"Damn, it's really okay to follow Luffy."

Ye Cheng dodged the incoming arrows and followed Luffy out of the cell.

"Luffy, can you give me a good message, what we have to do is to probe for intelligence, you are doing it this time, there is no intelligence."

Ye Cheng glared at Luffy angrily, took the lead and began to flee.

"Haha, I'm sorry, Ye Cheng."

Luffy laughed out loud.

"Listen to me next, what about your life card?"

Ye Cheng didn't have a life card on him, and inside the clothes that had been ripped off, he looked at Luffy.

"Huh? That's right, the woman.

Luffy thought of something and looked directly at Margret in the crowd.

"Leave it to me!"

Ye Cheng directly tied her with her hair, and then opened her black feathers.

"Luffy, grab my feet."

Ye Cheng shouted and began to fly upwards.

But Luffy didn't listen to him at all, climbed directly to the top, and then jumped down.

"Yes, or you can play, Luffy."

Ye Cheng had to hold the woman named Margret to keep up with Luffy.

"This beautiful lady, I have no ill will towards you, please return my companion's life card to us, it is important to us."

"Ye Cheng, you're too slow."

Ye Cheng successfully landed with her, looked at Luffy in front of him, and glared at him angrily.

"Do you want this?"

Margret took out the life card from his chest.

"Luffy, go ahead."

Ye Cheng took the life card and threw it to Luffy, and then chatted with the other party.

"Ye Cheng, let's go, go find everyone."

Luffy took the life card and found a direction, ready to return to the Chambord Islands.

"Luffy, do you know where this is? At first glance here, we know that it is not the Chambord Islands, and we want to go back, only by boat.

Ye Cheng rolled his eyes at Luffy and came to Margret.

"This, madam, can you lend us a ship, I promise to return it twice in the future."

Ye Cheng felt like looking at the blonde woman.

"This is a windless zone, no ships can pass through here, and it is surrounded by sea kings, and it is impossible to leave."

Margret said it truthfully.

"Don't you have a group of pirates? So how did they get out of here. Ye

Cheng had obtained some information about Hancock from her at the beginning, so he asked.

"Lord Snake Ji's ship is dragged by two fierce poisonous snakes, ordinary sea kings dare not approach, and there is only one ship on the island."

After getting the information he wanted, Ye Cheng also looked at Luffy.

"Then let's build a raft and head to the Chambord Islands."

Luffy went straight to cutting down trees to make a raft.

"This guy."

Ye Cheng raised his forehead, it was better for him to fly over with a black feather.

However, Ye Cheng would not say, even if Luffy thought of it, Ye Cheng would use other reasons to shirk.

Soon, a tattered raft was made by Luffy, and without saying a word, he went straight to the raft.

"Ye Cheng, let's go! Yes! Before

Luffy could stand firm, the raft began to disintegrate.

Ye Cheng pulled Luffy up with his hair.

"Luffy, I know you're in a hurry, and I'm in a hurry, but this can't work, we have to think of other ways."

Ye Cheng stood in front of Luffy and said cautiously.

"Your name is Margrett, right? My name is Ye Cheng, his name is Luffy, thank you for your information, we..." Just

when Ye Cheng wanted to continue chatting with the other party, the other party actually raised the snake bow in his hand.

"Lord Snake Ji is coming back soon, and if we continue to get along like this, we should have feelings, I'm sorry."


She directly shot two arrows towards the two.

Even more terrifying is the destructive power of arrows.

"This arrow is so destructive!"

Luffy asked curiously.

"This is an arrow wrapped in domineering."


Ye Cheng also grabbed an arrow and felt it, and a special power came from his hand.

"Is this the domineering nature of my heart's love?"

Ye Cheng still wanted to feel it, and other women in her daughter's country suddenly appeared.

"Luffy, let's run first, and I'll leave the borrowing of the boat to me."

Ye Cheng directly pulled Luffy and ran.

At this time, at sea, Vice Admiral Mole is waiting for Hancock's arrival at sea.

And the latest issue of the newspaper was also sent, and Ace's execution time has been set, just a week later.

He came over at this time and summoned Han Cook, one of the Seven Martial Seas.

If Hancock does not accept the conscription, then she will be deprived of Nanabukai's status.

But how willful is Han Cook, and she will accept the transfer of others?

"The concubine is so beautiful as a fairy, no matter what she does, she will be forgiven..." Hancock

directly gave the other party a dismount, petrifying all the navy.

But the mole wouldn't get used to her, and said a two-day deadline.

On Ye Cheng's side, he hid with Luffy.

"Luffy, don't cause me trouble, I'll go to the ruler here first to borrow a ship, and wait for me to return."

Ye Cheng decided to meet this snake Ji first and test it.

But it turns out that Luffy is not a safe master.

As soon as Ye Cheng flew up the high wall, Luffy rushed up with him.

"Ye Cheng! Let's go together!

Luffy catapulted directly and caught Ye Cheng off guard.


Ye Cheng, who was originally standing on the wall, was trying to check the situation around him, but he didn't expect to be directly flown out by Luffy.

"I lean! Luffy, ah! "

Huh? I'm sorry.

Luffy looked at Ye Cheng who fell and apologized with a smile.

At this time, Ye Cheng really wanted to hammer Luffy's dog's head, but now was not the time.

Because of this fall, he fell directly into Hancock's bath.

"Eh, what kind of dragon hoof print is this?"

Ye Cheng really didn't see anything, just saw the scar on Hancock's back.

"You see?!"

"Huh? I didn't see anything, sorry, I'm leaving. Ye

Cheng immediately covered his eyes, it was really covered, this Nima looked at it again, there was a problem if it was not petrified.

"Sister! What happened?

Ye Cheng was thinking about countermeasures, and immediately two women broke in.

"This man saw my back and he had to die! Miro Miro Miró!

Hancock used a sweet light wave without saying a word.

"I wipe, can't be petrified, what should I do? Pregnant! Ye

Cheng took this blow light wave hard and was not petrified.

The three women are full of question marks, and there are men who can stop Han Cook's beauty?

Ye Cheng was also bitter in his heart, he let his hair armor pierce himself countless times, before he could barely resist the temptation of the female emperor, otherwise he would have been petrified.

"That, I'm very sorry."

Ye Cheng quickly took the opportunity to break the window and slip away, otherwise I am afraid that he will really plant here.

"Kiss the gun!"

At the moment when Ye Cheng fled, Hancock directly hit the kiss gun, but was dodged by Ye Cheng.

"Hey~ Ye Cheng, wait for me!"

At this moment, Luffy jumped down from the stone wall above, and Luffy, who was like a big balloon, directly smashed Ye Cheng into the ground.

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