"Oh? Are they all coming? Let me tell you a secret, this place is about to be flooded, provided of course, if you can escape. Lu

Qi looked at everyone, and the battle was about to break out!

"Robin, are you really going to leave like that? Shouldn't you give me an explanation?

Ye Cheng walked towards Robin step by step, although he already knew Robin's purpose, but he pretended not to know, he wanted to see what Robin would do.

"Finger gun!"


The hair armor was pierced, and a drop of blood dripped from Ye Cheng's body.

"Ye Cheng!"

Nami exclaimed.

"Robin, why? Why did you choose to join the World Government?

Ye Cheng didn't care about the "injury" on his body at all, grabbed Bruno in front of him and threw it aside.

"Arashi foot!"

Kalifa and Kagu directly struck left and right, and the two slashes went towards Ye Cheng.

"Ye Cheng! Damn it! Rubber..."

Luffy wanted to help Ye Cheng stop these people.

"Luffy, don't meddle!"

Ye Cheng shouted out and forced these two slashes, but he did not retreat.

"Robin, why? Why don't you dare to look back at me and answer me!

Ye Cheng continued to approach step by step, and at this moment, Lu Qi finally made a move.

"Finger gun!"

Lu Qi, who turned into a leopard, directly swung out countless finger guns, and the blood holes on Ye Cheng's body were also increasing.

"Damn, you let me say two more words will die? Depend on? How can you give me seconds as soon as you come up.

Ye Cheng secretly complained in his heart, and then slowly fell, and the blood directly invaded the entire ground.

"Robin, it's time to find the next target, you go first, we'll be there later."

Lu Qi glanced at Robin, who was wearing a hat, and said lightly.

At this time, Robin, the corner of her mouth had been bitten by her, and she did not dare to turn back, for fear of seeing Ye Cheng's current appearance.

She came to the window and held out her hand.

"Robin! You give me a stop!

Luffy finally stood up and headed for Robin.

Solon followed closely and also rushed out.

"Ye Cheng! Are you okay?

Nami immediately came to Ye Cheng's side, holding the bloody Ye Cheng, tears welling up.

The two people who touched ~

poof~ and

rushed out were all flown by Lu Qi and did not know where to go.

"Puppet, cover us, Qioba, take us quickly."

Nami knew that it was a critical moment, and left with Ye Cheng on her back, while Qioba turned into a beast form and rushed out of the castle with the two of them.

"What is this thing? Finger gun! "

Lu Qi shot directly, wanting to smash this doppelganger.

This doppelganger is an advanced version of the puppet, although its combat power is only half of Ye Cheng's, it has no pain and can fight for its life.

It's okay for this doppelganger to block them for a while.

"Caught it?"

Lu Qi looked at the hair doppelganger who was pierced but did not dissipate, and was a little surprised.

"Hehe, it's now, blast me up!"

Ye Cheng manipulated the hair doppelganger to deliver the final blow.

Countless hairs centered on the hair doppelganger directly burst open.

"Pieces of iron!"


Luqi immediately protected several people behind him with his body, and the countless long hair like needles hit Luqi's body, as if hitting on an iron plate.

"Is this that guy's killing move?"

Lu Qi looked at the densely packed small blood hole on his body, and also felt a hint of threat.

"Still chasing?"

Kalifa asked.

"You chase over and see, let's go find Franky first."

Luki gave the order.

Flames began to sweep the entire castle.

"Hey, the blood pack is still too little, remember to prepare more next time, but fortunately the purpose has been achieved."

Just now, the moment Ye Cheng lay down, he tied his own hair on Robin's feet, as for his injury? Find out about the blood package in the hospital.

"Nami, there is a fire behind him, that Mr. Iceberg is still inside, are we going to rescue him?"

As a doctor, Choiba must not bear to watch Mr. Iceberg die like this.

"Nami, stop, someone is coming, Choba, you go and save that Mr. Iceberg, he can clear our name, Nami, you go first."

Ye Cheng "reluctantly" supported his body and stood up.

"I see."

Choiba obediently left, but Nami remained motionless.

"I can fight too."

Nami raised the weapon in her hand and stood beside Ye Cheng.

"Oh? Is it? "


Kalifa suddenly appeared, and it was a whip to Nami.

To be honest, the reason why Nami was able to defeat this Kalifa later was also because she wanted to try her fruit ability, and she would lose to Nami under the light enemy.

Now Kalifa, Nami is not an opponent at all, the whip just now, if it were not for Ye Cheng's hair, I am afraid that Nami would have been injured.


Ye Cheng, as an old actor, must wait for Nami to be "injured" before he will really fight hard, so that he can fight, all because of anger.

"You! Damn it! The

terrifying coercion emanated from Ye Cheng's body, and a red overlord-colored aura appeared.

"Ba... Overlord color!

Kalifa was also shocked by this terrifying aura, sitting on the ground with her butt, barely stunned by this force.

The opportunity to launch the overlord color is anger, which Ye Cheng has explored these days.

However, the overlord color is not sustainable for Ye Cheng now.

"Arashi foot!"

Kalifa immediately stood up and slashed in Ye Cheng's direction.

"This kind of garbage also deserves to be called Arashi foot?"


Ye Cheng swiped his left foot, and a terrifying slash directly split the building behind Kalifa in two.

"How can you also be arash? Who the hell are you?

Kalifa was shocked, if the blow just now was released at her, she would not have survived.

"It's your honor that you can force me out, say, how do you want to die?"

Ye Cheng's voice became very strange, as if two voices overlapped.

And his current state is also very strange.

His whole body was completely wrapped in black hair, his long hair rushed to the sky, his eyes were red, and now he was like an ominous black shadow coming out of the abyss.

With each step, the blackness on the ground begins to spread.

When Ye Cheng walked up to the terrified Kalifa, the darkness had wrapped the three of them.

From the outside, the area has been wrapped in a huge black ball, and nothing can be seen inside.


"This garbage also wants to hurt me?"

Kalifa's whip of thorns was casually torn off by Ye Cheng.

"Finger gun!"


Kalifa's fingers are directly misaligned.

"Still want to resist? You can keep trying.

Ye Cheng pinched her face and lifted it up.

At this time, Ye Cheng was close to three meters tall, and Kalifa was like a chicken boy in front of him.

Bang bang bang ~

Of course, Kalifa will not tie her hands and grab, and kick and beat Ye Cheng with her hands and feet.


Click wipe ~

Ye Cheng directly dislocated the other party's hand.

"I'm leaning, Nami, you're stopping me, I'm almost unable to act."

Ye Cheng is very entangled, he also feels a little sorry for the current Kalifa, but it has all been performed here, and he can't do it without doing it.

"Hey~ you're screaming, Kalifa, and what the hell are you flushing?"

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