only installed, Luo can make this tail and ears fall off as long as he removes his ability.

Not only that, this and costume can also be close to the fur family, and when the time comes, with carrots and this outfit, it should not be a problem to take down the little rabbit.

Ye Cheng thought a lot, and eavesdropped a few words against the door, and found that they were about to come out, so he immediately appeared in the bedroom with teleportation.

He was ready to pose and act well with them.

"Ye Cheng, you're finally awake, (⊙o⊙) Wow! That's cute too, right? Nami

was the first to push the door in.

I found that Ye Cheng was sitting cross-legged on the bed at this time, a pair of dog ears moved, and the silver tail flicked on the sheets.

I don't know where it's cute, Nami rushed to Ye Cheng's arms, grabbing those two ears with both hands and rubbing them.

"Nami, let go of me, I haven't asked you yet, what's going on?"

Ye Cheng took two steps back and looked at the four women who walked in.

"Why do I have these two things on me? Whose idea, stand up, see if I don't..."

Just when Ye Cheng pretended to be angry.

Robin suddenly took out a meat leg and shook it.

Ye Cheng, who was still about to get angry, suddenly drooled, and then directly pounced on Robin at once.

Of course, Ye Cheng did not do anything to Robin, but directly bit the meat leg.

"Nami, look, isn't it the same?"

There was a plush carpet on the floor, and Robin was not injured.

And she also touched Ye Cheng's head with a smile

, and Ye Cheng glanced at her, did not resist, but continued to eat his roasted meat.

"Robin, let you run rampant for a while now, and then there will be a time for you to cry and beg for mercy."

Ye Cheng of course this is acting, as an acting little prince, what play has he not acted in?

What fake drama is really done, it is commonplace.

"Ye Cheng, do you know if you're wrong?"

Robin followed the trend and asked the question.

Ye Cheng naturally nodded cooperatively.

Robin, on the other hand, took advantage of the situation to grab the food from Ye Cheng's hand.

"Ye Cheng, you are not allowed to mess with flowers and grass outside in the future, got it? Otherwise, there will be no meat legs to eat.

Robin naturally didn't know that Ye Cheng was acting, and continued to talk to Nami about various conditions.

Ye Cheng was also very obedient, obeying their words, and took out various gifts from the space.

For several women a variety of services, what essential oil mask is arranged.

If you want to complete that plan, naturally let them inflate first.

Anyway, it's their own women, let them laugh first, and then make them cry at night.

This is the effect Ye Cheng wants.

Just when the women were letting their guard down, Ye Cheng made an excuse and found Luo and asked him to take off his dog's tail.

In order to hide his eyes, Ye Cheng did not remove the ears on his head.

Everything is ready, it's late at night.

Ye Cheng, who had endured for so long, finally broke out.

"Ye Cheng help me pinch my shoulders."

As soon as Robin saw Ye Cheng, he directly commanded with his meat legs.

"Here it comes!"

A triumphant smile appeared on Ye Cheng's face, and the door closed with him!

Taking advantage of the time of the theater, Ye Cheng began to start.

"Ye Cheng, it's not there, it's the shoulders, don't want to eat meat legs?"

Robin commanded with a meat leg that Ye Cheng had gnawed a few times.

"Very well, Robin, Nami, you're addicted, aren't you? I've already asked Luo to take the tail, and none of you want to run tonight." "

Making a play and making a trap, such an opportunity is rare, Ye Cheng naturally wants to leave them with a thought, thinking that the tail is the key.

But they don't have time to think about it now.

Ye Cheng had already pounced.

His first target was Robin.

Robin also looked panicked and wanted to use the fruit ability.

But both hands are directly grabbed and cannot move.

On the side, Nami Nomi shrank to the side, looking for an opportunity to escape.

But Ye Cheng would not let go of this opportunity.

Activate hair directly, blocking out sound and ringing.

This night is destined to be uneventful.

The next day, Ye Cheng came out of the bedroom with a smile on his face.

The bedroom was in a mess at this time....

"It's breakfast."

Ye Cheng walked back to the room with breakfast.

At this time, the three girls were all washing, and when they saw Ye Cheng with breakfast, they didn't dare to look at him.

Seeing that they didn't take care of themselves, Ye Cheng also smiled and didn't speak, put breakfast down and left the bedroom.

"Sister Robin..."

Nami's eyes were full of complexity, and she wanted to speak.

"This time we were careless, we shouldn't let him out of our field of vision, next time we will find an opportunity to teach him a hard lesson."

Robin touched his abdomen, frowning a little, and his voice was even more hoarse.

No way, Ye Cheng never let her go last night, and it was useless for her to beg for mercy.


Perona felt that this was Ye Cheng's conspiracy, but she didn't dare to say it, for fear of the same fate as Robin.

"The box is still there, next time I will also let Ye Cheng kneel and beg for mercy..."

Robin was obviously very resentful.

In the past, she took the initiative in several "fights" with Ye Cheng, but this time she suffered such a big loss, she naturally disagreed.

For these, Ye Cheng just smiled.

He waited for Robin's next "revenge", then he had another chance.

The reason why the box was left was also because it gave her an illusion.

What made Robin think that the reason for this defeat was that she was careless, as long as Luo was not on the ship next time, then Ye Cheng would not be able to win....

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