One Piece: The Supernatural Talent

Chapter 126: One Person Overcomes the City

An aura that shocked and sluggish Lao Cai suddenly burst out, shaking all directions, shaking the world!

In this boundless domineering, as if to overturn the world and the terrifying momentum.

Seeing Rhodes walking in the air step by step, swaying up, he came to the sky above the yard in an instant, looked down indifferently, and stepped on everything under his feet as if he were king in the world.

Between heaven and earth, the wind is light and cloudless.

The loud shouts of the tens of thousands of navy soldiers who had gathered came to an abrupt end.

Yesterday, Rhodes awakened the overlord "Lust", and instantly stunned tens of thousands of people, and the spread ranged from the valley to half a small black port, almost the size of a small island.

Today, Rhode took the initiative to release the Overlord's "Lust" for the first time.


Under the domineering shock of Overlord Rhode's "color", the Eight Treasures Marine Powerhouse closest to Rhode was the first to fall, followed by the second and the third...

Pfft! Pfft!

Like dominoes, it spread in an instant, and the crowd fell into pieces like reaping wheat.

Except for Xuesha and others who were barely controlled by Rhodes.

In the second largest city in the Land of Flowers, all ordinary people were instantly stunned by the domineering arrogance of this earth-shattering overlord!


Those who can keep standing and stay awake, there are only a hundred people in the great city!


Of these people, more than half of them had expressions of horror and disbelief on their faces, and their minds were terrified. Not to mention fighting against Rhodes, I am afraid that they would not even have the courage to look directly at Rhodes.

In front of the real king, you must first stand on your feet before you can talk about siege.

"This is."

"Overlord's "color"... Domineering!"

There was a cold sweat on Lao Cai's forehead, and he was a little frightened.

The intelligence recorded the coma incident of 10,000 people in Heigang. He knew that Rhodes might have awakened the domineering overlord's "lust".

But the overlord's "color" also has strengths and weaknesses.

Covering the entire city right now, the terrifying range that is almost like a small island is something that even his grandfather's leader, Green Pepper, can't do!

Not only the range, but Lao Cai even felt that the strength of this Dragon Slaying Swordsman's "color" should be stronger!

"Where did the monster come from?"

Lao Cai reluctantly calmed down, his eyes were a little shocked, but there was no "color" of fear.

In the final analysis, the overlord's "color" domineering is just a skill to clean up the soldiers. Unless you practice to the point of Roger, the pirate king, you can only feel depressed for a while for the powerhouse who is on the table.

"Don't be intimidated by him."

"Our strength is still dominant."

He said calmly to his companions.

The country of flowers is at its peak, and the West Sea is a mega-power.

Armed organizations such as the Eight Treasures Marine Army and the Erbao Marine Army have been passed down for a long time, and strong men have emerged from all dynasties.

In the past ten years or so, the Eight Treasures Navy is the most prestigious and powerful one, but others, such as the Erbao Navy, actually have masters in charge.

Among the people who are sober right now, there should be twelve who can still fight, including Lao Cai.

Converted to the navy lineup.

Probably a lieutenant general of the headquarters, three lieutenant generals of the branch, and eight major generals of the headquarters, so Lao Cai is still very confident in defeating Rhodes.

Grody guards the estuary of the Land of Flowers. If it is overturned so easily, how can he protect the Land of Flowers!

The rest of the pillars took a deep breath when they heard the words and gradually calmed down.

"Eight Chong Fist... Martial Heel!"

There was no temptation, Lao Cai did his best as soon as he shot.

I saw him shouting angrily, and the whole person jumped up suddenly, surpassing Rhode's height in an instant, and then his body flipped, one leg suddenly turned up, and the back heel was wrapped in the force of the shock that almost ignored the defense, towards Rhodes. Kick off.

"Sure enough, he is much stronger than Abu."

Facing this scene, Rhodes looked calm, held the sword in one hand, and slashed out with an understatement.


The silver-white "color" sword energy collided with the impact force.

It was like a thunder blast in the air, and the huge Yu Jin rushed in all directions, knocking out all the flowers, plants and trees in the yard, and the walls of the yard were almost shattered.

The fight between the two was as if two warships collided, and the sound shook hundreds of miles.

"So strong!"

Old Cai's expression changed slightly, and he flew back involuntarily, while Rhodes still stood in the sky with a calm expression.

The first time the two collided, the winner was decided.

Lao Cai's physique and domineering are all extraordinary, and the destructive power of the top physique Ba Chong Quan and Wu Heel is definitely enough to match the lieutenant general of the headquarters.

But Rhodes is stronger. Since the flying squirrel battle, his physique and domineering physique have been enhanced, and his swordsmanship has also improved a little, and he is about to step into the realm of top swordsmen.

The comprehensive strength has faintly exceeded the level of the lieutenant general of the headquarters.

At this time, a casual sword qi blocked Lao Cai's full-strength blow.

"Let's go together, he's great."

Lao Cai stood on tiptoe, feeling a tingling pain in his heel, and said solemnly.


The rest of the pillars also nodded and took action one after another, rushing into the sky from all directions, using their own physique and swordsmanship to attack Rhodes.

Lao Cai immediately followed.

These people are extremely fast, soaring into the sky, and suddenly a gust of wind is set off, and the ear-piercing whistling sound ravages the world.

Xuesha, Gates and the others didn't dare to look back at the battle, they just kept running away, for fear of being affected by Yu Jin.

"I'm not afraid of low-end crowd tactics, and mid-end crowd tactics... I'm not afraid either."

Facing this scene, Rhode smiled, and saw his empty left hand slightly raised, as if holding up a void.


For a moment, the endless thunder and lightning surged out wildly, and the whole sky instantly turned into a sea of ​​thunder.

And Rhodes stood in the center and controlled the thunder, like the god of thunder who came out of ancient times, punishing the world.

"Treasure of Thunder!"

Almost in the next instant.

The power of thunder hummed and vibrated, surging rapidly, and then turned into countless lightning spears, traversing the sky and the earth.

As soon as Rhode waved his hand, the lightning spear surged down like a violent storm, covering the sky and the sun, emitting earth-shattering energy fluctuations.

Heaven and earth have lost their "color" for it.

Lao Cai and the others only felt that their faces turned green, their pupils were full of blazing thunder and lightning, and there was nothing else.

boom! boom! boom!

It was as if hundreds of naval warships were firing at this place at the same time, and the terrifying roar swept all over the place, and those who were still awake felt their eardrums tingling.

They all stepped back, and then looked at the field in shock.

I saw that Gatesnor's mansion had disappeared, leaving only a dazzling thunder light.

In the splendid light, twelve figures kept attacking, moving quickly, trying to rush into the sky to fight against Rhodes, but they were blasted down again and again by lightning spears like the tidal waves, bursting with arcs.

People can't see it, because there is a blazing light that drowns everything.

Only the outline can be seen, a figure stands still in the sky, motionless, the dozens of figures below are constantly struggling, shouting and screaming are all covered by the roar of thunder.

This is like divine punishment!

Incredible! Pirate's supernatural talent

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