"Three-knife flow!"

As the two Four Emperors continued to destroy the ruins, a figure rushed out.

"Annoyance wind!"

A fierce wind swept by, successfully attracting the attention of the two Four Emperors.

Chlorella head Solon is officially here!

"Ye Cheng!"

Solon gulped and took an offensive stance.

"I'll buy you time!"

Solon shouted again, and rushed out with his knife in hand.

Solon was really ready to fight hard this time, even if he died, he would not take a step back.

Although he and Ye Cheng don't deal with each other very much, Ye Cheng has always been his target for transcendence, and he is also the core figure of the Straw Hat Group, and he is second only to Luffy's existence.

Between men, the relationship is getting better and better, and they all understand.

Solon did not believe that Ye Cheng was dead, and he wanted to help Ye Cheng buy time to recover as much as possible.

"And us!"

Just as Solon rushed forward without hesitation, several more figures rushed over from the crowd.

It was a few people from the Red Sheath Nine.

They saw the dawn of victory over Kaido, and this dawn was Ye Cheng, and they naturally would not let go of this opportunity.

Even if the opponents were the two Four Emperors, they would have to buy time for Ye Cheng.

"Ma Ma Ma Ma ~ Kaido, it seems that your country of peace is not very peaceful."

Auntie looked at Kaido, teased, and raised the big knife in her hand at the same time.

"You don't shoot, such an interesting thing, I want to see how far they have grown."

Kaido stepped out, the weapon in his hand held high.

Thunder and lightning wrapped around this huge mace.

"I'll stop him!"

Solon did not hesitate and directly wrapped the blade with armed colors.

I saw that the muscles of his hands were high and bulging, and he posed in a two-knife flow.

"Two knife flow!"


mace and double knife collided, and thunder and lightning jumped wantonly, shrouding the two.

Although Solon supported it a little hard, he still blocked it.


At this moment, several black shadows suddenly jumped high and slashed towards Kaido's body.

The attack of several people directly became a kind of situation.

The person who attacked was none other than the Red Sheath Nine.

"Taoyuan Ten Slashes!"

A huge slash slammed into Kaido.

Kaido was slightly stunned and did not defend.

The attack just now reminded him of a man, the man who had cut him.


Under the blow, Kaido directly put down.

"Was it successful?"

"It should have succeeded, after all, Lord Ye Cheng is..."

Before they could rejoice, a huge figure slowly stood up again.

"Cough~ The move is good, but unfortunately, you are not him!"

It was Kaido who stood up again, revealing a hint of remembrance and picking up his mace again.

"Three Blade Flow... The boundless universe! At

this moment, Solon's slash had arrived, and the target was Kaido!


"Ma ~"

Aunt made a move at this time, and directly caught Solon's big move.


Solon and Aunt had just frozen, and a loud shout sounded.



A thunderbolt roar exploded.

In an instant, Kaido appeared behind everyone.

The Red Sheath Nine Heroes fell a blockbuster.



Several people flew up screaming, and all were knocked to the ground.

"Only with this bit of strength, do you still want to let the country of Wano open the country? Not even half of that kid's strength.

Kaido walked up to everyone with disdain and grabbed Jinweimen's head.

"Red Sheath Nine? Huh~"

Kaido smiled disdainfully, let go of Jinweimen's head, and turned to go in the direction of Solon.


At this moment, the seriously injured Jinweimon grabbed Kaido's leg.

"I won't let you do anything to them... Ahem~"

His will is very strong, and he will not let go.

"Then I'll give you a ride."

Kaido casually grabbed the long knife on the side and fell.



Solon turned his head and wanted to come to the rescue.

At this moment, a large knife directly cut over, instantly grasping this flaw.

Although Solon reacted, he barely blocked it with a knife.

But it was still chopped out by a huge force.

"Ahem~ abominable."

Solon braced his body with his knife and barely stood up.

Blood began to ooze from his waist, and apparently, the knife just now did not completely block it.

"It's another guy from the Straw Hats, and the strength is not bad."

Kaido slowly approached Solon and looked at him condescendingly.

"Ye Cheng~ Where are you?"

Perona's ghost suddenly penetrates the battlefield and breaks the confrontation.


Auntie was interested, suddenly stretched out her hand, and grabbed Perona.

The hand that should have been worn caught Perona's ghost.

"Huh? How can you catch me? Ye Cheng~"

Perona began to struggle, but she was grabbed by her aunt.

"What delicious food!"

Auntie looked at the Perona ghost in her hand and licked her mouth, her eyes were full of longing for the food in front of her.

With that, she sent Perona to her mouth.

"Don't! Lord Ye Cheng~"

Perona cried loudly and shouted Ye Cheng's name.

"That little ghost has already been solved by us, no matter how much you call it, it's useless, obedient..." The

aunt smiled disdainfully and opened her mouth directly.


And at this moment, a black light flashed and attacked the aunt directly.

The ding~

attack did not break through Auntie's defense, but it still made Auntie let go of her hand.

Perona, who had been freed, hurriedly fled the place and headed in the direction of the hair house.

"What's that?"

Auntie looked at the black hair wrapped around her hands and looked in the direction of the black hair.

A pitch-black sphere appeared in everyone's field of vision.

It is a pitch-black sphere in the shape of a black spiral with white light reflected in the center of the vortex.

At a glance, it looks like a huge eyeball.

There was a person lying under the huge eyeballs, it was Ye Cheng.

It seems that he has passed out, but the huge eyeballs are made by his hair, which looks very strange.

The eyeballs scanned the audience, as if they did not see the two Four Emperors, and swept past them.

Finally turned his head and froze on the hair room.

After seeing the hair house, this eyeball turned out to be humanly half narrowed.

Immediately afterwards, countless black hairs flew towards the hair house.

This change quickly attracted everyone's attention.

"What is it?"

As a little of the hair house disappeared, the women also showed their figures from the hair house.

Yamato looked curiously at the hair flying in the sky.

"This is Ye Cheng's hair, Ye Cheng is okay, it's great!"

Nami reacted immediately and grabbed the thick hair of her arm.


this moment, the change happened again, and these black tentacles with thick arms directly tied the waists of the women after absorbing these hairs.


Luo has been around the battlefield, always ready to find an opportunity to rescue Ye Cheng.

This change also caught his attention.

Just looking at these black tentacles, he realized something was wrong.

However, he did not make a move immediately, he felt that Ye Cheng could not make a move against these women.

Luo still understands Ye Cheng very well, even if he is injured, he can't hurt the women.

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