Di Mu’s action is like in a ‘kung fu’ movie, the fire cloud evil god holds bullets with his bare hands, not only forcing the grid full, but also making the people who have to shoot and the others in the bar stunned.

Turning his head to glance at the man who shot at him, but because his body trembled (trembled) after being caught by himself, and his face was full of horror, Di Mu threw the bullet into the air as if he was doing it at random, turned around and raised his left hand to make a gesture of marbles, and also aimed at the man who shot.


The brilliant current energy appeared as a spiral plate wrapped around the left arm, and when the bullet landed accurately on the position of the buckled thumb in the blink of an eye, Di Mu grinned, and a violent electric current burst out from his hand in an instant.


A loud roar erupted in the bar.

An orange-red beam mixed with bright silver shot out from Di Mu’s hand, carrying a roaring wave of air and a speed faster than the speed of sound, and blasted the man who shot at him into powder.

Not only that, the silver-orange beam of light rushed straight up, not only fiercely crashed through the wall of the bar, but also crossed the street outside, and after bombarding through multiple walls in a row, it slowly dissipated until it rushed out of nearly fifty meters, leaving only a half-person hole in a straight line on many walls.

“The power is not bad!” Di Mu raised his eyebrows, and whistled with a chuckle, the move he came up with on a whim did not expect that it was not only successful, but also the power was not bad.

What he just did was to imitate Yu Gun’s best super electromagnetic cannon, although his current energy was not as strong as the other party, but with the magnetic force, the power was not weak at all, and it was exceptionally smooth to use.

Accidentally developed a powerful move, Di Mu’s previous mood because of being attacked by others was also happy all of a sudden, humming a small tune and walking out of the bar, leaving only a group of frightened guests and bar owners.


Although Di Mu was not interested in Yan Jingshi, the news that a Qiwu Sea suddenly came to the island spread out at a super fast speed, and it also attracted the attention of many forces on the island at once, some guarded, some jealous, and even those who wanted to be close to Di Mu.

Of course, among these many strengths, the ones who are most concerned about Di Mu’s appearance are the three major forces that are entrenched on the island and control the Yanjing Vein.

No matter how rumors were rumored by the outside world, they obviously did not think that Di Mu’s appearance here was just a coincidence, they all wanted to know the true purpose of Di Mu’s coming here, and they were highly wary that Di Mu came to despise the Yan Crystal vein.

Coincidentally, in order to cultivate on this island for a period of time, Di Mu, who began his cultivation journey, specially selected the most hostile place on the entire island, which happened to be one of the largest branches of the Fire Mountain Range of the Yanjite Vein.

The rolling magma was exposed, making the air seem to be almost burning, Di Mu looked at the harsh environment here but was very satisfied, the hot temperature and the cold ice and snow can not only temper a person’s will, but also can force a person’s potential to achieve the best cultivation effect.

“That’s it!” After Di Mu slipped around, he found a relatively empty scorched land near the magma stream as a place for cultivation.

In order to be able to adapt to the scorching hot weather, Di Mu withstood the scorching heat wave and carried a boulder that was several times larger than himself and started warming up.

“Commander Afri, I have already investigated clearly, that Dark Sword Hao only wandered around the town for a while when he came to the island, and then went directly to the Yan Crystal vein, which produced the highest output!” In a dance hall in town, a skinny man looked flatteringly at the stout man sitting in front of him with two scantily dressed dancers.

“Hiccup~! There is such a thing, come, call all the brothers and Lao Tzu to go and slaughter that Dark Sword Hao! The strong man had several scars on his face and was also dressed very richly, and when he heard the thin man’s words, he was obviously drunk and staggered to his feet with a burp, shouting full of arrogance.

The thin man looked at the strong man in amazement, he wouldn’t have heard it wrong just now, his regiment leader was going to slaughter a Qiwu Sea.

Even if you are one of the nine leaders of our Black Widow Chamber of Commerce second only to the Big Three, but that is the Seven Wuhai, it is rumored that one person has destroyed more than ten naval bases, this Nima is the feeling of sending people’s heads.

“Commander Aifuli, have you drunk too much, let’s hurry up and report this matter to the Big Three to them…!”


Before the thin man finished his persuasive words, an extra bullet hole appeared on his forehead, and his face fell to the ground behind him in disbelief, directly smoking.

“Hmph, Lao Tzu does things, Hiccup ~ Do you still need to teach, it’s just a Qiwu Sea, Lao Tzu will kill the man who damn the woman of the guild sooner or later, no, Lao Tzu wants to lock her up and play her several times a day!” The strong man of this family Efuri was obviously not lightly drunk, and he shouted while burping wine.

Many of the Black Widows Chamber of Commerce who were called out by him before were frightened by the words of their leader, although their president is a very beautiful woman, but it is a black widow who can eat people, if their leader’s words are known by the president, they will definitely be chopped up and fed to dogs like those traitors before.

Heh, no, if you report the group leader, maybe you will be reused by the president, and then you can get rid of the identity of the little minions.

Many people from the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce in the dance hall flickered their eyes, and their leaders also narrowed their eyes.

Efuri casually grabbed a bottle of wine from the side and staggered out of the dance hall, and headed towards the largest flame crystal vein that the skinny man said before, and although his subordinates had already thought carefully, they still had to honestly follow behind before they had a chance to return.

In the state of drunkenness, it is usually the second boss of the sky, he is the boss of the boss, and Ai Fuli is like this, in the state of the big brother, the drunk will bring his subordinates to ‘slaughter’ Di Mu.

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