A large number of huge sea kings are also stirring the current to churn wildly under the fierce grabbing of food, basically they have been away from a distance, but the Dragon Chopper is also violently shaking under the churning of the current.

“Sure enough, the deep sea is not a place for people to stay, next time don’t cross the red earth continent from the deep sea, or the sky is safer!” Di Mu muttered while holding the helm to stabilize the Dragon Chopper.

Although he encountered a little accident, Di Mu still entered the trench smoothly, and then continued to dive towards the bottom of 10,000 meters.

After diving continuously, the darkness around gradually dissipated, and at the same time, the current that was still a little churning was completely calmed down, and it seemed very silent.

The Dragon Chopper slowly appeared in the sea area of 10,000 meters under the sea, and at the same time, it also saw the fishman island that seemed to be in a dreamland not far away.

This sea area near Fishman Island, because the sea is located under the mangrove trees, can be exposed to sunlight, and you can even see the sun, which is very magical.

“It’s beautiful!” Di Mu also came to Fishman Island for the first time, and he was also full of amazement at the magical landscape in front of him.

After admiring for a while, Di Mu was at the helm, driving the Chopper Dragon closer to Fishman Island, and the stern propeller kept turning, making the Chopper full of power even in the silent and stable deep seabed.

“Well?!” Suddenly, Di Mu chuckled, squinted and looked not far away, where a group of huge sea beasts swam quickly over, and soon blocked in front of the Dragon Chopper.

Di Mu’s expression remained unchanged, his gaze swept over the sea beast blocking the front, and finally looked at several fish people riding on the back of a giraffe-like sea beast.

“Humans, we are the new Fishman Pirate Group, if you want to enter Fishman Island or survive, you must join our Pirate Group!” A fishman with a pointed beak looked down condescendingly at the Dragon Chopper, and shouted at the same time.

“Oh?! New Fishman Pirates! Di Mu walked out of the rudder, came to the bow of the boat, and looked up at each other with interest.

Unexpectedly, he also enjoyed the treatment of the protagonist, it seems that in the original work, Luffy seemed to be troubled by the fishman when they arrived on Fishman Island.

There are a total of four fishmen riding on the back of giraffe sea beasts, and in addition to the sharp-mouthed talkers, the other three are not the fishmen who appear in the original work.

As Di Mu walked out, the four fishmen also saw Di Mu’s appearance completely, and the sharp-mouthed fishman’s face suddenly changed, and the look on his face suddenly became thick jealousy and guarded.

“It turned out to be the Dark Sword Hao in the Seven Martial Sea, but even if you are the Seven Martial Sea, now in the deep sea, you will not be the opponent of our fishmen, how, if you want to survive, join our new fishman pirate group!” The sharp-billed fishman said with a sly smile.

In order to stage a coup d’état, the New Fishman Pirates also often hunt human pirates outside Fishman Island, making human pirates slaves or subordinates of their New Fishman Pirates.

Although the spikyfish man was shocked by Di Mu’s appearance, he was not afraid because of this, but was as arrogant as ever.

But this is also normal, if it is on land, even if it is to give the spiky fish man a hundred guts, he does not dare to say such a thing, but this is the deep sea, the fish man can exert two hundred percent of the strength here, and the human language, once out of the coating, it is only waiting for death.

In the heart of the sharpmouth fish man, even if Di Mu is strong, he will definitely not be able to leave the coating now, as long as he allows a few sea beasts to destroy the ship, then Di Mu will definitely die, and naturally occupies an absolute advantage.

Seeing that the other party looked like he was determined, Di Mu was really a little speechless.

To say that Fishman Island is also miserable enough, mermaids are often hunted and sold by humans, and Fishman and Nima are all this kind of heaven and earth old two, if it were not for the white-bearded flag planted on Fishman Island, I am afraid that because of the arrogance of these fishmen, I am afraid that some bad-tempered sea thieves have been destroyed by these fishmen.

Di Mu was also too lazy to talk more nonsense with the other party, and when he pulled out his pocket, there were a few more specially made silver coins in his hand.

Armed color super electromagnetic cannon~!

Both arms and the coins clasped on the fingertips were covered by the armed color domineering and turned into purple-black, and electric light appeared, and in an instant, it shot out violently towards several fish people and the giraffe sea beasts they were riding on.

Although the coating cannot withstand too much attack, otherwise it will break, but the super electromagnetic gun is with the farther the distance, the greater the power, and when fired, it is like a flash, and it instantly penetrates the coating and flies out, and the coating is also healed in an instant, and there will be no damage at all.

The orange-red beam of the coin was like a flash attack of death rays or shining fruits, one slammed into several fishmen and the other at the giraffe sea beast.


The current exploded and churned, and the spikyfish man and several fishmen behind him contracted their pupils under the instinct of death, but before they could react, they were completely engulfed by the orange-red beam.

The terrifying penetrating force directly penetrated the body of the spigus fishman, and even the shock wave formed an amazing tearing force, strangling the subsequent fishmen into blood slag.

The giraffe sea beast also let out a deafening wail, and its abdomen directly penetrated a huge blood hole to the super electromagnetic cannon, and its huge body flew tens of meters away under the impact force, and finally fell powerlessly on the underwater reef.

The other sea beasts were obviously frightened, especially after the death of the fishman who controlled them, they fled into the distance.

Di Mu pouted, put the remaining coins back in his trouser pocket, returned to the rudder, and drove the boat swaggering towards the entrance and exit of Fishman Island.

The outer layer of Fishman Island is closed by two layers of bubbles, if it is not in and out of the regular entrance, then even if it passes through the first layer of bubbles, it will be swept up by the mezzanine ocean currents to an unknown place, absolutely nine deaths.

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