
Qinglong Kaido was knocked down from the air.

And the aunt's side is even more uncomfortable.

The people of the butterfly organization are all capable people, and their strength is very terrifying.

Ordinary fruits are useless?

Of course not, the cooperation of capable people is even more terrifying.

Coupled with their terrifying strength, Aunt has been completely suppressed by these dozen butterfly mask girls.

Even those who have already been beaten are a little physically exhausted.

"Ma Ma~"

Aunt brandished a big knife, wanting to kill these annoying women.

But these annoying guys instantly scattered, rotating attacks around her, covering weapons, fists and feet falling on her.

Even if Aunt claims to be a steel balloon, she can only passively defend under the siege of these proficient domineering and capable people.

After a long attack, the aunt finally couldn't eat it anymore and was blasted out.

And the landing point happened to be the direction where Kaido was.


Auntie got up and looked at Kaido on the side, with a look of surprise on her face.

The two Four Emperors are very embarrassed, but it is not enough to defeat their two high-blooded and thick bosses.

It's just that now, Kaido's situation is a little bad, don't underestimate Han Cook.

Her attack was accompanied by a petrification effect, even if the petrification was only a small layer of skin, under the full force of the blow just now, Kaido's defense was also broken.

Kaido looked at the crack in his chest and coughed heavily on two mouthfuls of blood.


Kaido glanced at the somewhat embarrassed aunt, did not ask more, and looked at the women again.

"Boyahan Cook, aren't you supposed to be in the windless zone?"

Kaido looked at the female emperor with a hint of lust in her eyes.

"Is that the one who beat Ye Cheng into a serious injury?"

Hancock looked at Kaido with a calm face, and made a bow-drawing gesture with both hands.

"Heaven on fire!"

Auntie had long held back the fire, and a terrifying flame appeared in the palm of her hand.


At the same time, Siluvi behind Hancock raised her hands.

Suddenly, a huge black shadow appeared behind the two cafeterias.

Black Shadow grabbed Kaido and Aunt with just two hands.


Hancock shot at the same time.

A huge pink arrow headed towards Auntie.


The arrow sank into Auntie's belly, and a crack after petrification appeared at the wound.


Auntie screamed miserably and directly broke the defense.


At the same time, Yamato shot a hammer on Auntie's wound.


the aunt screamed again.


The battered aunt continued to scream, and the sound swept around, and the Titan statue that grabbed her collapsed with a bang.

The women held their heads and looked at the aunt who was still screaming.

Kaido was also shocked by this sound wave.

It took half an hour to howl before Auntie's voice stopped.

At this time, the aunt looked a little strange.

Originally as fat as a leather ball, she actually lost weight, looking much older, like an old witch.

The slimmed down aunt looks very hideous and terrifying.

"Ma Ma~"

Aunt covered the wound, sticking out her tongue, looking like a hungry wolf.

Known as a steel balloon, she urgently needs to replenish food, otherwise, her steel body will not be able to maintain any longer.

If you can no longer get food supplements, the sequelae of the pseudo-god body will break out, which is called binge eating disorder!

And Kaido is the same, he is eroded by alcohol, only when drinking, the reaction is the most rapid, and before drinking, he will be a little dumb.

It's not that Kaido can't dodge, but his nervous reactions can't keep up with the young man, and he has been paralyzed by alcohol.

Except, of course, for him after drinking.

Compared with binge eating disorder, Kaido's alcoholism has a stronger impact, so Kaido is known as the strongest creature on the surface.

The greater the sequelae, the more terrifying this ability is.

The same is true of Luffy's Drum of Liberation, the greater the cost, the stronger the ability.

Without the steel balloon aunt, there is no confidence in the four emperors.

Immediately afterwards, countless attacks fell on Auntie.

Bang bang bang ~


Auntie's body appeared countless kinds of weapons, including daggers, long swords, spears and so on.

"You guys..." The

aunt looked at the women, her face showing unwillingness.

But now she has basically run out of oil.


Just when the women wanted to pull out their weapons, a terrifying aura struck from the side.

It was Kaido who did it.

Under his blow, all the people in the butterfly group were thrown out.


Kaido called out Auntie's name in a complicated way.


Auntie looked at Kaido with a smile on her face.

This smile is extremely complex, there is bitterness, there is remembrance, there is relief....

"Hahahaha... Kaido, they will be executed by you!!

Auntie's smile suddenly turned crazy, and she pulled at the top of her head.

A strange cloud of energy was held in her hand.

Then, she stuffed the energy in her hand into Kaido's body.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, and they did not expect such a thing to happen.

"This is..."

Kaido's body erupted with astonishing momentum, and terrifying power erupted from Kaido's body.

Roar ~

a dragon groan.

A huge fiery red figure appeared.


Fire Dragon Kaido just swept with his tail, and the women of the butterfly group were blasted out again.


A breath of dragon breath was spewed out by it, and the target was Hancock and Yamato and other women.


"Ice Breath!"


With an exclamation, a violent explosion sounded.

Boom ~


It was then that Nami reacted, and Luffy was still lying outside.

But it was too late, and she could only watch Luffy being consumed by the terrifying flames.

Heluvi and Yamato combined forces barely managed to stop the terrifying flames, protecting the women and the rescue room behind them, where there was time to pay attention to Luffy.


And at this moment, a huge force struck, and without waiting for the women to react, the scorched black soil shell was smashed by Kaido's tail.

The women directly smashed the rescue room and flew in.

"Thousand hands bloom!"

Robin caught the women at a critical moment and prevented secondary damage.

But Ye Cheng's rescue room was also exposed.

"What's going on?"

Luo asked casually, did not look in Kaido's direction, and continued to operate on Ye Cheng.

"So you're all hiding here."

Kaido looked condescendingly at the people below and bowed his head to approach.

He looked down at everyone below as if he were looking down at an ant.

Next to the gravel next to it, a figure is undergoing strange changes.

This person is Luffy.

The flames just now made Luffy's body emit a strange heat.

As the heat dissipated, Luffy's body began to melt strangely to the ground, and then began to reorganize.


" "Hahahaha~"

Just as Kaido was about to destroy the women in one go, strange laughter sounded.

A white figure bounced on the ground without any obstacles.

He was wearing a white Yanyun, his white hair was extremely eye-catching, and the ground became his trampoline, no matter how he jumped, it would not hurt him in the slightest.

This is what Luffy looks like now, and it is also his fifth gear form.

Renren Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, Nika Form!

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