When Ye Cheng reacted again, he had already been tied in front of Moria, and he had already taken out his scissors and was ready to wipe away his shadow.

"I lean, why can't my body move? Is it because the shadow is controlled?

"Doppelganger, give it to me, and snatch the shadow back!"

Unexpectedly, unable to control his body, Ye Cheng immediately discovered the doppelganger beside him and gave the order as soon as possible.

But it was still too late, the scissors fell mercilessly, and Ye Cheng instantly lost consciousness.

And Robin and Nami also found a problem here, and the hair clothes Ye Cheng gave them also began to disappear.

Except for the hair ring and the hair parasitic on their heads, Ye Cheng's other hair directly dissipated.

"How is that possible? Ye Cheng!

Robin touched his chest in disbelief, and the hair clothes that had been wrapped around him disappeared.

There are generally only two situations in which the ability will be dispersed.

First, loss of consciousness.

Second, die directly.

Unless a special will is blessed, the power he has blessed will disappear.

The hair ring is this special item, and only when Ye Cheng loses consciousness or dies, it can exert its power.

"Robin, Nami, the effect of this ring will only be triggered when I die, you guys treat it as an ornament, isn't it beautiful?"

"But I'm really gone, and it will protect you for me."

Ye Cheng's words still make Robin remember.

I saw that the hair ring, which had not moved at all, suddenly moved.

Countless hairs poured out of it, instantly wrapping Robin and forming a large round egg.


Sanji also noticed Robin's change and quickly ran over, wanting to rip off the egg.

But it didn't work at all.

"Get out of the way, cook."

Solon directly slashed it with a sword, but it didn't have the slightest effect, just cut off a few hairs.

"This should be Ye Cheng's back hand, but this is also too hard."

Solon withdrew the knife in his hand.

Luffy looked at the egg, and his face suddenly sank.

Because Ye Cheng once said to Luffy that if he suddenly disappeared, the hair tied to everyone's wrists would disappear, and someone would have to take care of the two daughters at that time.

And the person Ye Cheng chose was Luffy.

Ye Cheng tied Luffy's hair at that time, in fact, he was afraid that he would not find Luffy, casually speaking, Ye Cheng was such a life-saving person, how could he let himself be so empty.

"Solon, Shanzhi, let's go find Ye Cheng, he won't die for no reason like this."

Luffy summoned the two directly and headed towards the castle.

Frankie was waiting for Robin here, and he knew that Robin had to be comforted at this time.

The same thing happened on Nami's side, and she was also trapped by the giant dome that suddenly appeared.

The reason why Ye Cheng prepared this hand was also because he was afraid that the two women would be brainless to fight hard, and even the enemies he couldn't solve, they went, and they just sent them.

In the hair egg, the hair rings of the two women emitted white light, and the white hair emanated from the hair rings and turned into white characters one by one.

"When you see this line, it means that I can no longer protect you, but the vow will protect you instead of me."

"What you have to do is not to avenge me or go to me, but to run away and return to the ship, I left a back hand on the ship, it can protect you from escaping."

"Next, I will introduce the use of this vow, so remember it!"

"The five-color hair ring is divided into five abilities, which are active trigger and passive trigger."

"White and blue are passive triggers, white has been triggered, blue is hair, white hair will be triggered when it runs out."

"Next, the three-color hair ring that is actively triggered, the trigger condition is also very simple, just press the corresponding color of hair with your finger."

"The blonde hair is this egg, it can be transformed into any form of shield as you wish."

"Black hair is responsible for attacking, it can wrap around your arm, it can release hair needles and hair grenades, I should have shown you guys."

"There is a limit to the use of red hair, don't use it until the critical moment, it will eat your hair, but don't hesitate to use it directly when it is dangerous."

"Protect yourself, that's all I can do, I really hope to be with you all the time..." The

hair color font began to slowly dissipate, and the blue hair turned into a hair dress and appeared on the hands of the two women.

"Ye Cheng!"

"Ye Cheng!"

Both women were in tears and sat on the ground.

Robin's side was the first to cheer up, as an ability person, she naturally knew that the ability person lost consciousness and made the ability disappear.

"I will save you, Ye Cheng, even if it costs your life."

Robin touched the spider pattern on the inner wall, and the black egg turned into black hair and returned to the ring.


Franky also noticed the movement and looked at Robin.

"What about Luffy?"

Robin looked in the direction of the castle.

"Enter the castle to find Ye Cheng."

French immediately followed Robin's footsteps.

"Ye Cheng, wait for me."

Robin prayed secretly and began to speed up.

"Ye Cheng! It's all my fault, 555~"

Nami cried in the middle of the egg, feeling remorseful.

If it weren't for her, Ye Cheng might not have been arrested and wouldn't have become like this.

At this time, Moria's and his crew were also gathered around to observe Ye Cheng's movements.

No, strictly observe the movements of Ye Cheng's doppelganger.

Go back a few minutes.

Ye Cheng gave the order to snatch the shadow back at the end, and the doppelganger caught the shadow a second before dissipating.

However, at this time, the hair doppelganger began to slowly dissipate.

But at the moment of fusing the shadow, the doppelganger that was about to dissipate suddenly began to slowly recover again, standing there dumbfounded, standing for five minutes at a time.

"What is the situation?"

Moriah was also curious and tried to control the shadow.

"Do you want to be trimmed too? I fulfill you. Ye

Cheng's doppelganger suddenly raised his head and took out a pair of big scissors from the space, and the shaving was also launched instantly.


large section of Moria's hair was cut off instantly, and then these hairs were integrated into Ye Cheng's doppelganger.

"Negative ghosts! Give me go!

Perona instantly struck, and three ghosts appeared from her hands and walked towards Ye Cheng.

"This thing should be edible, right?"

Ye Cheng grabbed the disembodied negative ghost and sent it to his mouth.

Hiccup ~

Don't forget to burp after eating.


Perona's eyes widened instantly, and her face was full of surprise.

"You are very good, and you will be my person in the future."

Ye Cheng grabbed Perona separately, and a somewhat stiff smile appeared on his face.

Obviously, he hadn't gotten used to how to smile.

The others present looked at Ye Cheng's doppelganger in disbelief, and began to retreat one after another.

"Little no, weird, don't let me eat you!"

Ye Cheng's doppelgänger had no expression on his face, but he said the most terrifying words.

"Exploding ghosts! Fry him for me!

Of course, Perona would not give up the struggle, but released the explosive ghost, and a blast came to Ye Cheng's doppelganger.

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