“Captain, we are about to leave the staggered currents and enter the windy zone”, from the observation deck, Lordan, as the most trusted eyeliner of everyone on board, loudly reminded everyone the moment he discovered a new situation.

“yes? Lola, check that the sails are stowed away and tighten the ropes on the frame to ensure the safety of the crossbars on both sides of the boat. ”

“Arms, slow down the steam thrusters to third gear, we can’t continue to maintain the speed of fifth gear in high winds.”

“Luodan, when you observe the situation around you, pay attention to your own safety by the way, once you are blown away by the storm wind in the sky, you also know the consequences.”

Looking up at the wind that had almost turned into substance in front of him, Samael Diri took a deep breath and quickly gave the order for everyone to move.

“The second confirmation, the sails are put away, the rope is fine, and there will be no accidents with the crossbar.”

“Slow down, steam thrusters to slow down to third gear.”

“I’m not the first newcomer to the storm, so rest assured, Captain!”


After a short silence, everyone once again reported their work.

This is the rule that their “Flame” mercenary group has had since its formation, as long as they are in the execution of the task, everyone must follow the rules, obey the command in all work, and obey the captain’s order in all actions.

“Everything is ready, through this last windy area, we can reach Kalenkaya, Ames, rush me!”

After receiving everyone’s report, Diri shouted loudly and asked Ames to control the Red Sun towards the windy zone.

Karenkaya is worthy of being the Devil’s Sea area that has made many powerful sea thieves in the North Sea even talk about it!

Even with a rough chart and good luck to pass through the spiraling currents, as soon as he entered this last windy zone, it only took ten minutes for Samael Diri to understand how small human power is in the face of nature.

“Captain, no, this storm is too strong, the fourth mast has been blown off, and the crossbar on the right side of the ship is not known, continue like this, I am afraid that before we reach Kalenkaya, the ship will already be destroyed.”

On the deck, Samael Diri’s face instantly became extremely ugly, he thought that he was cautious enough about the Kalenkaya Sea, but in the end, he still underestimated the power of this Devil’s Sea!

“Ames, add the thrusters to fifth gear, I don’t believe that our ‘Flame’ mercenary group will be buried here, give me full speed,” Samael Diri couldn’t care about the damage of the Red Sun, and yelled at Ames with red eyes.

“Thruster added to fifth gear, rush!”

At the moment of life and death, Arms did not care to wipe the sweat on his forehead, lifted the lever with his right hand, quickly turned the rudder, and rushed with full firepower. Sting up.

“Mast number three is broken, please pay attention.”

“Right side of deck to damage”

“The fixed table on the third floor was blown away by the strong wind.”


Between the violent blowing of the wind, one damaged report after another sounded, and each sound made Samael Diri’s face even more ugly.

However, fortunately, the steam thruster invented by Tom the Fishman is not blowing, and its strong power allows the “Red Sun” to maintain a fairly fast forward speed under the obstruction of the storm.

Although the time of two hours is short, it is as long as a hundred years for everyone on board.

“Ah, we survived, we managed to pass through that windy zone, we succeeded!”

Suddenly, Samael Diri heard the cheers of everyone on the boat, and looked up, but no, the black clouds had dispersed, and the blue sky appeared in front of everyone again.

Since entering the Kalenkaya Sea a few hours ago, Samael Diri had never seen this blue sky, only the black thundercloud with no end in sight.

Although the ship was almost wrecked during this period, and the “Red Sun” was also damaged, it was all worth it, because …. Karenkaya has arrived!

“Hahahaha, little ones, Kalenkaya is ahead, five hundred million Bailey is waiting for us, full speed ahead!”


At this moment, everyone howled excitedly, even Samael Diri himself, he couldn’t help but clench his fists and join the cheering queue.

Without inspecting the damaged Red Sun, everyone rushed to the deck and looked excitedly at the island in front of them—- Kalenkaya.

If the great tribulation does not die, there will be blessings!

“It was the first time in my life that I had encountered a hurricane of this kind of horrific one, and if Captain Diry hadn’t spent a lot of money on the steam thrusters invented by Tom the Fishman, I’m afraid we would all have died at the bottom of the sea,” —– Samael Rolla’s Memoirs


After a loud bang, the “Red Sun” has successfully reached the shore of Kalenkaya, a thick . The thick running board was thrown into the ground, and everyone rushed off the deck laughing.

“Little ones, this is Kalenkaya, the agave worth 500 million Bailey is hidden on this island, from now on, except for me who stays to guard the Red Sun, all of you will scatter to look for the agave, once you find it, you will return here immediately, then I will send a signal flare to inform the others to rush back, do you understand!”


After a cheer, dozens of people gathered in front of the Red Sun scattered, each leaning towards the depths of Kalenkaya from different directions.

For these mercenaries, how to explore in a new environment has become instinctive, and there is no need to worry about getting lost, just guard against some unexpected factors, as well as various beasts and enemy attacks.

On the deck, Samael Diri glanced at the direction where everyone disappeared, and couldn’t help nodding, and whispered: “They are all gone, then I will go find some materials to repair the ‘Red Sun’.” ”

Between words, Samael Diri’s figure had disappeared, and the badly damaged Red Sun was leaning alone on the shore.

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