"Qiao Ba, quickly see how Ye Cheng is doing!"

Robin pulled over Joba, as if to find a lifesaver.

"Ye Cheng ??"

Qioba looked closer, his eyes widened.

No way, Ye Cheng at this time is too terrifying.

"Ye Cheng,

woo-woo~" Qiao Ba cried while checking Ye Cheng's injuries.

Subsequently, Ye Cheng was mummified.

"Choba, how's it going?"

Robin asked as he helped.

"The wound is okay, it didn't hurt the point, but he seems to be ..." Qiao

Ba wanted to stop speaking, but did not finish speaking, but pointed to Ye Cheng's white hair, the meaning is self-evident.

"Ahem~ blame me for not protecting Nami."

Ye Cheng knew that he could no longer pretend to be dizzy, so he climbed up with difficulty and leaned on Robin.


Luffy sat on the ground, clenching his fists.

"Golden Lion Shiji is the culprit of this East China Sea incident."

French also told the truth he knew.

Luffy looked at the family of three who had taken them in in front of him, and took the gramogram shell from the little girl's hand.

"I'm a navigator who is going to join Shiki's gang..." Opening

the gramosphere, Nami's voice came out.

"What is that! How can this guy leave such words! Damn it! Ye Chengdu..."

Luffy left angrily, venting at the stone, and also an anger at his partner who couldn't protect him.

In fact, the most crucial sentence was directly ignored by Luffy.

However, it was heard by the rest of the crew.

On Nami's side, she is ready to blow up these big trees, put the giant beast in, and die with the golden lion.

However, he was discovered by the golden lion and prepared to let Nami fend for herself.

Ye Cheng naturally sensed all this.

"Nami, why are you so stupid that you don't know to wrap your whole body with hair armor?"

Ye Cheng was really angry with Nami.

At this time, Luffy had already gathered the crew and boarded the Sunshine.

"Let's go, Frenchy!"

"Hold tight, the wind will blow!"


The battle has officially begun!

The Sunshine rushed directly into the headquarters of the Golden Lion, and the clean-up battle officially began!

Along the way, everyone changed into black suits at the door, carried the arms on the ground, and the suit thug officially appeared.

"Puppet, you go save Nami!"

Ye Cheng shouldered the anti-shotgun and followed the large army.

With the appearance of the suit straw hat, the battle directly begins!

Bang bang ~ boom ~

Before the start of the war, everyone was full of firepower and cleaned up a wave of miscellaneous soldiers.

Luffy, on the other hand, chased the injured golden lion.

The rest of the members started cleaning up the place.

At this time, Nami was already very weak.

"Ye Cheng, I'm sorry, I can't avenge you..."

muttered Nami, not responding to the call of the peacock duck in front of her.

"Nami! How did you end up like this? At

this time, the puppet also rushed over and immediately discovered the green toxin on Nami's body.

"Damn, you honestly wait for us to come and save you, why do you do such a stupid thing?"

Ye Cheng controlled the puppet to hold Nami in his arms.

"Hair? Ye Cheng's? Are you all right? That's great.

Looking at the black figure in front of her, Nami finally smiled.

"Don't talk, I'll use my hair to help you absorb some toxins and rest quietly."

The puppet separated a hair cocoon and put Nami into her body, and then ordered the peacock duck to let it light these explosives, and took Nami to find Choiba and the others.

Fortunately, Choiba was not far away, and the explosion also attracted their idea.

"Qioba, quick, look at Nami, although I helped her absorb some toxins, but I can't solve the remaining toxins, the rest will be left to you..."

Ye Cheng manipulated his whole body into a green hair puppet, and after releasing Nami, it turned into a strand of hair and slowly dissipated.

"It's so powerful, I actually absorbed most of the toxins, and stabilized the toxins on Nami's body, now as long as you find the antidote, it's no problem."

Choiba checked Nami's condition and immediately took Usopp to find the antidote.

"Hey, what's going on? That black light just came from this side?

Solon appeared in front of the two at this time.

And just then, a cadre appeared.

"Are you looking for this?"

There were really people who took the initiative to send the antidote, Solon didn't say a word, and directly started fighting.

In less than a minute, this person was given a second by Solon's Nine Swords Flow.

On Ye Cheng's side, he was sitting leisurely on the elephant me, and there were continuous explosions around him.

It was Perona's explosive specter that caused it.

"Well, Nami should be all right, right?"

Ye Cheng felt the dissipation of his hair and knew that there was nothing to do, so he looked ahead.

A gorilla and a large colorful butterfly appeared ahead.

Ye Cheng didn't say a word, directly commanded the elephant to retreat, and now he has no combat effectiveness.

Fortunately, Ye Cheng saw Shanzhi not far away.

"Sanji, this lecherous gorilla wants to tease Robin and Perona, and just ripped Robin's clothes."

Ye Cheng had a plan, threw Robin's black coat, and ripped open some of his blouse, revealing snow-white shoulders.

Robin also cooperated and showed a look of shame.


Sanji burst out instantly, his eyes full of anger, and rushed straight up.

And then there was a human tragedy.

The gorilla was kicked directly from the top floor to the first floor.

"Robin-chan ???"

Sanji put on a pose and was about to invite credit, but Ye Cheng leaned directly into Robin's arms, looking injured.

"Damn, you hairy monster, open it for me!"

Sanji scolded Ye Cheng.

"Thank you, Sanji."

Robin smiled and thanked him, and this smile instantly captured Yamaji, making Sanji instantly break his defense.

On Nami's side, Nami, who took the antidote, also woke up, but did not find Ye Cheng's figure.

"Ye Cheng's puppet! Could it be that I was hallucinating?

Nami immediately asked about Choba.

"He helped you absorb most of the toxins and dissipated."

Choiba answered immediately.

"Ye Cheng, thank you."

Nami also laughed, and then looked at the sky.

"The storm is coming, only this method can defeat this golden lion!"

Nami suddenly thought of something and directed the two to take her to the control room.

Nami is ready to borrow the power of nature and cooperate with Luffy to solve the golden lion Shiki.

Under Nami's command, the entire island moved to the very center of the storm.

"Kill Draco!"

Usopp first made a move.

Nami attracted the attention of the golden lion again.

The moment the golden lion attacked Nami, Ye Cheng had already manipulated her hair below to pull Nami back.

"Luffy! It's now!

Ye Cheng suddenly shouted.

The white hair on his head suddenly stood up.

"Third gear bone balloon!"

Luffy directly uses the third gear.

The golden lion below was not stupid and was ready to escape, but Ye Cheng was ready to backhand.

"My black flame is not so easy to catch."

Ye Cheng induced the hair hidden in the golden lion's body, causing its injuries to erupt instantly.

"Ahem~ what's going on?"

The golden lion covered his chest.

At this time, Luffy's huge foot had appeared, triggering the heavenly thunder, and shattering the entire island with one blow.

"Abominable! It was stopped by the man in the East China Sea again..." The

golden lion sighed unwillingly, but a relieved smile appeared on his face.

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