Early the next morning, Robin went to the big bathroom early.

At this time, Ye Cheng sandwiched Perona between himself and Nami.

"Ye Cheng! How did you end up sleeping here?

Nami also woke up, and immediately realized that something was wrong, and took Perona in her arms, looking at Ye Cheng breathlessly.

"Well, I'll go wash up first."

Ye Cheng hurriedly slipped away.

"Perona, in the future, if this bad guy bullies you, you tell me, and I will help you beat him."

Nami still likes this new sister very much.

Ye Cheng washed up and came to the highest place to watch the sunrise.

Just then, a newspaper bird appeared.

"A new newspaper?"

Ye Cheng bought a copy casually.

As soon as he opened the newspaper, Ye Cheng's pupils couldn't help shrinking.

"This is the golden lion appearing? Damn it!

Ye Cheng immediately jumped down with moon steps, and immediately rang the bell to get up.

Jingle Bell ~

"What happened?" Ye Cheng.

Robin immediately came to Ye Cheng's side, and in her impression, Ye Cheng almost never pulled this bell, which should be something big.

"See for yourself, I'll go call Nami."

Ye Cheng handed out the newspaper and turned around and entered the girls' dormitory.

"Ye Cheng, what are you doing? Get out! As

soon as he entered the door, he saw a scene that made his nosebleed wildly.

The two women were changing clothes at this time.

"Nami, something is wrong, cough."

Ye Cheng touched the tip of his nose and closed the door with satisfaction.

Soon, everyone gathered and knew the information in the newspaper.

Several islands in the East China Sea disappeared out of thin air, and terrifying huge objects appeared.

This is not a good sign, and you can see at a glance that it is not simple.

The hometown of many crew members is in the East China Sea, and how can they not worry about the sudden appearance of such a thing.

And at this moment, a flying island ship suddenly appeared in the sky.

(⊙o⊙) Wow! What is that?

"There's also a pirate flag on it!" Could it be a pirate ship? The

ship flew over the Sunshine, making everyone exclaim.

"Sanji, there is a huge storm coming, escape in the direction of nine o'clock, hurry up!"

Nami sensed something and immediately shouted an order.

"I'll go tell them!"

"Hey, the storm is coming, turn around! Feed! "

Luffy's personality, if he can help, he will remind him.

The golden lion above also saw it and sent a phonogram shell.

Nami also conveyed this message to the past.

Originally, the golden lion did not believe it, and the navigators he owned were all carefully selected by him.

After all, he had suffered this loss before, and he naturally took precautions.

However, it is clear that Nami's words are true, and the storm comes in an instant.

This moment can shock the golden lion, and naturally wants to capture Nami in his heart.

For this reason, the golden lion specially came to the Sunshine and pretended to express his gratitude.

Ye Cheng saw through this guy's careful thinking at a glance, secretly came to Nami's side, and injected his hair into Nami's hair.

"Nami, be careful, this guy has quirks."

Ye Cheng did not dare to pierce the other party in person.

This is the golden lion, and the existence of One Piece Roger is on a par with each other, and the strength is simply unimaginable.

Now on the ship, if the other side goes to war at this time, then they will not be spared.

Soon, the Golden Lion came up with the idea of entertaining them.

However, Luffy refused.

"I'm going to the East China Sea next..." With

Luffy's personality, knowing that this kind of thing had happened in his hometown, he would definitely go back to help.

"So that's the case, is your hometown in the East China Sea? Then let the old man give you a ride.

The golden lion looked at Luffy, which made him can't help but think of a person, so he had a plan.

As the words of the golden lion fell, he directly touched the Sunshine and directly controlled it to fly into the air.

"That's awesome! Thank you so much.

Luffy's eyes lit up and he began to admire the view in the air.

Ye Cheng also hugged the two women tightly, always paying attention to the movements of the golden lion.

Moreover, Ye Cheng was also hungry for the golden lion golden retriever.

With such long blonde hair and a legendary pirate, it is definitely a rare giant experience pack.

"What a big island!"

(⊙o⊙) Wow! There are islands floating in the air, did you make this all with your abilities?

Usopp couldn't help but speak.

"Have you arrived? Haha, this is a rare place for those of you who like adventure, so enjoy it! Saying

that, the golden lion wanted to kidnap Nami.

However, Ye Cheng was already on guard and directly stopped it with his hair.

"Oh? It's kind of interesting, but I don't have time to play with you right now! The

golden lion directly forced Ye Cheng back with the knife on his leg and went directly towards Nami.

"Abominable! Hair armor! Ye

Cheng, who knew that he couldn't stop it, raised his right hand.

Black hair instantly wrapped around Nami's whole body.

The golden lion was a little surprised, but still kidnapped Nami.

Seeing that this armor is not aggressive, there is no multi-tube.

Before leaving, the golden lion used his ability again to make the Sunshine flip, so that Ye Cheng, who was ready to use the black feather, stood unsteadily directly.

"Ah~" "Ah~

Ye Cheng! Help me!


Nami and Robin exclaimed at the same time, which made Ye Cheng dilemma, and Perona was also thrown out of the cabin.

"Abominable! Puppets, give me the rescue of Robin and Perona, I'll go after Nami! Ye

Cheng immediately released three puppets, used the moon step to borrow power in the air, and then walked in the direction of Nami.

"You guy, let me Nami!"

The golden lion did not go far, and Ye Cheng quickly chased after him.

"Boy, it's pretty good, but give me down!"

The golden lion casually fingered, and countless stones went towards Ye Cheng.

"Not good!"

Before Ye Cheng could react, countless boulders flooded Ye Cheng and smashed Ye Cheng down.

"Ye Cheng! No~"

Nami cried directly when she saw this scene.

"This guy can't die, you better be my navigator."

The golden lion no longer paid attention to Ye Cheng, who fell, but turned around and prepared to leave.

"Black Thorn Piercing!"

How could Ye Cheng be defeated like this, and how could he not behave well in front of Nami?

Countless hairs turned into spikes and headed towards the back of the golden lion.


"You look for death!"

Although the golden lion reacted quickly and dodged most of the attacks, it was still attacked by Ye Cheng.

A blood hole appeared behind the golden lion.


The golden lion waved its legs, and countless slashes went towards Ye Cheng.

"Can't dodge, Fa Armor!"


Poof~ Ye Cheng wanted to dodge, but the surrounding stones and these slashes sealed his back road, and he could only resist hard.

"Give me death!"

Immediately after that, another small mountain appeared, suppressing Ye Cheng down.

"Nope! Don't fight anymore, you let him go, I'll go with you. Seeing

that the golden lion was going to continue to move, Nami immediately stopped struggling and shouted loudly.


The golden lion, who had eaten a dark loss, did not pursue again, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and left here with Nami.

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