Ye Cheng put Kalifa down and slowly stood up.


With one of his snapping fingers, the hair rings in the hands of the women trembled at the same time, and countless black hairs formed armor and cloaks, arming the women in full armor.

Before the women could react, Ye Cheng soared into the air, and black feathers naturally formed behind him.

"Retreat is life, advance is death!"

Ye Cheng's long hair rose into the sky at this moment, straight into the sky.


The sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, forming a huge vortex cloud with Ye Cheng as the center.


" "2~

" "1..." Ye

Cheng counted three numbers aloud.

The thunderclouds in the sky began to roll strangely.

"If you don't see the coffin and don't shed tears, then let you taste the taste of this black rain~"

As Ye Cheng's voice fell, black thunder suddenly danced in the black cloud vortex.


Black raindrops poured down.

These raindrops become extremely small and solidify instantly the moment they fall.

"Ah~ it hurts... It's not rain, it's needles! "


" "Don't~run!"


In an instant, the ships at sea were covered by black rain, dense black needles pierced the navy's body, and those warships were even attached with a layer of black coat.


A black wave of qi swept over, and those black rains instantly turned and fell into the sea.

It was Fujitora who shot!

"Shanks is actually watching the play again, is this testing me?"

Ye Cheng looked at Shanks, who had already collected his sword, and instantly guessed the reason.

Seeing that his offensive was defused by Fuji Hu, Ye Cheng did not continue to move.

"Fujitora, it's time to withdraw."

Ye Cheng reminded.

"Little ghost, your strength?"

Fuji Hu put away the knife in his hand, and at the same time opened his eyes, which were only the whites of his eyes.

His eyes furrowed as if he had seen something that shouldn't have existed.

"Fruit abilities are not only development, but also your imagination and understanding of fruit power."

Ye Cheng slowly floated down from the air, a cloud of black hair circling in the palm of his hand.

This hair is very strange, and it keeps changing its appearance in his hands.

Sometimes it turns into a black strip, sometimes it turns into a sharp vertebrae, and even a villain.

"Hair is alive, it is also an energy, that battle is not over yet, let you see my newly explored strength..."

As Ye Cheng's words fell, the hair in Ye Cheng's hand flowed like a liquid.

In an instant, pitch-black lines covered Ye Cheng's whole body.


With Ye Cheng's loud drink, Ye Cheng's hair jumped like a flame, and a dark cloud of smoke wrapped around Ye Cheng like a gauze robe.

Black thunder and lightning danced around Ye Cheng.


The terrifying heat wave completely erupted with Ye Cheng as the center.


Fuji Hu seemed to sense something, and instantly squeezed the knife in his hand.


As the blade was pulled out little by little, a terrifying black stance covered Ye Cheng's body.

The ground instantly sank down.

"This gravity is not enough..." But

Ye Cheng in the most central area seemed to have not been affected in any way, and was still suspended in mid-air.


A piercing cracking sound sounded.

Ye Cheng instantly rushed towards the vine tiger, and the pitch-black fist directly blasted towards the vine tiger.


Fuji Tiger's reaction was also very fast, and he instantly retracted the knife and retreated.


The ground was blasted out of a big hole at this moment.

"The speed is good, but unfortunately, you can't escape."

Ye Cheng maintained the posture of inserting his hand into the ground.


As Ye Cheng's voice fell, a huge black cage trapped the vine tiger.

Fuji Tiger finally pulled out his knife at this moment.

I saw him swing out with a knife, and the black gravity instantly pressed the cage open.

"I said you can't escape, you can't escape."

With Ye Cheng's twitching hand.

With Ye Cheng as the center of the circle, a black pattern in the shape of a spider web appeared at the feet of the two.

This black cobweb, like asphalt, is very sticky, and it is firmly grasped the moment the vine tiger steps on it, and then quickly spreads upward.

"Now, you can't escape."

Ye Cheng's right hand had already begun to charge strength.

His fist seemed to ignite with black flames, accompanied by black thunder and lightning, which directly caused the surrounding air to begin to distort.

"After my improvement, Luffy's life-burning congestion second gear was completely used by me, and the sequelae were not much, I just used my hair as fuel..."

Ye Cheng said as he slowly threw this terrifying punch towards Fuji Hu.

"This trick, I call it burn!"


As Ye Cheng's words fell, Ye Cheng's punch suddenly burst out quickly.

And under the feet of the vine tiger, those black liquids actually stuck to his legs, making him unable to dodge again.

Bang ~

punch and knife fight together.

Two streams of black energy confronted each other in the air, forming a pitch-black ball.


With the accumulation of energy, this black ball finally exploded, and two figures flew out.

"Yes, this can still be made up."

Ye Cheng touched a small black crack in his chest and smiled.

The black armor on Ye Cheng's body had instantly recovered at this moment.

On the other hand, on Fuji Hu's side, his pants and sleeves were completely torn, and the justice cloak behind him was also torn.

At this time, the vine tiger looked extremely embarrassed.

If it weren't for the use of armed colors at critical moments, Fujitora might have been seriously injured.

"Okay, warm-up is over, how? Still want to summon meteorites?

Ye Cheng smiled playfully, like a dark Saiyan.


Although he heard the playfulness in Ye Cheng's tone, Fuji Hu still used his killing move.


A huge meteorite with red flames quickly fell from the air.

"Really? Hehe, are you ready to wipe out these navies?

Ye Cheng looked at the falling meteorite and slowly raised his hand.

The dark clouds in the sky form a huge whirlpool.

In the center of this whirlpool, a black shadow appeared.


A flash of lightning flashed, and the pitch-black clouds were instantly lit up.

A huge black shadow flashed through the clouds.

"What's that?"

"How could it be that big?"

"Is that a dragon?"


The crowd on the island let out an exclamation, all shocked by the huge shadows in the air.


A dragon groan pierced through the clouds and fell in everyone's ears.

A pitch-black dragon rushed out of the cloud vortex with a black cloud of smoke.

The black dragon is Little Meili, and at this time, the black dragon's size is already on par with Kaido.


Just in an instant, the black dragon slapped the terrifying meteorite in the air, and countless meteorite fragments flew towards the naval fleet below.

"Oh?! It's terrible~" A

golden figure instantly appeared in the air.

The golden light gathered in the palm of his hand, and countless golden points of light slammed on these meteorite fragments.

It was the yellow ape who shot.

Even if the yellow ape made a timely move, there were still many fish that slipped through the net.


Those lieutenant generals shot at the same time at this moment, smashing all those large meteorites.

But those rubble still hit the ship, and many ships were directly smashed out of several large holes.

With this move, almost no ships are still intact.

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