Although the strength of the lieutenant general is uneven, the strength is also the first to sit in the position of lieutenant general.

The current Straw Hats simply cannot stop the all-out lieutenant general, even if they can block it, the Melly will not be able to carry it.

Protecting the Melly now is the most important thing.

"It's been hard work on you, Melly."

Ye Cheng said to a small black figure in his hand.

The black villain in Ye Cheng's hand is the ship spirit of the Meili, and Ye Cheng also tried to communicate with the Meli before such a big and small thing appeared.

Ye Cheng also came up with such an idea after experiencing the growth of the spiral, but he didn't expect it to really succeed.

"I didn't expect that I still have this ability, for the sake of safety, I have to prepare another container for it, by the way, let Francido design a little Melly."

Ye Cheng thought for a long time, afraid that he would lose consciousness, and decided to explain his thoughts to Franky at that time.

In this way, everyone will think that it is Ye Cheng's credit.

"Six Flower Wheel Bend!"

Robin looked at the chasing CP9 commander and directly gave him a quack!

"Hey! If you don't do it, you won't die, why doesn't this villain understand?

Ye Cheng sighed and continued to look around vigilantly.

"Choba, turn left! Frankie, get ready to use that trick! "

Nami who came out of the cabin has completely mastered the knowledge of the whirlpool current, and everything is arranged in an instant.

"Everyone, get ready for the impact! The wind is coming! The

Melly flew straight out, and on the way, Usopp released a large number of smoke bombs.

"Hairnet bondage! Hairbridge! Ye

Cheng was not idle, using hairnets to stabilize the hull of the ship, and created several buffer points.

After all, the power of the ship spirit is limited, and if it dissipates for the last leg of the trip, then he becomes a sinner.

"Little one, leave some strength to sail with us, you and me."

Ye Cheng smiled and touched the little guy's head.

Of course, Ye Cheng's physical strength is also rapidly consuming, also to keep this little guy.

"Ye Cheng, what's wrong with you?"

Nami immediately found Ye Cheng, who was sweating profusely, and asked with concern.

"I'm fine, just take a break."

Ye Cheng is indeed a little too consumed, no way, the consumption of this ship spirit is shared by him, and his physical strength is almost at the bottom.

Fortunately, a large ship appeared ahead, and it was Mr. Iceberg who came to pick them up with his boatman.


Melly was also broken into two sections at this time.


Everyone felt a pain in their hearts.

"Uncle, save the Melly, it is our partner, and it saved our lives just now."

Luffy asks Mr. Iceberg to save the Melly.

"Let it be here to see it off."

It turned out that the reason why the Melly could still sail was also because of the help of Mr. Iceberg.

"I've never seen such an amazing ship, it's amazing."

As Mr. Iceberg's words fell, everyone was in a heavy heart.

The bits and pieces of the Merley accompanying everyone also appeared in everyone's minds.

As the flames covered the hull of the Melly, everyone also shed tears, and the sky also fluttered with snowflakes...

"Meili, thank you~"

Ye Cheng leaned in the corner and caressed the little one on his shoulder.

(To be honest, every time I see this, the author can't help but cry, in order to make up for the regret, I quoted this setting, in the future I will definitely let the Melly elf eat the fruit and become a real crew, as for what the fruit is, keep it secret for the time being.)

At Luffy's cries, the Melly disappeared completely into the sea.



The people who returned to the capital of seven waters also lived in the residence arranged by Mr. Iceberg.

"Ye Cheng, how are you?"

At this time, Ye Cheng's face was very pale, after all, just now his physical strength suddenly came to a huge consumption, fortunately he was supported.

"No, I have to eat something, Nami, help me get something to eat."

Ye Cheng's usual diet is very modest, so he usually doesn't eat much, but this time he has to rely on crazy eating to stabilize the recovery of physical strength.

"Sanji, Choba."

Nami immediately shouted for Choiba and Sanji to come and help.

"Damn it, hairy monster, what the hell is your situation? How did you suddenly start thinning?

Sanji immediately brought out a portion of meat and brought it over.

"Later, help me to the table."

Ye Cheng didn't explain at all, because he found that the little Meili in his arms was also very weak.

Subsequently, Ye Cheng and Luffy began a food grabbing competition.

After eating for a whole morning, Ye Cheng stopped the urge to eat, and the little Meili in his arms also slept.

Ye Cheng used his life to return and quickly recover his physical strength.

"Finally survived, huh~ Nami, hold me to sleep."

Ye Cheng hugged Nami and went straight to sleep.

I don't know how long I slept.

A boom~

Then a noisy sound sounded, and Ye Cheng was also woken up by this movement.

"Nami? What's going on?

Ye Cheng rubbed his eyes, he didn't expect to let him see Old Master Karp, no wonder he could find it so quickly.

"I heard he's Luffy's grandfather, and I don't know what's going on, huh? Ye Cheng, what are you doing?

As soon as Nami finished speaking, Ye Cheng had already got up and came to Karp.

"Hello, Mr. Karp, please be sure to let me help you trim your hair that has not been taken care of for a long time."

Saying that, Ye Cheng had already started to move.

Click click ~

"This Ye Cheng, the occupational disease has been committed again."

Nami raised her forehead, I don't know how to say it.

"Physical strength +6111, six-style proficiency increased, seeing and smelling increased, domineering energy increased, because the host has not learned to bully, the value will not be displayed for the time being."

"Huh? Domineering? Domineering or weighty? After

all, Ye Cheng has not really learned to use domineering, so although he has awakened, he has only comprehended the moves of the hairless series.

As for bullying, you still have to let those who know how to teach you.

After all, those people have summed up so many years of experience, but it is not covered.

"By the way, Nami, have you seen Franky?"

Now is not the time to care about this, he must settle little Melly first.

"Him? It should be in the port, and he said that he would build us a ship and give it to us.

Nami said truthfully.

"Well, then I'll go find him first, and I'll show you my good baby in the evening, ~"

Ye Cheng kissed Nami on the face and walked towards the port.

"Good baby? Yes?! That's too fast, isn't it... What to do?

Nami thought of something for the first time, blushing and at a loss.

"Frankie, I have something I want to trouble you..." Ye

Cheng began to discuss with the other party the manufacturing idea of the Little Melly.

"Wow, you thought of that too! This is..."

Frankie looked at the little Meili in Ye Cheng's hand, and was also very shocked.

He had heard of the ship spirit, but he had never seen it, and he did not expect that Ye Cheng could actually make the ship spirit become an entity.

"Help me keep it secret, it's still very weak now, I want it to have its own boat, so I'll trouble you."

"Wrap it around me!"

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