One Piece: The Supernatural Talent

Chapter 345 The advantage of youth

in the forest.

"I'm in trouble, I'm separated from Xiu Zuo and the others, I can't kill him alone."

Ain fled in the forest, using the dense and complex terrain to constantly deal with the people behind him.

Her fruit ability is very strong and very special, but if you want to play a role, you must be unexpected, and it is difficult to take effect when you take precautions.

But in the battle just now, the other party already knew her abilities.

This book is nothing, you can't be surprised, just cooperate with your comrades and create opportunities.

But after hitting the back, the pirate guerrilla team led by Zefa was targeted by the nearby pirates, and there were more and more enemies. Several of them were defeated and were forcibly dispersed.

"I don't know what happened to Teacher Zefa, but Whitebeard II's strength is very powerful."

Ain kept dodging, but he was worried.

For them, Zefa is a teacher and a father, and they are very respected.

"Little girl, how dare you be distracted when you fight with Lao Tzu?"

But at this moment, the man opposite suddenly stepped forward, his speed exploded, and he instantly bullied Ain and slashed with a sword.

Ain was startled when he saw this, holding two guns and firing in bursts.

But the pirate's comrade-in-arms was astonishingly aware. Three bullets flashed within a square inch, and he continued to slash at Ain with one sword.

He wasn't going to capture Ain alive anymore.

Originally, I saw that Ain was handsome and beautiful and had a perfect figure. I wanted to catch him and sell it as a slave, but I found that this woman accidentally pricked her hand. If she continued to play, it would be bad for the boat to capsize in the gutter.

Ain is one of the main fighters of the pirate guerrilla team, of course, it is not so easy to be killed.

In addition to being good at using dual guns, she is also a female swordsman!

I saw that she pulled out a rather pocket-sized short knife and blocked it with a horizontal sword.

With a bang, the swords intersected.

Women have a natural disadvantage in strength. After a short stalemate for two seconds, Ain was slashed and flew out.



The pirates in the new world are very decisive. He sneered and rushed to Ain without hesitation, to take advantage of the situation to kill Ain.

And almost at this moment, a voice suddenly came from a big tree behind Ain:

"It's really embarrassing, Ain, being chased and killed again, it seems that you are a swordsman again, are you born to be restrained by swordsmen?"

Rhodes stood on the thick branch and opened his mouth slightly teasingly.

The person he just discovered was the beautiful Navy Ain he had seen before.

The last time I participated in the crusade against Spark with Taotu, I saw Ain being pursued by a pirate swordsman.

This time again.

Rhodes still remembered that in the original book, Ain was also defeated by Sauron.

It seems that Jianhao is really Tenke Ain.

At this time, Ain also found Rhodes in high places.

Although Rhode's appearance and physique have changed a lot from what he saw at the beginning.

But Ain often pays attention to Rhodes' intelligence, and has discussed Rhodes with Zefa many times, so he is relatively familiar with Rhodes' appearance.

She froze in place at the time, even forgetting to resist the pirate's attack.

Because according to the information, hasn't Dragon Slaying Swordsman already died in Kaido's decisive battle?

She still remembered that when she got the news, she cried all night, and the girl's budding affection was forcibly stifled.

But now, a person who was confirmed to be dead by the Warring States Inspector actually appeared in front of her eyes? !


Seeing Ain's dazed appearance, Rhode shook his head and slapped it with his palm.

The power of the rippling impact was layered upon layer upon layer, slid across the void in an instant, and bombarded the pirates.


There is almost no suspense, the pirate flew out like a broken sack, and the seven orifices bleed to death.

If someone cuts it open, they will find that the inside of the pirate's body is almost broken into powder.


As soon as he killed the opponent, Rhodes heard a crashing sound. He turned his head to look, and saw that Ain, in the extreme shock, never recovered, and fell to the ground.


Ain couldn't help screaming in pain, covering his butt with his hands, but his eyes widened, staring at Rhodes all the time, as if afraid that this man was just an illusion.

"God back."

Rhodes smiled and knew why Ain did this, he said:

"Am I so easy to die? Only four emperors."

"Jing bragging! I heard Teacher Zefa say that you are not necessarily the opponent of Kaido!"

After the shock, it was a deep joy, and the corners of Ain's mouth were upturned, and he couldn't help saying.

"That's because he has never seen my strength."

Rhode snorted softly, the old man Zefa didn't have the eyesight to see.

Beast Kaido is at most resistant to grass, what other points compare to him?

What's more, he is still young, and sooner or later, he will achieve what no one can do, kill the beast Kaido!

On the side, Huaidibei was quite surprised. He didn't expect that the legendary Dragon Slaying Swordsman, who was almost a de facto sea emperor, would have such a peaceful side.

She glanced at Ain with a slightly surprised look. She was really beautiful. Then, she couldn't help but be taken aback, because she saw a sign on Ain's shirt, which was the sign of the Navy!

"Zhanlong Jianhao really has a unique taste." Huaidibei said to himself.

"You're here, Zefa should be here too?" At this time, Rhode looked at Ain and asked curiously.

Although Zefa's temperament is a little extreme after the big change, he will not easily take Ain and others on an adventure.

When facing Spark, it was because he was unsure that he asked Taotu to support him.

Although he hates pirates, he actually cherishes children like Ain more.


Hearing Rhode's words, Ain suddenly woke up from his joy and said, "Rhode, go and save Teacher Zefa, he is besieged by pirates!"

Ain is a man with a clear mind, and in a few words, he made it clear what they were here for.

"Whitebeard II?"

Rhodes couldn't help looking at Whitebee.

Whitebeard sneered and said, "It's just his self-proclaimed one. Dad doesn't have such a son, and we're busy fighting the Blackbeard Pirates, so we don't have time to trouble him."

Rhode nodded, he didn't believe that a mentally retarded like Whitebeard II would be Whitebeard's son.

In every respect, it is impossible.

"Rod, go and save Teacher Zefa, I beg you."

Ain's anxious eyes flushed, UU reading www. grabbed Rhode's arm tightly.

"In which direction?"

"just in front!"

Rhodes glanced at it, nodded with a smile, and said, "Just right, by the way."

After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Ain to react, he reached out and grabbed Ain's fair and tender shoulders and walked forward.

Looking at the two who quickly disappeared from sight, Whitebey, who was left in place, blinked with a stunned expression.

She, is this forgotten?

After a long time, Wydibe couldn't help but touched his cheek, seemed to understand, and sighed:

"Sure enough, youth is an advantage."

After speaking, she was a little resentful. Although she was not as young as Ain, she was not old either. The age of 30 was the most charming moment.

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