"What was that just now? Could it be a ghost?

Nami leaned into Ye Cheng's arms, not daring to raise her head at all, for fear that when she looked up, she would find that there were two Ye Cheng.

"I'll go up there and take a look."

Luffy was not afraid at all, but very curious, and he was ready to go to the ghost ship to take a look.

Of course, it is not only him who is curious, Robin, Sanji, and Franky also want to see what is on this ghost ship.

"Then draw lots to decide who goes up with Luffy."

Finally, at Solon's suggestion, the crowd began to draw lots.

"Ye Cheng, why did I win?"

Ye Cheng won the short draw with his sight, replacing Sanji's place.

"Don't worry, and me, I'll carry you up, it's an adventure."

Ye Cheng picked up Nami and directly boarded the ghost ship with moon steps.

"Yo hohohoho~"

Brooke took off his hat and greeted the three.

"This beautiful lady, can you let me see you fat?"

Knock ~

"Who will show you!"

Nami kicked Brooke to the ground with a straight kick.

"Sure enough, it's worthy of you, you've all turned into skeletons, and these are still in your head, I'm afraid you don't even have an elephant."

Ye Cheng secretly complained in his heart and held Nami in his arms.

"Si Guoyi! Skeleton with exploding heads! Come be my partner.

"Well, yes."

This instantly stunned Ye Cheng, this is okay?

"Hey, Luffy, that's not okay."

Ye Cheng immediately stopped it.

"Huh? He's a talking skeleton!

Luffy didn't understand the other meaning of Ye Cheng's words.

No way, in the end, Luffy still took Brooke on board.

"Yo hohohoho~ Hello everyone, I'm causing trouble for everyone, I'm the dead Brooke."

Brooke took off his top hat and bowed in greeting.

"What are you kidding? What is this? The

rest of the crew shouted out in unison.

"This beautiful young lady, can you let me see your fat times?"

Brooke did not panic at all, and directly picked up Robin.

Touch ~

"Hey! I said you're a skull, do you have that feature? Just talk to my Robin?

Ye Cheng directly punched him.

As for Choiba and Usopp, they even took out the exorcism three-piece.

"Hey, Ye Cheng, what's going on?"

Solon looked directly at Ye Cheng.

"I can't help it, just went up, Luffy invited him to be our partner, and he agreed."

Ye Cheng spread out his hand, indicating that he could not do anything.

Ye Cheng didn't bother to care about the next thing, and went with Luffy.

To be honest, this Brooke's personality really matches Luffy.

Having arrived at the meal, Yamaji also began to prepare dinner.

Ye Cheng sat between Nami and Robin, enjoying the feeding of the two women.

And Brooke also talked about his past, and Oda actually laid the foreshadowing as early as the whale Raab.

"It's amazing that there is also a devil fruit that can resurrect people."

Ye Cheng looked at Brooke, also a little curious.

"Don't point the mirror at me!"

The crowd soon discovered a problem.

That is, Brooke does not have this person in the mirror, not even a shadow.

And as Brooke slowly spoke, everyone also knew that people without shadows were afraid of the sun and could only survive in the shadows.

Just as Brooke was about to play a song to cheer everyone up, a ghost appeared.


Ye Cheng also frowned, even if his sight and hearing were not opened, some movements in the surrounding hundred meters should not escape his perception.

But this ghost appeared silently.


The hull suddenly shook, and something seemed to happen outside the Sunshine.

As if thinking of something, Brooke led everyone to the back of the ship.

And the scene that appeared surprised everyone was that it turned out to be an island.

"This is the terrifying ghost island hovering over the sea, the terrifying three-masted sailing ship!"

Brooke obviously knew something and asked Luffy if he had picked up the bottle.

Since then, the Sunshine has been targeted.

"Nami, Robin, follow me then, don't run around, I always feel something."

From the moment Ye Cheng entered here, he noticed that it was different, as if he was being targeted by something.

"Is that the transparent man? It seems that it is time to give him a dismount. Ye

Cheng saw that he was full of color, and finally captured a very vague figure.

It was this guy who came here to control their boat.

Ye Cheng quietly hugged the two women into his arms, and the hair behind him was windless.

"The island should be moving, and this big mouth in the back should be the entrance."

Robin began to analyze everything in front of him.

Brooke suddenly said goodbye to everyone, took advantage of his body, and left here on the waves.

His operation surprised everyone, which should be Brooke's strength.

"You can't get off anchor right now."

When Brooke left, French also spoke.

Luffy, on the other hand, is ready to go.

"Let's go to the island to catch ghosts!"

Luffy was carrying a tool to catch insects, and his eyes were shining.

"Can this really be caught?"

Ye Chengfu was speechless.

"Yamaji, prepare a bento."

Robin had already carefully appeared with a bento.

"It's good that I'm ready."

Ye Cheng knew that according to force majeure, Robin and Nami should be separated.

Frankie was also prepared and released a four-person ride on mini Melly 2 from Channel Two.

Of course, Ye Cheng and Little Meili are also on top, Ye Cheng and Nami are sitting in the front row, and Usopp and Choiba are in the back row.

As for Little Meili, of course, it was in Ye Cheng's pocket.

Robin looked at the two departing and sighed.

"Are you jealous? Robin.

Ye Cheng appeared next to Robin and said with a smile.

"Ye Cheng? Aren't you with Nami? How so? Two you.

Robin looked at the two Ye Cheng in surprise.

"Rush ~ Melly!"

Nami piloted the Mini Meli to start racing, and the technology was not to be said.

"Thank you Ye Cheng, I knew you would give me this surprise."

Because of the existence of Little Meili, everyone also guessed that this was Ye Cheng's credit.

In fact, this has a hairy relationship with Ye Cheng? It's all France's credit, okay.

"It's okay, just give me a little more reward in the future."

Ye Cheng said nonchalantly, wrapping his hand around Nami's waist.

At this time, on the Sunshine, everyone looked at the second Ye Cheng in surprise, thinking that there was some supernatural event.

"I'm Ye Cheng, and the one on the mini Meli just now is just my doppelganger."

Ye Cheng never blushed when he lied.

"Liar, you are so cold on your body, you know that it is fake as soon as you hold it."

Robin leaned on Ye Cheng's doppelganger and protested quietly.

"Eh, huh."

Ye Cheng smiled awkwardly, this really can't be changed, he is also very distressed.


This is Nami's exclamation.

"This is Nami's voice? Ye Cheng, what happened?

Sanji asked immediately.

"It's okay, with my doppelganger, there will be no accident."

Ye Cheng's doppelganger said lightly.


And at this moment, the anchor was suddenly lowered, and various supernatural events appeared.

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