In other words, if Di Mu wanted to get the domineering cultivation method, then the best way was to go to this nobleman and get the domineering cultivation method left by the New World pirates from the other party.

“Buy another piece of intelligence, now who else or strength is also eyeing that nobleman’s domineering cultivation method!” Di Mu pondered a little, and asked again.

In this world, smart people still occupy the majority, and only a small number will dare to sail blindly without understanding anything like Luffy.

Although domineering is the mainstream in the new world, there must be some people who know it in the first half of the Great Voyage, and they will also want to get domineering cultivation methods.

Since Di Mu could think of inquiring about this information from the Dark Exchange, there would inevitably be others who would do the same, and Di Mu had to investigate it clearly.

For this information, the beautiful staff like Di Mu asked for one million Baileys, and then informed that there are currently three forces that are also ready to rob, namely the heavy artillery pirate group, the mad dog pirate group, and the ogre pirate group.

For this situation, Di Mu naturally did not hesitate to spend another 1.5 million Bailey to continue to purchase the intelligence of these three pirate groups.

After that, Di Mu also knew the general situation of these three pirate groups.

For example, the captain of the Heavy Artillery Pirates offered a bounty of 45 million Baileys.

The bounty for the captain of the Mad Dog Pirates is seventy million Baileys.

The bounty for the captain of the Ogre Pirates is eighty-nine million Baileys.

Of course, in addition to the bounty, Di Mu also knew the strength and ability of these three pirate captains and their crew.


After coming out of the Dark Exchange, Di Mu entered a secret alley and removed the cat mask after getting rid of some followers who wanted to make a fortune.

“Looks like I’ll have to leave again right away!” Di Mu threw away the cat mask casually, muttered and turned to leave.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Di Mu naturally had to hurry to the small island of Stanlo to find the nobleman, he returned directly to the dock where the ship was repaired, and then rented a ship from the dock that was not slower than his original ship after paying a deposit of ten million Bailey.

Driving the rented ship, Di Mu quickly moved towards the permanent pointer to Stanlo Island purchased from the Dark Exchange.

As the beautiful staff member said, Stanlo Island was not far from Sarman Island, and in less than a day’s work, Di Mu arrived at Stanlo Island.

Docking the ship in the harbor, Di Mu didn’t care whether the unguarded ship would be stolen or not, so he landed directly on the island and went directly towards the location where the nobleman was.

Since he can be called a nobleman, there is no shortage of money power, this nobleman lives in a beautiful mansion on the small island of Stanlo, and the iron fence wall almost surrounds the hill where the mansion is located, and there are many guards within the wall.

This time, Di Mu did not directly kill it as before, knowing that there were also three groups of pirates who were also fighting domineering cultivation methods, Di Mu would naturally act cautiously.

He wasn’t afraid of those three groups of pirates, it was just to ensure that he could get a domineering cultivation method one hundred percent, and if it happened unexpectedly because of the fight, then it wouldn’t be worth it.

When darkness fell at night, with the sound of artillery fire, an iron fence wall of the mansion was broken by cannons, and at the same time a large number of vicious pirates rushed in with a shout.

“Give Lao Tzu Chong, kill all the men, you can play whatever you want, Lao Tzu only needs domineering cultivation methods!” A fierce man carrying a huge cannon barrel and more than five meters tall like a small giant was the first to rush into the blasted wall, and immediately roared.

This person is none other than the captain of the Heavy Artillery Pirates, Barlow!

“Quick, that bastard of Barlow has already made a move, and he must not be allowed to get the domineering cultivation method first!” On the other side of the wall, a grim-looking man’s face suddenly changed when he heard the sound of artillery fire, and he immediately shouted at the subordinates who were surging behind him.

This gloomy man is also the captain of the mad dog pirate ship who wants to snatch the domineering cultivation method, Blaisse!

Despite Blaize’s words, a kind of subordinates behind him pointed the cannon transporting Gulai directly at the wall, ignited and fired, and the shell suddenly exploded the wall.

The sound of the fight was heaven-shaking, and the heavy artillery pirate group and the mad dog pirate group entered the courtyard of the mansion almost at the same time, and immediately broke out with the many guards inside in a bloody and cruel killing (killing).

The guards and pirates died fighting each other one by one, and at the same time, under the gap in strength, although the guards were superior in numbers, they were still defeated.

“It’s really hot (hot)!” Not far from the mansion, Di Mu, who disguised himself as a guard and even changed his face, looked at the fire and sound coming from the courtyard and chuckled, and then ran towards the gate of the mansion in a hurry.

Di Mu had been hiding in the shadows since he came here, in order to lurk in after the three groups of pirates launched an attack and caused chaos.

“Don’t stay here, you can’t stop it in front, hurry up and help!” Disguised as a request for help, Di Mu was panting and shouting anxiously towards the more than ten guards guarding the gate as soon as he arrived at the closed gate of the mansion.

These guards had already noticed the battle in the distance, and they were all shocked when they heard Di Mu’s words, if the front line was lost, it would be over.

Under Di Mu’s excellent performance, these guards did not think much, and hurriedly supported the past with guns in the direction of the fight.

Di Mu didn’t move, and when he saw that he was easy and tricked away from the guards at the gate, he smiled and pushed open the closed gate and swaggered in.

In the hall of the luxuriously decorated mansion, more than twenty guards are nervously protecting a group of well-dressed and luxurious people in the center.

The group of guards and protected people were an emaciated old man with a figure-eight beard, a slightly chubby noblewoman who was one year old, a young woman who was less than twenty years old, and two young boys and girls aged fourteen or fifteen.

“How’s it going outside!” Seeing Di Mu, who was disguised as a guard, come in, the emaciated old man hurriedly shouted.

This old man was obviously the head of the family, that is, the nobleman who had obtained the domineering cultivation method, and he was undoubtedly full of tension at this time.

(Ask for collections and flowers, if you have the ability, it is best to give some tips, thank you!) )

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