Ye Cheng and the three of them sitting together here were a little abrupt, but most of them were already strange.

After all, the average pirate, isn't it very normal to have a few beautiful women around?

"This kind of time should not last long, so my bounty should also be released this time, right? Hopefully not too high.

Ye Cheng knew that today was the most comfortable day, so he took a rare side by one, holding the two women in this capital of seven waters to watch them chat.

And the center of the two of them is basically on Little Melly, deliberately ignoring the big hand on the waist.

"It's time to go back, let's go."

Ye Cheng saw that the time was almost up, and took the two women and rode on the elephant.

"Ye Cheng, don't move your hands."

Robin sat in front of Ye Cheng this time, grabbed Ye Cheng's hand, and only let him put it on his waist.

"Nami, hold tight, let's go."

Ye Cheng sat in the middle and directed the elephant to walk back.

"Ye Cheng, how good would it be if it could be like this all the time?"

Nami leaned on Ye Cheng's back and whispered.

"Haha, plain is a blessing, but adventure is more interesting, isn't it? Trust me, I'll protect you.

Ye Cheng hugged Robin in front of him and comforted the sentimental Nami.

At this time, in the new world, the redhead and the whitebeard met, and this meeting was also the beginning of the turmoil in the new world.

But these Ye Cheng didn't care much, at this time he was lying on Nami's lap, waiting for her to tell her about today's newspaper.

"Ye Cheng, the world government counted the purge of Justice Island on our heads, it's too abominable."

Nami immediately began to complain, this kind of pot she didn't want to carry.

"Huh? Isn't there a bounty order?

Ye Cheng found that today's newspaper did not have a bounty order, so he was not interested.

"Robin-chan, Nami-chan, look what dinner I prepared for you, yes, it's secret noodles."

Yamaji came over with noodles at this time.

"Damn, hairy monster, you fellow, get me up from Nami's leg."

Yamaji saw this kind of picture when he saw it, and he was immediately angry.

"Oh? It is so fragrant, it seems to be delicious.

Ye Cheng ignored Sanji at all, and directly snatched the food from his hand and sent it to his mouth.

To be honest, this time Yamaji, the craftsmanship has indeed improved.

The rest of the crowd was also attracted by this scent and immediately ran over.


Little Melly also woke up at this time, and cried out happily when he looked at the noodles on the table.

"Little Meili, this can't be eaten, what should I do if I eat a bad stomach?"

Ye Cheng wanted to stop it, but found that Little Meili had already begun to stir up noodles.

"Little Melly?!"

Everyone looked at Little Meili, and then at Ye Cheng.

"Ye Cheng, you call it Little Melly?"

Luffy immediately ran over and began to look curiously.

"Luffy, what are you doing? It's the spirit of our Melly, and it's weak now, how can you pull its face. Nami

slammed her fist directly on Luffy's head and held little Melly in her hands.

"What? You say it's the spirit of the Melly!? At

this time, everyone was not calm, and they all gathered around.

Seeing that the matter could not be concealed, Ye Cheng could only stand up.

"It is the spirit of the Melly, its situation is somewhat special, I also spent a lot of means to save it, now it needs a small boat to attach to, I have asked Frankie."

Ye Cheng directly said everything.


Little Melly greeted everyone, and he didn't know where he got a small mallet, so he built a small boat with a large palm with chopsticks.

(⊙o⊙) Wow! It's really Melly!

Luffy looked at the ultra-mini version of the Melly, and his eyes lit up in an instant, and he grabbed Little Melly and rubbed it on his face.

"Luffy, I want it too, I want it too!"

Choiba immediately jumped up and began to interact with the new mascot.

"Ye Cheng, is this true?"

Even Solon was not calm and looked at Ye Cheng.

"Of course it's true, but it can only be so big now, and it should have a chance to grow up in the future."

Ye Cheng is also not quite sure whether Little Meili will continue to grow up, which remains to be studied.

Little Melly was very active, ran to the face of all the crew members, kissed him, and wrote a paragraph on the table.

"Thank you for your company!"

Next to it is also painted a cute version of the Melly's sheep's head.

"Little Melly! From now on, you will be our partner.

"Everyone gathered around and extended a hand to formally welcome it to join.

Then there was nothing to do with Ye Cheng, and directly made him a tool man again.

"Little Melly, come to me."

"I want it too, come to me."



Little Melly is very smart, can help Nami draw charts, can also accompany Robin to read, and can also mingle with Luffy Joba.

Not only that, but it can also help Sanji pick fruit and meditate with Solon.

Of course, the so-called meditation is snoring by Solon.

"Is this guy really a group pet?"

Ye Cheng looked at the two women's fondling of little Melly, and Little Melly who slept on Robin's chest.

"I'm not jealous, it's mother's, I'm not jealous."

Repeatedly giving himself a few psychological hints, Ye Cheng finally calmed down, and then hugged Robin from behind.

"Ye Cheng? Go find Nami, I'm going to rest, little Melly will leave me here."

Robin touched Ye Cheng's head, and then went to his bedroom.

"Robin, I'll accompany you."

Nami saw Robin leave, and also followed out.

"Hey, my cold intolerance isn't getting better."

Ye Cheng immediately pretended to tremble.

"Hmph, believe that you have a ghost."

Nami directly stopped looking at him, but followed Robin and left the hall with a smile.

"I lean on, don't I? I haven't made a mistake lately.

Ye Cheng really wondered why the two women ignored him.

"Hey, tonight I can only stay alone."

Ye Cheng came to Nami's bedroom, took out some cloth, and prepared to make several sets of clothes.

At this time, Robin's bedroom.

"Nami, how are you?"

Robin didn't expect Nami to follow.

"Leave him alone, leave him alone."

Nami actually did this to make Ye Cheng pay more attention to herself, after all, in the past two days, Ye Cheng set his target on Robin.

Girls, there are always two days a month, in fact, as long as you coax, it's all right.

No way, who let Robin wear black silk these two days, Ye Cheng's attention was naturally attracted.

In addition, Robin also verbally refused, so Ye Cheng was also a little presumptuous in front of Nami.

"Nami, you also know my age, I won't fight with you..."

Robin touched Nami's hair.

"I know, it's not your problem, it's all to blame him, let's dry him for two days together, and then..." The two

women hugged each other, speaking in a private conversation between sisters.

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