"What's that?"

Nami also saw the huge Oz below.

"That's supposed to be a zombie created by Luffy's shadow."

Ye Cheng also looked down.

"Ah! Yamaji! Oz

below was taking Sanji out of anger, and this action immediately made the two women exclaim.

"Damn, why didn't you let us out?"

Nami looked at the shadow viciously.

"See the wanted warrant in that big guy's hand? I'll be inside again, and I'll let you out when it settles for everyone. "

The shadow has already discussed the rhetoric with Ye Cheng, and there is no flaw.


The Oz below is not only huge, but also very flexible, and the Straw Hat Group is not its opponent at all.

In particular, it will also use Luffy Bar moves, which is very tricky.

Even Solon's two-force slash only cut off one of its big teeth, and it was also knocked into the air.

"Flowers of Spiders!"

In the nick of time, Robin still intervened and saved Solon.

"Huh? This is Robin? Yes! Robin in the dark room on the castle.

Usopp looked the farthest and immediately found the two women and Ye Cheng in the hair house.

"Kill Salt Star!"

Usopp was always able to provide support at crucial moments, interrupting Oz's finishing blow.

But this little bit of salt can't force the shadow out at all.

"Solon run, let's go get Robin and them out first."

Usopp is still very smart, at this time, without seeing Luffy, he can only rely on Ye Cheng.

Moreover, Ye Cheng is also a member of the wanted order, and Usopp is ready to let the shadows fight among themselves.

"So it is."

Robin also reacted quickly, looked at Ye Cheng, who was holding her, and gave him a look.

"Well, it doesn't look like it's a drama."

Ye Cheng sighed and looked at the shadow.


At this moment, Oz directly threw out a boulder and smashed it on the hair house, opening it open.

"Nami, Robin, let's go!"

Ye Cheng carried the two and escaped through this gap.

"Abominable! Perona, does Moria leave this guy alone? Shadow

picked up Perona, retracting all her hair, and a black feather appeared behind him.

"Master, I don't know, I'm afraid these three sailing ships will be completely destroyed by this guy, or we will escape, right?" Let's go and drive the straw hat boat away, he

"I'm afraid it's not so good to go."

Shadow looked at Oz who was jumping towards him, and a huge punch collided with the opponent's fist.

"Ye Cheng, this guy is really terrifying, he can actually fight with such a big guy!"

Everyone looked at Ye Cheng, the shadow holding the two women.

"What do you see me doing?"

Ye Cheng looked at everyone's gaze and shrunk directly behind the two women.

"Hey, the big guy is coming, be careful!"

Shadow Ye Cheng's strength is not covered, directly punched the jumping Oz, and then disappeared from everyone's field of view with Perona.

"Okay, I'll block him, you guys give me support."

Ye Cheng looked at their strange gazes and knew that it was impossible to paddle.

"Susa Nigata, give it to me!"

Ye Cheng was instantly wrapped in black hair, and a black giant rose up.

First bones, then muscles, at this time, Ye Cheng stood like a giant.

The two women were also brought to the giant's body by Ye Cheng.

"Rubber Fight!"

Without saying a word, Oz launched an attack on Ye Cheng's giant.

"Giant finger gun! me! "

Ye Cheng is not nonsense, and directly confronts this Oz.

"Don't look, I can only support for a minute, hurry up!"

Seeing that they didn't mean to make a move, Ye Cheng shouted instantly.

Everyone also woke up from the shock, but still did not move.

Such a battle is not something they can intervene in at all, and the aftermath of the battle has already shocked them to retreat one after another.

"This guy turned out to be so strong, but he has always been hiding his strength."

Solon tightened the autumn water in his hand and looked at Ye Cheng, who was riding a hammer on Oz's face.

"This guy, has he been hiding his strength all along."

Yamaji silently lit a cigarette.

And Usopp, Joba and Brooke have long opened their mouths and watched this one-sided battle.

Franky took out a flag out of nowhere and started being a cheerleader there.

"I lean, why don't these people interfere? It's almost a minute? What about Luffy that guy? Why hasn't it come yet?

Ye Cheng was a little anxious, he was afraid that he would really beat up this Oz, wouldn't Luffy have no chance to appear?

Obviously, Ye Cheng thought too much, Oz is not so weak, plus he is a zombie, there is no pain.

I saw that this Oz took advantage of Ye Cheng's distraction to kick him away, grabbed the castle's boulder and smashed it on the giant Ye Cheng.

"Lean, dare to resist, lie down for me, you!"

Ye Cheng's hands directly turned into countless hairs, controlling Oz's hands and feet, and stepping on its face.

"It's almost time, it's time to lift this state."

Stepping on Oz's head to the ground, Ye Cheng also lifted this state, and returned to everyone with the excited and surprised two women.

"No, it's too physically exhausting, and the rest will be left to you."

Ye Cheng gasped, looking exhausted.

"What else? That guy was trampled like this by you.

Nami rolled her eyes at Ye Cheng angrily, let him rest in her arms, and blocked Ye Cheng's mouth with that pair of fullness.


But the good times did not last long, and Oz, who had originally fallen, suddenly got up and yelled at the sky.

"Damn, is this all right?"

Solon took up his arms again and stood in front of everyone.

"Nami, Robin, you take Ye Cheng and retreat, and we'll do the rest."

Yamaji was rarely jealous, but stood side by side with Solon with a cigarette.

And at this time, on the side of Shadow Ye Cheng, an even more terrifying guy appeared.

Ye Cheng, who boarded the shadow of the Sunshine, happened to meet the tyrant bear sitting on the ship.

"Who are you?"

Shadow Ye Cheng naturally knew who this was, but he still asked.

"Do you know where Moriah is?"

Instead of replying, the bear asked.

"Why are you on this ship? Get down, now the ship belongs to us. "

Perona doesn't know the name of the tyrant bear.

"If you want to travel, where do you want to go?"

The tyrant bear suddenly took off his gloves and looked at Perona.

"Of course there are huge castles like this, and... Well? Why should I answer you this question? Negative ghosts! "



The bear instantly appeared in front of Shadow Ye Cheng and Perona.

Shadow Ye Cheng reacted immediately and instantly left the attack range with a shaving.

"Who are you? Want to go to war? Hair needles! Shadow

Ye Cheng instantly exploded, and countless hair needles went towards the bear.

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