"Want to learn?"

Seeing Rebecca shaking her head, Ye Cheng threw another bait,


She immediately nodded vigorously.

"There is no free lunch in the world, why should I teach you?"

Ye Cheng finally showed his fangs.

"I can recognize you as a teacher and help you with housework..."

Rebecca knelt on the ground and bowed her head.

"I lean, I haven't said I will accept you yet."

Ye Cheng didn't think so, he wanted to make a deal.

But I didn't expect her to worship directly.

Where did Ye Cheng know that in Rebecca's mind, the teacher is basically equivalent to the existence of her father, she is a princess and knows the weight of the teacher.

Basically, as long as the teacher tells him, the disciples must agree.

Teachers who can become children of the royal family are very weighty existences.

This is also the highest etiquette.

But Ye Cheng didn't know ah, looking at Rebecca in front of him, Ye Cheng was a little speechless, this is a hard worship teacher.

At this time, Ye Cheng already had a picture in his mind, Rebecca was stalking, that is, to worship the teacher, Ye Cheng could only accept it helplessly, and then tried his best to counsel.

Finally, I was moved by the marriage proposal of a certain prince...

"No, how can this work, no... But if you refuse, it's not easy to close the distance..." Ye

Cheng glanced at Rebecca, who looked down and said nothing, and finally decided to take a step at a time.

"You want to worship me as a teacher? But my temper is not good, and I still like beautiful women, you really decided?

Ye Cheng decided to let her retreat first.

So he pinched her chin lightly, with a wicked smile on her face.

"That's not what you think in your eyes, you can't fool me."

Rebecca looked at him with clear eyes.

"I wipe, is there something wrong with my acting skills?"

Ye Cheng was a little unconvinced.

But at this time, Ye Cheng suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of a way.

"You don't even believe it, then in this way, you just kiss me, and I will teach you."

Bo ~

Ye Cheng's words just finished, Rebecca directly kissed Ye Cheng's face, and then got up with a red face.

“??? I lean, so simple? Am I going to be less? "

Where does Ye Cheng know, Rebecca's determination, her sister has to agree to work for Brother Ming in order for them to survive, she knows all this.

Her hatred for Brother Ming is to the bone, and the white eyes and abuse she has suffered since she was a child has not stopped, and she can persist until now thanks to her father.

That one-legged toy soldier.

"Okay, I see your sincerity, I can teach you, but it's not suitable here, only if you go to the daughter's country, it is possible to learn this."

Ye Cheng also stood up, put a helmet on her, and pulled her to the stage together.

Just now, the Group B tournament was announced.

And the encounter between Rebecca and Luffy was also ruined by Ye Cheng.

With the admission of Ye Cheng and Rebecca, the audience booed on the stage.

"Shut up for me!"


Ye Cheng suddenly used the special use of overlord color, and the horn was shattered.

Ye Cheng's voice directly shocked everyone.

"Hey! Ye Cheng, I'm here! The

surface was quiet, and just as Ye Cheng continued to enter, Luffy suddenly broke the calm and shouted his name.

"Lean, said okay lurking, didn't you directly expose me?"

Ye Cheng almost wanted to beat Luffy to death.

Luffy this guy, you say he's humble, but he can get up at critical moments, you call him stupid, his favorite thing is to sell teammates.

Especially which girl Ye Cheng came together with, he would definitely accidentally leak his mouth.

"It's over, forget Luffy."

Ye Cheng watched himself holding Rebecca's hand, knowing that he was going to be pitted by Luffy again.

"If it's exposed, then make a big fuss and get out of here."

Ye Cheng also figured it out and did not entangle with anything else.

"You hold me tight, I'll let you see what real strength is!"

Ye Cheng held Rebecca with one hand, and his body slowly floated in the air.

"A bag of rice against several floors... No, it's on the wrong set, it should be a convergence, serve!

Ye Cheng raised one hand, and a small black ball appeared in the air.

A terrifying scene appeared, and countless hairs directly broke free from the shackles of the original owner and began to converge towards this small black ball.

The men on the field basically became bald, and the women's words were fine, Ye Cheng only took half of his hair.

Then the ball grew bigger and bigger until it covered half the playing field, and it finally stopped growing.

"The special breakthrough conditions have been triggered, the physical strength has broken through the upper limit of the first layer, the physical strength has increased by 100,000, and the armed color has increased year-on-year."

『Overlord color special promotion conditions open 0/3."

『The upper limit condition of physical strength remains unchanged by 1/5."

"Gain a special ability, the power of dragon claws."

The power of dragon claws: The power of the claws is amazing, and the power is doubled!

"Good guy, really good guy, and there are such special conditions, and some dragon power, what's going on? Did Saab send my hair?

Ye Cheng squeezed his fist and finally laughed.

The serve on the top of the head was also slowly absorbed by Ye Cheng and disappeared little by little.

In fact, Ye Cheng was able to break through so quickly because of his accumulation, although it was only a small breakthrough, Ye Cheng could clearly feel his improvement.

"Now I'm taking you out of here, where do you want to go?"

Ye Cheng was in a good mood and directly opened his black feather and flew into the sky.

"I want to see my sister, but I don't know where she is now."

Rebecca looked at the island below and hugged Ye Cheng tightly, afraid of falling.

"Then you can stay with me for the time being, and I'll send you over later."

Ye Cheng found the right direction and flew out directly.

There was a wail in the arena.

And Ye Cheng's move also reached Brother Ming's ears.

At this time, Mingo was chasing Law, while Robin and Usopp came to Lilliput, and separated.

Law had already sent Caesar away and sent him to the Sonny, ready to attract Mingo's fire himself.

Brother Ming learned that Ye Cheng was in the direction of the arena, and without saying a word, he saw the Sonny, and rushed directly to the Sonny, wanting to solve the ship in an instant.

Nami almost cried when she saw Brother Ming who suddenly appeared.

They just solved that art aunt, and now they met Brother Ming, which is really a wave of unevenness.

Fortunately, little Melly and Perona made a move.

The dragon spirit combination is very powerful.

The pink dragon soared into the sky, directly facing Brother Ming with a breath of dragon breath.

Brother Ming, of course, dodged.

But the moment he dodged, countless ghosts rushed towards Brother Ming, instantly enveloping him.

Explosions rang out.

The smoke cleared, Mingo squatted online, holding his forehead and panting

, Perona's ability is very buggy, can control and fight, but the body is a weakness.

But with little Melly, it's different.

At this time, Perona was sitting on Little Melly's head, and her soul flew out and floated in front of Minggo.

Brother Ming didn't think about it, but the colorless thread flung out, but it went directly through Perona's body, and nothing happened.

On the other side, little Melly had entered the second state, and his black hair began to wrap around his body, and he created a protective shield for Perona.

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