One Piece: The Supernatural Talent

Chapter 413 Luck is smiling

Just when the Golden Emperor was worried.

The three people in the picture finally gathered together.

But what surprised the Golden Emperor was that Fujitora's attitude was unexpectedly enthusiastic, and he even took the initiative to say hello.

"Long time no see, Zhanlong Jianhao."

"Yo, it's you, Fujitora."

Rhodes smiled, he had already discovered Fujitora's breath, and he was a little surprised.

The Golden Emperor should be unlikely to invite the navy. Most of the people who participated in the auction were strong pirates, giants of the dark world, and even people from the Four Emperor Pirates.

The Golden Emperor can't be so stupid.

Then, there is only one possibility, the Admiral of the Navy came to him.

Maintaining order in the auction and protecting the civilians on board... Impossible!

Today's admirals are not so busy.

"Interesting, it seems that I'm not the only one eyeing the Golden Emperor."

Rhode thought in his heart, his smile became more and more playful.

Against the Golden Emperor at the home of the Golden Emperor, one admiral should not be enough, who else?

He doesn't know, but it is likely that he is also a peak-level figure, either the captain of CP0 or another admiral, and Akainu is unlikely to come.

At this time, Fujitora had already sat directly at the table next to him.

"Rod, how about we discuss it?"

"What's up?"

Rhode didn't care about Fujitora's approach at all, he smiled lightly, and casually threw a golden chip representing 100 million Bailey, and then smiled at Fujitora without looking at what he bought.


Seeing and hearing the golden chip, Fujitora couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. This is 100 million!

Even his annual salary is not so much!

Fujitora complained in his heart,

He said calmly: "How about you leave the ship now? Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be able to clean up when the time comes."

Hearing Fujitora's words, Rhode knew in his heart that it seemed that the navy, or the world government, was really going to take action against the Golden Emperor.

"Hehe, why don't you leave?"

Rhodes smiled, but after seeing the dealer open the cards, the smile immediately solidified on his face.

Lost again!

So far, he has lost 3.8 billion Baileys!

It's not that he has never won, but he has won very few times and won a small amount.

Hearing Rhode's indifferent tone, Fujitora fell silent and sighed lightly.

Still naive.

How could this man retreat just because of his words.

He took a deep breath and said, "Since this is the case... how about we bet a game?"

"Your Excellency loses, leave the golden ship, I lose, and I promise Your Excellency a condition without violating the principle."

Fujitora's words were loud and clear, obviously with great sincerity.

He is quite a chivalrous character, he has always made a promise and never broke his promise.

"A condition?"

Rhodes narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with great interest, "Is it okay to let you leave the Navy headquarters?"

"The headquarters of the Navy represents justice and what the people want."

Fujitora's face was serious and his meaning was obvious.

"But what if one day the people's hearts are gone?"

Rhode smiled: "Don't say it won't appear, if there is such a day, will you leave the Navy headquarters and join me?"


Fujitora fell into a long silence and did not answer.

And no answer is actually the best answer.

Rhodes got the answer he wanted, and suddenly smiled:

"In that case, I will accompany you to gamble."

Saying that, Rhode stretched out his hand, and just walked to the side, Baccara, who looked a little terrified, was pulled into his arms.

The two stick closely together.

Baccarat froze all over, as if she was close to the stove, feeling the intense heat.

Her cheeks quickly turned red, her nose was snorting, and her hips twisted and rubbed uneasily, making Rhodes speechless, and her separated legs tightly clamped her.

"Don't move, you know what to do."

The seemingly non-existent voice appeared in Baccarat's mind, just like a cool wind blowing, and Baccarat's somewhat chaotic thoughts became much clearer.

"He knows my abilities!"

Baccarat is very smart and thinks through a lot in an instant.

At the same time, although her face was still red, she regained her composure. With a gentle smile, she nodded indiscernibly.

"Well, this is for you."

With a smile on his face, Rhodes casually put seven or eight golden chips into Baccarat's deep career line, and then he didn't put his hand down, stroking it recklessly.


Baccarat didn't dare to resist at all, and he had to use his own abilities to pass the accumulated luck to Rhodes through physical contact.

Because of the particularity of the lucky fruit's ability, no one could discover the true meaning of this frivolous move.


Fujitora sensed this scene, and only thought that Rhodes was young and vigorous, so he didn't care.

This is a casino, and such behavior is not outrageous.

And he was very excited at this time. He never thought that Rhodes would agree to his gamble!

Fujitora had noticed Rhodes before, and was very aware of Rhodes' gambling luck. Although he was blind, his gambling luck was extremely strong, and he rarely lost at the gambling table.

But Rhodes agreed too happily, which made Fujitora hesitate, but soon, he gritted his teeth and decided.

On the golden ship, there are too many uncontrollable factors to fight with the Dragon Slayer Swordsman.

It's useless to win, Zhanlong Jianhao has a very strong escape ability, with their strength here, it is impossible to catch them, let alone lose.

Avoiding this conflict, keeping the navy safe and secure, and getting the military spending is a better choice.

"Okay! Let's bet big and small!"

Fujitora said that he decided to bet on luck with Rhodes. There may be other skills in other projects, but betting big or small is pure luck.

"no problem."

Rhodes is not afraid at all. Holding the goddess of luck, is he afraid of losing?

The dealer quickly shuffled the cards and skillfully opened them.

Rhodes and Fujitora are both top powerhouses, so of course it can be seen that there is no cheating.

"I'll go first."

Fujitora took a deep breath, with a solemn expression on his face, he took out one, and then he didn't hide it, he spread it out, and it turned out to be a ten of hearts.

The rules for the size of the bet here are that ten is the largest and one is the smallest. For the same number, the ratio is black, red and plum.

A draw of ten of hearts is an explosion of luck, and only one card can win.


Turning out the ten of hearts, Fujitora was obviously relieved, with a thick smile on his face, as if the victory had been locked.

"Ten of Hearts!"

"Isn't this a win?"

The onlookers all shook their heads lightly, which was very lucky.

"Tsk, ten of hearts, it seems that I have to draw ten of spades."

Rhodes spoke, seemingly annoyed.

The strength in her hands couldn't help but intensified, and Baccara's delicate face suddenly dripped with red, delicate and charming, she lowered her head slightly, and the sound of thin breathing continued to come out.

People thought she was being touched in public, UU reading www. was shy and excited, but in fact, Baccarat was entirely due to pushing his abilities to the extreme, almost transferring all the stored luck to Rhodes.

In the end, under everyone's attention, Rhodes gently pulled out the palm that was groping inside Baccarat's clothes, without changing the color behind him, he took a random draw from the poker on the table.

People's eyes moved immediately, and Fujitora stared firmly at the card.

Although the possibility is slim, it is not impossible to lose!

As a party, Rhodes was not panic at all.

The goddess of luck is about to orgasm, how can she lose?

He casually stretched out his hand and flipped it, and sure enough...

Ten of Spades!

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