The moment he saw the peach rabbit, Charlia Palace smiled.

"This woman, the owner will like it at a glance, the strength of the lieutenant general, when the time comes, it can be promoted to the general for my use, it's time to contact."

Charlia Palace smiled, and then touched the two rings in his hands.

The reason why she regarded herself as Ye Cheng's woman was also because of these two rings.

A hair ring, a metal ring.

The metal ring is filled with pure gold, and the hair ring is Ye Cheng's approval.

In fact, she thought too much, and this was also Ye Cheng's two-handed accuracy in order for her to not have two hearts.

Ye Cheng made two preparations on the Charlia Palace.

The first is the hair planted in her heart, and the second is the ring.

After all, she knows too much, and this identity, if she is against the water, Ye Cheng is afraid that he will be hunted down and killed by the world, so Ye Cheng is also very cautious.

However, as a last resort, Ye Cheng would not do that, besides, he had obtained the ability to manipulate his soul, and naturally he would not attack her again in the future.

But what Ye Cheng didn't expect was the next question from Charlia Palace.

"Does Hancock know you exist?"

Charlia Palace looked at the kneeling Siluvi and asked.

"No, everything is under control, and if it is really as you say, then the plan will definitely succeed!"

Xiluwei didn't have any expression, she was loyal to Ye Cheng, and she was not Hancock, so she betrayed Hancock without any hesitation.

"But if something happens to Hancock,"

Sheilvier reminded anyway.

"Don't worry about this, the Navy won't move Han Cook, because this operation is a live capture, don't worry at all."

Charlia Palace also knows the proportions, she does not want Hancock to die, what she wants to do most now is to force Hancock away.

Because of Hancock's existence, he has divided most of Ye Cheng's power.

Although in the daughter country, everyone knows Ye Cheng's great name, but his power was divided by Hancock by most of it.

This is not what Charlia Palace wants to see, she wants to completely bring down Hancock through this world meeting.

Because Ye Cheng had mentioned to her that this World Conference was likely to abolish the uniform of the Seven Wuhai.

As soon as this uniform is abolished, Hancock will become the target of the crusade, and Hancock will have to leave Nine Snake Island.

The Charlia Palace could then support Siluvi to take office.

Xiluwei's attitude of treating Ye Cheng like a god is equivalent to Ye Cheng completely controlling the entire daughter country.

At that time, the daughter country can completely achieve change.

Ye Cheng will become the real king.

"The female emperor is only, let her be raised as a canary, and the master's main palace will be me..." The

ambition of the Charlia Palace is very large, and the purpose is also very clear, that is, the location of the main palace, the existence above ten thousand people under that person.

In her opinion, the rest of the women are not worthy of that position, only she and her identity can sit in that position.

Although she is obsessed with power, she also wants to be recognized by Ye Cheng, and this ring was also put on by Ye Cheng for her after she ascended to this position.

She felt that Ye Cheng was the same as her, and also had the ambition to rule the world.

"How many of those Vegapunk people wooed?"

Thinking of the next change, Charlia Palace remembered the matter and immediately asked.

"None of them are ready to leave Eggshell Island, there seems to be something they have to guard, but one of the doppelgangers has provided us with a lot of advanced weapons."

"These armed forces will come back with the people from the Ministry of Scientific Research, do you want Hancock to know about this?"

Siluvi asked.

"No, these are all the research of Vegapunk, and there are people in the navy who know that they can't be exposed so early, and wait for the owner to come back and surprise him."

Charlia Palace smiled and took out the list from Siluvie's hand.

"There is another problem, now the daughter's country is ruled by Han Cook on the surface, but it is the two princesses who participate, and they should be better than me to succeed to the throne."

"Princess Xiaoxi is not suitable because she is a mermaid, but Princess Keya's words are still very suitable, and the healing team she leads is still very famous."

Xiluwei unconsciously touched the scar on her neck, but still said it.

"She? Well, she is very suitable, but she and the master..."

Charlia Palace nodded, but still had concerns.

After all, Keya didn't have much contact with her, it was Ye Cheng who took it back not long ago, and he usually treated the people, otherwise he would be with Xiaoxi and others.

"Princess Keya is one of the master's women, I have a good relationship with her, with what I know about her, she does not take away the rights of the master, and she listens to the master's words very much..."

Xiluwei thought of something, and her face was slightly red.

"In that case, you go and prepare, I trust your judgment, the next time the master comes back, I will bring you with me..." "

Charlia Palace is buying people's hearts, of course, it is also because Ye Cheng is really powerful....

"But my injury... The Devil Fruit didn't let these injuries go away, let those sisters come..." At

the thought of the scars on her body, Xiluwei's expression fell into loneliness.

She bit her lip, very sad, she also wanted Ye Cheng to like her, but she knew that this was unrealistic, even if Ye Cheng had said that she was beautiful.

But she still retreated, she was afraid that Ye Cheng would hate her, she didn't ask for much, as long as she had a little sense of participation...

"You're still the same, hey~ forget it, I'll let the master take the initiative to pull you..."

Charlia Palace sighed, touched Siluvei's pretty face, and touched the exposed wound, without saying more.

At this time, the world conference had already begun, and Xiaoxi and Keya were just listening silently most of the time.

Watch these royal families rip off here.

For such a situation, the two women were also prepared, they just chatted quietly on the side, not caring about them at all.

Back to Ye Cheng's side.

At this time, Ye Cheng had landed safely, but he did not fall to the place he expected, but fell into a pool.

Ye Cheng, who fell into the pool, did not have any hesitation, and immediately began to flutter, crawling to the shore in embarrassment.

"Damn, where is this? Wait, it seems to be mispositioned.

Ye Cheng suddenly thought of something and looked at his hair ring.

His hair ring is slightly different from that of other women, and this hair ring is a secret equipment for locating several women.

It can stick out a hair to point the way, knowing the position of several women at any time.

But the location where he is now is obviously not where Little Melly and them are, and they are a little far away.

The place where he is now is a courtyard, which is not right, it should be said that it is a house carved out in stone.

Apart from this pool, there is only one cave ahead.

Just as Ye Cheng looked into the stone cave, a person slowly walked out from inside...

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