One Piece: The Strongest Admiral

Chapter 42 Brother, Do You Know Victor Vice Admiral?

CP and Marine are two departments of World Government, which belong to two systems.

Marine is the facade of the World government, belonging to the bright side.

cp is the CIPHER-POL directly under the World Government, and it belongs to the dark place.

Therefore, it is unreasonable for cp4 to investigate Oren's case.

However, allowing cp4 to investigate can also reflect the importance the world government attaches to it.

In this way, the mouths of allied countries can be blocked.

After all, CP and Marine are not in the same system, and there is no suspicion of covering up.


"Really, I was actually asked to investigate such a boring case."

A warship without a hull number was parked in Fast Harbor. On the left side of the ship, a man in a black and white striped suit with an oiled hair was complaining.

After the warship docked, the man stepped arbitrarily off the ship with steps that his relatives would not recognize.

The man's name is Garner, the chief executive of cp4.

Behind Garner, followed by a hundred agents.

This is Ghana's style of doing things. No matter where he goes, there are hundreds of people around him.

In this way, it not only looks imposing on the road, but also, with so many people following, it is safe everywhere.

Count Reinhardt waited for Garner on the dock.

Garner came to Earl Reinhardt, he took out his ID from his pocket, and then waved it in front of Earl Reinhardt, "My name is Garner, and this is my ID."

"Mr. Garner, this way, please."

At the invitation of Earl Reinhardt, Garner got into the carriage.

On the carriage, Count Reinhardt briefly mentioned some "coincidence" things to Garner.

Garner heard the words, but did not make any statement.

Earl Reinhardt and Duke Richard have already inquired about Garner through various channels, and believe that Garner will not believe their one-sided words until he sees the evidence.

Of course, if you want Ghana to do things, you have to give Ghana benefits.

Garner is a greedy man.

The carriage stopped in front of Count Reinhardt's mansion.

Garner and Earl Reinhardt entered the mansion together.

Although it was looted by the "Pirate" and even partially burned, Earl Reinhardt's houses were many, and they were repaired very quickly.

Therefore, the standard of reception is not low.

After the two sat down, Earl Reinhardt poured wine for Garner first, and then said: "This wine is a specialty of our country. It is a high-end South Blue red wine. I also prepared some for Mr. Garner to take back."

10 servants came to Garner holding the wooden box containing the wine.

The box was opened in front of Garner.

The box is full of banknotes!

There are 20 million peles in a box.

200 million Baileys.

Garner's eyes lit up, and then a smile appeared on his face. He drank high-grade red wine, "I will start investigating this case immediately. As long as the evidence is convincing, the violators will be severely punished."

Money can turn ghosts around.

The nobles knew this well.

What's more, Earl Reinhardt has already inquired about it, and Garner is a person who has an eye for money.

Ghana has framed many people for money.

A reputation can be as bad as it gets.

"Thanks for your hard work, Mr. Garner, the Kingdom of Arthur will never forget your hard work." Earl Reinhardt said with a smile.


Ghana received 200 million Pele, so it is natural to investigate.

As the saying goes, one must tie the bell to untie it.

I want to investigate whether the attack on Fast Harbor is the work of Branch 189.

That's very simple, just review the Marine of Branch 189 separately.

As for whether they will confess?

It doesn't matter, if you want to add a crime, there is no excuse.

Of course, the premise is that Earl Reinhardt is willing to add money.

Just 200 million Baileys? That's not enough for Garner.

Ghana comes to Port Wilhelm.

Order in the port of Wilhelm has long since been restored.

If it wasn't for the burning marks of the buildings in the port, it would not have been attacked by pirates at all.

At this time, Garner noticed something.

All businessmen and tourists who landed in Wilhelm Port are queuing up to 'donate money'.

Garner took a closer look. The money was going to the Marine Veterans and Disability Foundation.

"What will happen if you don't donate?"

At this time, a passenger in gray clothes asked.

Another passenger wearing a yellow hat replied: "Then you cannot enter the port of Wilhelm and you will be taken for investigation."

The gray-clothed traveler asked, "Why?"

The passenger in the yellow hat replied: "This is the rule set by the Marine."

Garner thought it would be troublesome to collect evidence, but unexpectedly, it would be so easy.

Just entering Hong Kong to make donations is extortion.

However, Ghana also admires the commander of the 189th branch, not only greedy, but also quite courageous.

Extorting money openly and aboveboard, this money-raising speed is faster than pirates stealing money!

Just as Garner and the others were about to leave the port, a group of sailors stopped Garner and the others: "Wait."

"What's wrong?" Garner asked, frowning.

The Ensign officer who blocked the way reminded: "Go in the direction of the queue."

Garner took out his ID and shook it chicly: "Did you see it?"

Certificate of cp4.


After receiving the documents, Marine Ensign knew that Garner was cp4, so he said to Garner, "What are you doing here?"

"We cp4 handle the case, do we need to explain to you?" Garner chuckled, he didn't pay much attention to Marine from the South Blue branch.

"Wait, let's check."

At this time, Ensign went to contact Oren.

Garner snorted softly, then smoked to himself.

In South Blue, cp4 can walk sideways.

Moments later, Ensign returned and Garner was allowed a pass.

Ghana withdrew his documents and swaggered to the 189 branch base.

At this time, Oren learned that Garner had brought people in, and he was waiting for Garner with the officers.

After Garner and Oren met, Garner took out his ID and the investigation documents of the World government, and said: "Received a report from the Kingdom of Arthur. From now on, branch 189 will be investigated."

Reported by Kingdom Arthur?

The Marine generals behind Oren were a little nervous.

If Naval Headquarters sent people to investigate, then they would not be afraid.

However, cp and them are not in the same system.

They usually do not deal with cp.

People are full of fear of the unknown!

After hearing this, Oren came to Garner with a smile on his face. He whispered in Garner's ear, "Brother, do you know Victor Vice Admiral?"

"Victor Vice Admiral? Of course." Garner said casually.

Of course he knew Victor.

Victor has been a supernova in Marine these past few months!

Garner is sure that Victor will be promoted to Admiral and even Marshal in the future!

Oren suddenly raised his arms and shouted loudly: "Long live Lord Victor!"

The sudden shout stunned Garner.

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