
Suddenly, a baby’s cry sounded from the room, Di Mu was startled, turned his head to look at the source of the sound, and then saw a crib with a baby in a pink sleeping bag lying on it.

The beautiful woman who had been watching Di Mu nervously saw Di Mu looking at her daughter, and her heart was suddenly shocked, and she quickly blocked in front of the crib, looking at Di Mu with horror.

“Let my daughter go, even if you want to kill me, the child is innocent!” The beautiful woman shouted with a pleading face.

Di Mu was silent, but because of the beautiful woman’s words, but because of shame.

“Sure enough, empiricism kills people, Nima, thanks to the fact that I just swore that the owner of the analysis room is the daughter of the mission target, it turns out to be just a baby, the decoration here must be arranged by the woman in front of you, alas, no, it can’t be said that the judgment is wrong, this is indeed the other party’s daughter’s room!” Di Mu made an excuse for himself in the end, hiding the embarrassment in his heart.

“Cough, don’t say such stupid things, I’m a professional assassination agent, the mission says to kill your whole family, I will definitely kill your whole family!” Di Muyi said righteously.

Di Mu subconsciously forgot the professional assassination agent in his mouth, but he had hardened three hundred soldiers for the so-called man romance, and there was no elusive posture that assassination should have, but was full of the blood of the middle two.

Hearing Di Mu’s resolute words, the beautiful woman’s face showed despair, her legs were soft, she sat down on the ground, and the gun in her hand also fell to the floor.

She knew that people who could break in here could not be resisted by pistols, as evidenced by the previous shooting results that broke into the door.

However, the cry of the baby behind her was getting louder and louder, and the beautiful woman’s heart was shocked, despair was immediately dispelled, and strength emerged in her heart, she must not sit idly by and watch her innocent daughter die.

“As long as you are willing to release my daughter, I am willing to tell you the location of the vault in the castle, and you can take the money inside!” The beautiful woman raised her head and looked at Di Mudao tightly without giving up.

“I’m sorry, just now your husband said that he would divide half of my property, but I directly beheaded him!” Di Mu said expressionlessly.

If it weren’t for the beautiful scenery exposed by the neckline of the other party’s skirt at this angle, he still wanted to enjoy it for a while, otherwise he would be lazy to talk more nonsense with the other party, and he would have already cut off.

Rejected by Di Mu again, the beautiful woman was even more anxious, and suddenly, she noticed Di Mu’s expressionless face, but her eyes were looking straight at her.

The beautiful woman looked down, her eyes suddenly lit up, if it was usual, after walking away, the woman would definitely cover up in panic, but now.

The beautiful woman made a move that surprised Di Mu, she suddenly grabbed the hem of her skirt, then stood up and quickly took off the red dress on her body.

Obviously, the beautiful woman should have just taken a bath, not only exuding a faint fragrance on her body, but also wearing nothing in the red skirt, and stood directly in front of Di Mu.

“In addition to money, I only have my own body left, if you can spare my daughter, then my body can be played with at will, even if you want me to be your slave!” The beautiful woman’s eyes revealed determination.

Di Mu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly felt that the other party was so dazzling, not that the wind was too good, but that he seemed to see the dazzling radiance of maternal love on the other party.

Di Mu, whose three views had become crooked, suddenly felt some heart palpitations, and he looked at the other party’s clear royal blue eyes, from which he did not see any treachery and intrigue.

“Are you really willing to give everything for your daughter?!” After a little silence, Di Mu said in a low voice.

“Yes, everything I have can be dedicated to you, but my daughter must not die ignorantly without appreciating the scenery of this world!” The beautiful woman did not hesitate to be firm.

Di Mu’s eyes drooped slightly, and he said in a low voice: “I understand, your daughter doesn’t have to die, your mother’s love gives your daughter the qualifications to live!” ”

After the words, the ‘ink blood’ in Di Mu’s hand was slashed out, directly killing the beautiful woman who appeared with relief and joy on her face, but even if she died, the beautiful woman had a happy smile on her face.

“Maternal love, what a great word, I didn’t expect to understand the words ‘weakness is sin’, but in the end I still can’t be truly cold-blooded!” Di Mu muttered, but also showed a smile.

Perhaps compared to being completely reduced to darkness, it is not bad to retain a trace of truth, goodness and beauty in his heart, Di Mu thought a little warmly in his heart.

Picking up the baby who was still crying, Di Mu carried the sheathed ‘ink blood’ and left the room, and then walked out of the castle.

“I almost forgot!” But before he could walk out of the castle gate, Di Mu, who was holding the baby with one hand, slapped the door on his head, quickly turned around and ran into the castle.

A long time later, when Di Mu appeared again, in addition to still holding the baby in his hand, there was a large bag of packages that were taller than himself behind him, and he could even faintly see the golden light on the mouth of the package.

Di Mu suddenly returned to the castle not for anything else, or for the vault that the beautiful woman said just now, although he didn’t like money much, but there were many places where he spent money in the following days.

After looting the castle vault, Di Mu acted as a temporary milkman and left happily.


War is cruel and can also lead to the emergence of large numbers of orphans, in which case some good people will receive orphans or set up orphan shelters.

Di Mu naturally couldn’t really be a milkman all the time, and after he paid some treasures, he fostered the daughter of that beautiful woman with glorious maternal love to someone who was willing to adopt.

Of course, in order to determine that this family is not the kind of snarky person who abuses infants, Di Mu also secretly observed for a while and showed his superhuman strength, making a double guarantee.

After the baby’s problem was solved, Di Mu also left the town with the remaining treasures, ready to go towards the boat docked on the shore.

However, just as he walked out of the town, Di Mu suddenly stopped, and not far in front of him, a man in a suit was looking at him coldly.

“No. 110, go back and kill that little ghost, otherwise you will be judged to have failed this assassination assessment!” The man in the suit said grimly.

(Ask for collections, flowers, tips!!! )

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