Ye Cheng opens the Properties panel.

Host: Ye Cheng

Occupation: Barber

Devil Fruit: Hair Fruit (Superhuman Fruit

) Fruit Ability: Crazy Long, Hair Absorption, Stretch Freely, High Imitation, Hardening, Hair Needle, Control, Hair Puppet, Hair Armor, Second Form, Susa Giant Form, Hairless Form (other skills to be developed)

Physical strength: 48996/50029

Physical Technique Six Styles: Iron Block

(proficient in 2565/10000) Paper Painting (Advanced 4999/5000) Shaving (proficient in 9999/10000) Arashi Foot (proficient in 9999/10000) Finger Gun (proficient in 9506/10000) Moon Step (proficient in 8106/10000) Domineering: Seeing and Smelling Color (Advanced 9/1000) Armed Color (Awakening) Overlord Color (Awakening)

Giant Power: Special Power, Control the giant form to unleash its power.

Special Attribute: Charm???

Hidden attributes: fire attributes protest high, natural attributes protest low, toughness high, hardness high.

Fruit Awakening Progress: Primary ??? /???

Ye Cheng looked at his attribute panel, and several of the moves in the six forms had reached the bottleneck, so they were all stuck there.

And none of this is the most critical.

What he cared most about was the progress of this fruit's awakening.

"This fruit awakening is still graded?"

Ye Cheng began to recall the original work, and soon reacted.

Due to the difference in the Devil Fruit, the way of awakening is naturally different.

Most of the real awakenings can assimilate the surrounding things in the middle of the period, but this range is limited, which is generally a few hundred meters in radius.

Of course, the development of fruit abilities must be more than that, such as Doflamingo's birdcage, which is a special power after deep awakening.

Ye Cheng, on the other hand, had just touched the threshold of fruit awakening.

There is still a long way to go.

Therefore, the author feels that fruit awakening should be divided into three stages.

Primary awakening, intermediate awakening, advanced awakening.

Of course, there is also a special awakening mechanism, which should be related to the overlord color.

Sure enough, awakening does not mean invincible, only a perfect combination with domineering is king.

These Ye Cheng can't do it now, but Ye Cheng can feel his own difference.

He only awakened the fruit ability after reaching 50,000 physical strength, and it was only a primary awakening, which was abnormal in itself.

Like Luffy's second and third gears, they are all signs of primary awakening, and his physical strength is not high at all Ye Cheng, but he has already awakened primarily.

"What will I look like after this awakening?"

Ye Cheng was also quite curious about what state he was in after awakening, and his heart was also excited.

And just then, the Melly finally stopped.

"What is this place?"

Nami looked around curiously.

"This should be an altar."

Robin said, pointing to the building in front of him.

The Melly also happened to be stuck next to the altar.

"Ah! There are sharks! "

Choiba fell next to the altar and was almost eaten in one bite.

Solon certainly doesn't care, after all, they have a very good relationship.

"This altar is not far from the shore, I will take you ashore first."

Ye Cheng held the two daughters and came to the shore with moon steps.

The rescued Choiba was left behind to repair the ship.

"Solon, you are responsible for opening the way, my highness, everyone first look for clues in this forest."

Ye Cheng directly let the puppet hall, and he was holding the two women and walking in the middle.

"This is what you call the queen?"

Solon complained loudly.

And Luffy's side has reached the entrance of the God's Trial.

And chose the Trial of the Ball.

They also met the first priest.

These priests all have hearts and eyes, they are very difficult, and their side is also caught in a bitter battle.

And Ye Cheng's side explored all the way, but did not find any usable clues, Nami encountered several dangers, but they were all solved by Ye Cheng casually.

Toot ~

At this moment, the whistle sounded.

"Huh? Choba?

Ye Cheng glanced at the rear, but then looked at the two women, and finally did not rush back.

He felt that he should trust Choba.

Besides, isn't there still the help of Sky Knight?

Ye Cheng continued to accompany them on their expeditions, and soon Nami discovered the difference between this island, and the so-called Golden Country was on this island.

Robin was also thoughtful, probably guessing something.

"In other words, we should go back too, right?"

Ye Cheng suggested, after all, he also felt Luffy's approach.

What they didn't know was that the Dilia warriors had already helped them attract most of their firepower.

"Choba, are you all right?"

Looking at the tearful Qioba, the two women immediately stepped forward to comfort him.

"Luffy, you're here too?"

Ye Cheng looked at Luffy who appeared from the other side.

"Hey, hey."

Luffy smiled and rushed to the boat with Sanji and Usopp.

Ye Cheng also returned to the ship with the two women in his arms, and joined Luffy's group.

That night, everyone gathered around the fire and began to tell the information they had received.

After learning that this island was once the golden township, everyone was also shocked.

"Ye Cheng, why don't you sit?"

Nami looked at Ye Cheng, who was always vigilant, and was also very curious.

Usually at this time, Ye Cheng will lean over to get oil, but why has he been frowning and observing at this time, which is very unacceptable to Ye Cheng.

"It's okay, I'll just eat while standing."

Ye Cheng leaned behind the two women and didn't say much.

"Ye Cheng, it's okay, you've been like this for a day, you're tired, right? Don't want to lie here and rest?

Nami seductively said.

"Well, no thanks, that's fine."

Ye Cheng did not go this time, which also surprised Nami.

"What the hell is going on?"

Both Nami and Robin got up, walked to Ye Cheng's side, and then pulled him aside.

"It's really okay, just don't get more than ten meters away from me."

Ye Cheng was still half-squinting, feeling the surroundings with his sight.

Through what he saw, Ye Cheng found that there were countless small points of light around, and these points of light should be the so-called heart net.

Just as he wanted to continue his investigation, Nami and Robin leaned in and pulled him left and right behind a large tree.

"Don't lie to us, you're in the wrong state."

Nami spoke directly.

Robin, on the other hand, used his ability to hold him.

"Don't make trouble, I really have something, you guys rest early, I'll help you keep vigil."

Ye Cheng grabbed Robin's hand and shook his head.

"You can tell us, don't carry everything alone."

Of course, Nami didn't want to let him go just like that.

"You should have your own business to do, right? Go, maybe I'm overthinking.

Ye Cheng hugged the two women and said with a smile, looking as if he had regained his original heart.

However, his tense body at that moment betrayed him.

Because the Melly was not repaired, plus secondary damage, everyone could only rest in the wild.

Ye Cheng set up a tent for the two women and sent the two women in, but it was unusual not to go in.

"Ye Cheng, aren't you coming in?"

Nami asked.

"I'll just rest in the tree, it's okay, with me here, you can rest in peace."

Ye Cheng looked directly at everyone and said with a smile.

Everyone was surprised, but they didn't say much, they all found a place to lie down, even Solon rarely lay down to rest.

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