"too strong."

The remaining ten or so strong men trembled, as if a basin of cold water was thrown on their heads.

Under the leadership of Crimson Wing and other strong men who were not weaker than the nine captains, everyone thought they could fight against Dragon Slaying Swordsman.

But Rhodes is too perverted.

Although he didn't have the almost indestructible physique of Kaido's beasts, and he didn't have the overbearing arrogance of white beard, but his speed was too fast.

Not only the movement speed, but also the reaction speed is ridiculously fast.

Like the extremely bizarre and unpredictable trapping force just now, it is easy to detect and avoid it!

This is very incredible.

Because in the melee, all kinds of qi are involved, and seeing, hearing and color are greatly affected, and it is difficult to play an effect.

Without seeing and hearing, even if a normal person feels something, it is unlikely to react, and it is even more impossible to avoid it accurately every time.

But Rhodes can.

Therefore, in the melee just now, he was able to kill one step at a time, killing all the strong men with chills!


The scarlet wings spread out their wings, danced in the air, and screamed in the sky.

His long scarlet hair was flying like flames, and the flames shot out from every corner of his body. From a distance, he looked like the golden sun in myths and legends, which was extraordinarily miraculous.

His strength is very strong, his ability is special, his combat power is amazing, and he is very valued by Blackbeard. If he doesn't want to help his family get a better fruit, it is impossible to join the Blackbeard Pirates.


The flames trembled, converged, and then compressed. In the end, it turned into a three-meter-long sharp spear, more flaming than the sun, and the body surface was blurred, which was caused by the high temperature.

Crimson Wing held a long spear, and the whole person arched suddenly, like a full bow, and that long spear was a sharp arrow.


With a low shout, the flame spear shot out like an arrow, and suddenly there was only this dazzling light left in the whole world.

It seems that the space has been penetrated, and the terror is boundless.


There was a dignified look on Rhodes' face. He held the sword in both hands and swung a magnificent sword qi. The surface of the sword qi was surrounded by surging thunder, with a silver flame, and he slashed to the sky.


The flame spear collided with the thunder sword qi, like a thunder explosion, as if countless shells exploded at the same time, the roar was earth-shattering, and amazing energy fluctuations escaped.

At the end, a huge mushroom cloud formed and shot straight into the sky.

The generated air waves slapped out like a tide, and some pirates were directly thrown out, flying sand and rocks, and the scene was very terrifying.

Thunder and flames collided constantly, and the crackling sound was incessant.

The energy levels of the two are very similar, but Rhodes is a great swordsman, and the attack is more concentrated, and after all, it is even better, breaking the sky-filled flames, and the aftermath slashed on the shoulders of Crimson Wings.


The Crimson Wing screamed, and Rhodes fell directly from the air.

Under the sword of Rhodes, his shoulder was cut with a ferocious sword mark, which could be seen deep in the bones, and the blood spurted out quickly, dyeing half of his body red. The blood that came out, with raging high temperature, fell to the ground, burning like a flame.

After Rhodes slashed the nine powerhouses in a row, the restraint force he received was greatly reduced, and even the most powerful of them, the Crimson Wing, was injured.

"We are not opponents, let Captain Shiliu and the others come."

Everyone was silent, inevitably showing fear.

To be able to get to this point, in fact, he is not afraid of death. Who has not survived countless lives and deaths, but Rhodes is too strong, so strong that there is no hope of victory.

Not being afraid of death does not mean that you want to die. No one wants to die worthless, nor does he want to be a stepping stone for others.

Even the strongest Crimson Wings were somewhat silent.

In the collision just now, if it weren't for the powerful physique brought to him by the animal system ability, he would have been chopped into two pieces and died on the spot.

But even so, the feeling of passing by death made him lingering in fear.

"Zhan still wants to leave, have you asked me!"

Rhode roared, and suddenly rose into the sky, striding into the sky, like climbing a ladder, stepping up to the sky step by step, each step spanning dozens of meters, the sniper bullets shot from all sides of the battlefield fell behind him, and even he The shadows can't catch up.

The long sword in his hand spewed out a silver sword light that was more than ten meters long.

His sword has no target, everyone is under his sword, domineering, contemptuous, showing an invincible potential.

"Too arrogant!"

When the crowd saw this, they were furious.

They lost to Dragon Sword Master because Rhodes was too fast to form a joint attack, but if they really fought each other, who would they be afraid of?

In the next moment, the remaining dozen or so strong men took action one after another. Under the leadership of the red wings, they used the means they were best at, and attacked one after another towards the sword light that fell from the sky.


Just like a thunderous explosion and a thunderbolt from the clear sky, in the roar of the earth-shattering, the sword light broke through the air, cutting off one attack after another, showing the ultimate edge of invincibility.

Whether it was physical strength, sword qi slash, or fruit ability, they were all smashed and destroyed.

More than a dozen big pirate-level powerhouses, including such a big master as Crimson Wing, were all defeated by Rhodes' sword as if they were destroying the dead.

The battlefield was silent at this moment.

Everyone was stunned to watch this scene, only to feel that they would never forget it.

A person stands in the sky, and a sword falls, overwhelming the heroes!

What kind of power this is, looking down on everything!

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates was full of brilliance, as if they saw the invincible scene of the old man fighting in the new world and staring at everything.

The two are different, but the aura they show is so similar.

boom! boom! boom!

The silver sword light stretched across the sky, constantly falling, and at the same time, there was a dazzling thunder around it, scattered in the world, and the people around felt their scalps numb, and static electricity danced around them.

In the face of Rhodes' astonishing offensive, Crimson Wings and others went all out without any reservations, and launched one after another powerful attack.

The two sides collided continuously, and the beating was like the sky and the earth were torn apart. The huge aftermath of the energy dissipated, and the area was sliced ​​off layer by layer, leaving incomparably dense cracks, each of which was half a meter wide. .

At the same time, when dealing with more than ten big pirate-level powerhouses, Rhode was also uncomfortable under the shock of energy, but he has special energy and can continue to recover, so on the surface, there is no difference at all, which is an understatement.

"How can it be?!"

The Crimson Wings and the others are unbelievable. Until now, some of them have bleeding from the corners of their mouths and suffered internal injuries, but Rhodes, who is one enemy in the sky, seems to be nothing.

How does this not shock everyone.

Their hearts gradually sank, because if this continues, it is likely that they will be defeated!

At this moment, there was a sudden roar not far away.

"Field, set fire!"

When Crimson Wing Field heard this familiar voice, he didn't hesitate at all, and directly stimulated the flame to the extreme, and the red flame instantly rushed ten meters into the sky.

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