"Why are you so stupid?"

Nami's tears swirled in her eyes, holding Ye Cheng's body and silently wiping her tears, without the slightest intention of getting up.

"How much is overdrawn? Just now, half of the island is about to be destroyed by you, you better not lie to me.

Robin's expression was serious.

"It should be, it's just three years, it's okay, don't worry, I'm not okay?"

Ye Cheng stroked Nami's hair in his arms, and looked at Robin very uncaringly and said.

In fact, where is Ye Cheng overdrawn what life, how can the life force be used casually, the so-called five minutes is the limit of his current physical strength.

In four minutes he would be running, and he was desperate.

The reason why he fought for nearly three minutes was because Ye Cheng was floating, and he had not fully mastered this power for the first time.

The previous ones are just what he acted out for the sake of performance.

Many times, Luffy fought desperately, but every time he did not show his weakness, Solon experienced Luffy's pain.

Ye Cheng is different, what should be let them know, there can be no less, otherwise how can they feel that they are working hard for them?

Robin didn't speak again at this time, but grabbed one of Ye Cheng's hands, interlocked with his ten fingers, and did not let go again.

Nami, on the other hand, hugged Ye Cheng from behind again, making him more comfortable to lean on.

"Hehe, this wave is not a loss, Anilu gave a good opportunity in this wave, if so, then the rest will be handed over to Luffy, anyway, he will be Nik Road."

Ye Cheng thought to himself, but he didn't close his eyes and enjoy it.

"Okay, almost, let me get up, I'm afraid that guy won't be good if he comes back again and again."

Ye Cheng pretended to be struggling to get up.

"Don't move! He must have been injured by you, and he will not come back for a while.

Nami clings to him and continues to hold him deadly.

Robin didn't let go either.

However, just when Ye Cheng wanted to act again, a sense of crisis appeared.


A huge thunder sounded, and a huge thunder and lightning fell directly towards Ye Cheng!


"Ye Cheng!"

Ye Cheng pushed the two women away in an instant, rushed into the air alone, and led all the thunder power to himself.

"Ah~ I lean!"

This time, Ye Cheng was really hit by a real hit, and although he reacted immediately, the hair armor on his body was shattered the moment he suffered it.

"Is this what it feels like to be struck by lightning? Abominable, it hurts. Ye

Cheng fell from the air, and his whole body was pitch black.

"Hahaha, finally solve this most tricky one, now let me play slowly with you."

Using the blessing of the weather, Anilu "killed" Ye Cheng and began to randomly bombard the remaining Sandian warriors and members of the Straw Hats.

"Hey! Ye Cheng, wake up, don't scare me, Ye Cheng.

Nami listened to Ye Cheng's stopped heartbeat, and her tears could no longer be stopped.

"Ye Cheng..."

Robin covered his mouth, also at a loss.

"Fortunately, Lao Tzu has high resistance, otherwise he will not die and peel off his skin, it's hateful, this guy Anilu doesn't talk about martial virtue."

Ye Cheng only felt that his whole body was paralyzed, and his body was only slightly injured, and he was slowly recovering.

But now he can't show combat power, otherwise he will be exposed, and this injury will be in vain.


At this moment, Ye Cheng coughed up several mouthfuls of bruises.

"Ye Cheng! It's really nice that you're okay!

Nami immediately leaned over and lifted Ye Cheng up.

"Something is coming, cough, send a doppelganger, give it to me!"

The so-called hair doppelganger is an enhanced version of the hair puppet, which is improved according to Doflamingo's doppelganger, and only Ye Cheng's strength is 50%.

It was still black, and it felt like Ye Cheng's shadow.

"He will protect you, cough~"

After speaking, Ye Cheng was unable to lie down.


At this moment, Conis's father and daughter appeared and sent the repaired Weiba.

"Cornice? Quick, save them. Na

Mei seemed to have found a life-saving straw, grabbed Conis's hand and came directly to Ye Cheng's side.

Then Ye Cheng felt that he was sent to the cabin by the two women for treatment.

In fact, I didn't do anything, I directly used a universal bandage to apply the medicine.

"Robin, what do we do now?"

Nami looked at Robin.

"It's not safe here, maybe that guy will be led by us, let's go to the island."

Robin thought twice and decided to go to the island to take a look.

"But Weiba can only sit down about two people, what about this puppet?"

Nami looked at the hair doppelganger.

"It's okay, he should be able to keep up with us."

Robin pulled the doppelganger's face, and then went on the Mighty with Nami.

And at this moment, the hair doppelganger moved, looking directly at the sea of clouds.

I saw a huge snake biting towards the two women.

Ye Cheng directly kicked this big guy into the air.

"Nami, let's go!"

Robin directly used the fruit ability to control the giant snake.


Mighty instantly flew out under Nami's pilot.

And Ye Cheng's doppelganger flew beside him, always following the two women.

Soon, they saw Solon fighting.

"Nami, Robin, why are you here? What about Ye Cheng? Solon

instantly discovered that something was wrong, because he found that Ye Cheng's figure was not found next to them, only his doppelganger, which was very unreasonable.

"Ye Cheng, he was beaten to death by Anilu in order to protect us, this is the last he left to protect us, we must now find other companions and leave here."

This is also the reason why Nami and the two came over.

"There is still a battle on my side, you guys go find the others first."

At this time, he was confronted by the leader of the Sandians, Pabo.

"Robin, let's go, go to the southern golden township, they should all go there."

Nami reacted quickly, grabbed Robin and left.

But as soon as they left on their front feet, this area was blocked by divine soldiers, and those divine soldiers who attacked towards the two women were also solved by Ye Cheng's doppelganger.

"Nima, where the hell did this Luffy run? Why don't you go and kill Anilu?

Ye Cheng was also very anxious, this doppelganger could only help Nami and them carry Anilu's three injuries at most, if they didn't run away after three times, he couldn't pretend like this anymore.

"Sanji! Why are you the only one here? "

When I came to the ruins, I only found Sanji, who was covered in injuries, sitting there smoking, and a big fat man lying there at his feet.

"Nami, Robin! Hey? What about Ye Cheng's guy?

Sanji's eyes lit up, and he wanted to lean over his face, but he was blocked by Ye Cheng's doppelganger.

Shanzhi soon discovered that something was wrong, Ye Cheng this guy could not walk alone with two women in such a dangerous place, then, there was only one possibility, he lost his ability to move.

"Ye Cheng, he..."

Nami felt uncomfortable at the mention of Ye Cheng.

"He's in terrible condition right now, have you seen Joba?"

Robin asked, and began to examine the writing on the ancient ruins.

"Choba? I didn't see it, it should be lost, but there should be no problem, it is very strong.

Sanji was clearly not worried about Choba.

"Robin, did you find anything?"

Nami saw that Robin seemed to have discovered something, and also asked.

"It should be more than that big here..."

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