Ye Cheng had to give up temporarily and began to comfort the jealous Nami.


At this moment, three flying fish suddenly appeared in the sky and flew towards the Sunshine.

"Black Feather!"

These three guys, thinking they had occupied the air superiority, laughed directly.

But they were happy too early, Ye Cheng directly floated in the air, and countless hairs directly sealed their possibility of escape.

"Your mount is good, I want it, as for a few of you, give me a good prisoner."

With just a few breaths, Ye Cheng captured the three of them back.

"Franky, these three flying fish are handed over to you, so you can add a few vehicles for us."

"No problem, leave it to me."

Frankie directly carried the three flying fish away and began his own magic transformation.

As for these prisoners, they were handed over to Luffy to deal with.

"That's awesome! Ye Cheng.

Luffy had long wanted to ride the flying fish, and immediately followed Franky to carry these flying fish.

However, when Nami knew that the object of rescue was the reformed Kohachi, she also generously forgave the other party.

And then there is the battle with Dibaru, the leader of the Flying Fish Knights.

Luffy accidentally fell into the sea directly.

In the next battle, Ye Cheng did not intervene again, and these few small minions were handed over to the crew to solve.

Ye Cheng hugged Perona and began to watch the play.

For Ye Cheng's paddling, everyone is also accustomed to it, after all, Ye Cheng made a move, these people are really not enough to fight.

Soon, the leader of the opposing side, Dibaru, appeared.

This guy doesn't have much strength, but he wants to find Sanji for revenge.

It is also because he looks exactly like Yamaji's wanted order.

"Hahaha~ this guy is also too ~ hahaha~"

Ye Cheng, who was watching the play on the side, couldn't help laughing.

"Sanji, is this your fellow brother? Haha~

""Long-haired monster, you shut up for me!"

Sanzhi was directly furious, cursed Ye Cheng, and rushed directly to this impostor.

And this Dibaru did not talk about martial virtue, and directly threw a huge anchor towards the Sunshine.

Fortunately, French was prepared and used the spiral lion to retreat urgently.

He opened the wheelhouse at the bow of the ship and took out the Sunshine's secret weapon, the Lion Roar.

As the lion's head of the Sunshine opened its mouth, a huge shockwave was launched.

Most of the island and those airships were directly bombarded.

And Luffy's side also suddenly awakened the overlord color, which frightened Dibalu's mount and fainted.

"Luffy's overlord color?"

Ye Cheng had just seen a special fluctuation.

Sanji also swam up from the water at this time.

Then against Dibalu is a plastic kick.

Dibalu instantly changed his appearance and became a handsome man.

"Well, that's too far-fetched, isn't it?"

Ye Cheng was a little speechless, but he didn't care too much, but looked at Nami on the side.

"Nami, are you all right? Do you remember your hometown?

Ye Cheng put his arm around Nami and comforted her in a low voice.

The Sunshine began to sail slowly after rescuing Xiaoba and Kemi.

In gratitude, Kohachi also made his takoyaki.

Not to mention, this guy's craft is indeed okay, it can only be said that it is worthy of being an octopus.

After the plastic surgery, Dibalu also appeared again to express his gratitude, and Luffy also returned the three flying fish to each other, and the friendship between the two sides was formed.

The Sunshine moved slowly, and everyone also asked Xiaoba and Kemi how to land on Fishman Island and then go to the New World.

In fact, it is very simple, there are only two ways to cross the red earth continent.

One is to pass through the Holy Land of Mary Joa above, walk through, and take the customs road.

And the other way is to go underwater.

It is basically not feasible to walk by land, so the only option is to use the waterway.

There is a large hole at the bottom of this red earth continent, which is about 10,000 meters below the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

Just let the boat coat, you can reach the effect of the submarine.

And the place they are going to now is the Chambord Islands, also known as Bubble Island.

This amazing island is an archipelago connected by 79 huge mangrove trees.

From time to time, huge bubbles will fly on the ground, which is also the origin of Bubble Island.

"It's really good here, it's just..." Ye

Cheng sighed, suddenly pulled the three girls over, and kissed everyone's forehead.

"What's wrong, Ye Cheng?"

Robin noticed Ye Cheng's strange appearance and asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that there is always a sense of foreboding in my heart, I hope this premonition will not come true."

Ye Cheng forcefully hugged the three girls in his arms.

"If I can't protect you, you must remember that my hair ring can protect you too, you know?"

Ye Cheng instructed and let go of the three girls.

"Ye Cheng, how do you..."


Nami and Perona also felt Ye Cheng's mood change.

"It's okay, I just feel it, let's go, let's land on the island."

Ye Cheng took a deep breath and smiled.

Kohachi and everyone prepare to start landing on the island, but for safety, Sanji and Solon are left behind, and Franky and Usopp are also to buy Coke.

And before this, Xiaoba specially instructed everyone not to conflict with the Draco here.

Except for these four people, the rest of the people all sat on the special vehicle here with Xiaoba, the bubble car.

Not only that, but these bubbles can be used to store goods as long as they are tied to the rope.

It is no wonder that these world nobles live here.

"Robin, Perona, you see? There is a mall, let's go shopping.

Nami directly pulled the two girls to go shopping.

Ye Cheng naturally did not worry about the third daughter, and also followed.

So Ye Cheng rented a large bubble car again and began to take the three daughters to the Chambordi Islands.

And Luffy's side also witnessed the atrocities of the Sky Man, but fortunately, Luffy was stopped when Xiao Ba was there.

Because as long as the Draco is moved, then the general will be dispatched and directly suppressed without giving any chance.

"Huh? Are there also phone bugs for sale here? Great, and the camera phone bug. In

order to leave a memory for the three daughters, Ye Cheng specially bought two and began to take various photos with the three women.

But there are always flies that get in the way to find fault.

How could Ye Cheng let these guys spoil the atmosphere and directly send a puppet to solve it.

"It's really shiny on the outside, but it's corrupt in secret."

Ye Cheng looked at some guys who were secretly solved, and directly ordered the puppet, placing a heavy hand, leaving no hair.

Not only that, but he also let the puppet plant parasitic hair, and if he wants to continue to find trouble, then this parasitic hair stuck in his scalp will directly erupt.

As for those Draco, Ye Cheng predicted the other party's location in advance with his sights and intentions, and deliberately avoided it.

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